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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Why else! 74 m voted for the USA ,that’s why. A vote for Trump was always a vote for America First, The Republic, The usa flag ,The Constitution, less crime , less illegal border crossing , patriotism. And not some communist / socialist radical ideas of a utopian society by the globalists . What country are you from? imop
  2. Largest crowd ever for a biden rally, me thinks. Protesters interrupt Biden, Obama, Clinton at $25 million New York fundraiser. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/obama-bill-clinton-join-biden-raise-25-million-event-with-queen-latifah-lizzo-2024-03-28/
  3. The left so busy to change the being of “ to be” . That judge isnt a expert and should be no where near the decision making! imop
  4. Our first time on the Island , last week. My wife & 27 year old daughter wasn’t thrilled with the Koh Ganja! Many of the outside events , beach scenes & hotel entertainment areas , restaurants was filled with second hand Ganja smoke! 💨 Even in the airport !
  5. I would contribute as much as other family members! If a Thai family member came up with 30k baht , I would match it. Heres another possibility! If you pay your wife a stipend like many do! Take it off her allocation every month until it accumulates to 1 m. But if you cant come up with 1 m than forget it. imop
  6. A nail in the coffin for the cultural Marxist supporters attempt to re elect biden imop. Trump save the Constitutional Republic. Before the announcement! “Kennedy is by far the greatest spoiler, drawing an average of 9.9% of the overall vote. Harvard /Harris poll released last week found he commanded as much as 15% of the electorate”. https://nypost.com/2024/03/27/opinion/rfk-jr-s-progressive-vp-pick-nicole-shanahan-will-doom-bidens-re-election/
  7. Oh dear ! It appears that Kennedy’s running mate , etched in stone leftest ,will pull votes away from the undemocratic Dnc choice to be POTUS. More bad news for the Presidency in Peril. Democrats ramp up attacks on RFK Jr.: ‘He should be ashamed of himself’ “I am personally offended and just disgusted by his campaign,” Rep. Robert Garcia (D-Calif.) said during a call hosted by the Democratic National Committee (DNC). “He should be ashamed of himself. He should stop running for president.” https://sg.news.yahoo.com/democrats-ramp-attacks-rfk-jr-213706892.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS91cmw_cT1odHRwcyUzQSUyRiUyRnNnLm5ld3MueWFob28uY29tJTJGZGVtb2NyYXRzLXJhbXAtYXR0YWNrcy1yZmstanItMjEzNzA2ODkyLmh0bWwmc2E9VSZzcWk9MiZ2ZWQ9MmFoVUtFd2lkODU2X3dwYUZBeFVjOURnR0hlQlJBd01RRm5vRUNCSVFBUSZ1c2c9QU92VmF3MW1jYkJZZjZ2MV9BeHBCcml3QV80bQ&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAM6TN5O7mHzmVxZDRxvZU7voQZP1Y8OPZ2tfeIT0KpH9Ol6nu7jnfkGSlXCHX4wN4_Ui4RbLQt7OggfuFZx7ftzsn36FQwCgbUFVBmdP7I-9FHVCLDhRCSeTM9RndcpI-wuxZn9vJd42SePJ6VcInkQQXUE4hzJWkL1XHmY-R0Mu
  8. Looking over your shoulder for thousands of years gets tiresome after awhile, i imagine . A sane & responsible society would want to know who allowed the tunnels in Gaza to be built , without anyone questioning why! imop
  9. Roland was appointed by Toni Atkins, a Democrat who at the time was Speaker of the California State Assembly. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4560409-judge-rules-john-eastman-should-be-disbarred-over-efforts-to-overturn-2020-election/ More of the same dem lawfare out of California! I wonder if SC justice Thomas will recuse himself if and when it comes to that. Hope not!Mr Eastman was a law clerk for Thomas years ago and has a impressive Educational background in Constitutional law& jurisprudence. https://fedsoc.org/contributors/john-eastman
  10. I have an idea ! Hamas return all of the hostages. afterward as a sign of goodwill they commit mass suicide upon themselves . This willingness to sacrifice or martyr one’s terrorist group will truly be unmatched by any diplomacy going forward! The religion of hamas lives in a barbaric state of consciousness!
  11. Have you considered these air spaces are haunted by the ghost of the lightning rod.
  12. Thanks biden is using taxpayers money to rebuild the bridge! Instead of going after the insurance companies. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-says-federal-government-will-fund-baltimore-bridge-rebuild-2024-03-26/
  13. i don’t use AI ,Can you ask chat gpt if the Fbi or the NTSB can be trusted to have a transparent investigation, devoid of politics! Can you ask AI who is responsible for the cost of rebuilding the bridge?
  14. It should be mandatory for all UN & foreign govt dignitaries to view Schindlers List! Never forget ! You said something,Its about time Mr. Spielberg. imop
  15. Hope he didn’t suffer much! Maybe he had a stroke! No worries, RIP Mister John
  16. Well my country was a colony of Great Britain we had to be the tallest to overcome a tyrannical Government! The same thing is happening again by a Government who has Weaponized agencies to persecute the opposition party leader that has vowed to clean up a bureaucratic system (Washington establishment ) that has failed America First!
  17. A prelude to Nov 6 . The day after 45 becomes 47. Part of the liberal tears phenomenon! imop
  18. Majority of Supporters believe and support America & a Constitutional republic. My country was founded on a aggressive approach .The founders of The USA,could of been all hung by the King of England for treason, if captured. What country are you from?
  19. This calls for a celebration ,another Trump POTUS campaign donation, me thinks.
  20. Cute , Interesting, intelligent. Dinner & conversation. afterwards who knows.
  21. Constitutional Republic won another from Team Hammer & Sickle! imop “It’s ironic that Christ walked through His greatest persecution the very week they are trying to steal your property from you,” the message of support said, referencing Psalm 109:3–8. “Thank you again for taking the arrows intended for us. We love you.” https://nypost.com/2024/03/25/us-news/donald-trump-endorses-fan-comparison-of-his-porn-star-troubles-to-persecution-of-jesus-christ/
  22. “the question remains: why would an otherwise normal young woman construct such elaborate falsehoods”? Many sick deviants hide in their shell , until its time to become a Jekel & Hyde. The story is vague of her self inflicted injuries! imop
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