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Everything posted by riclag

  1. I was in Phuket recently and watched the sky parasail rides on the beach , great entertainment while relaxing and passing the time. Many of the support staff helping tourists on and off the harnesses we’re flying high on and off the rides. I couldn’t see if the staff was participating in mind altering drugs while driving the boats. “One toke over the line” suggestion ,value your safety before indulging.
  2. Do you think Mr Z is setting a side any , how ever small ,of the billions he already got from the world for rebuilding . Me thinks not.
  3. How many billions to rebuild that nation if and when there is a compromise! There are questions Americans have in regards to how our money was spent ! https://mil.in.ua/en/news/the-u-s-congress-rejected-the-request-of-republicans-to-audit-aid-to-ukraine/
  4. That country rules by religion and thats that! The religion has rules for women! Globalist are held bent on changing this lol They want to live in the stone age , so be it. https://www.state.gov/reports/2021-report-on-international-religious-freedom/afghanistan
  5. Up to you ! But you better discuss how your teelac feels about your decision, cause you guys are gonna live with that. Ive never given a sinsod but I did build a house in the moo ban ma , where we and all of the dogs of Thailand reside !
  6. A truly exciting match with arguably GOAT players on each team! Argentina proved to be the winner after all was said and done ! Im happy for their fans ! Just watching them all come together during their national anthem was heart warming. One of the best WC finals EVER. still watching highlights ,over and over!
  7. Its never to late to come to one’s senses ,me thinks ! Good for him! Maybe he can help others to be comfortable with who they already are !
  8. It was a excellent match ! I was ok with the penalties although I was disappointed with the penalty call by the ball hitting on the elbow of a Argentina player! Imop I thought Messi was the GOAT at times but Maradonna and Pele are equal! So now one American football player in Tom Brady is the Goat ! And 3 other international football players share their sports Goat!
  9. When he brought in the Kitchen sink , it was a sign from the twitter Gods that he wouldn’t be playing favorites! ! He fired baker ex intel lawyer and wouldn’t allow the witch doctor infowars alex jones back! Then he cleaned up all the rest ,who dealt with suspensions of conservatives while exposing the fbi’s influence ! I think he bought it to expose the hypocrisy! I joined up right after he took over just to watch the wonderful happenings and I haven’t been disappointed! “ let the good times role” E musk https://m.tribuneindia.com/news/world/let-the-good-times-roll-billionaire-elon-musk-tweets-on-first-morning-as-new-twitter-boss-445305 Perhaps he’ll run it like the Washington Post Jeff Bezos, staying on the sidelines.
  10. I just voted with less than 4 hours . no43 yes 57 I hope he installs somebody else who enjoys similar views
  11. Textfree app ! It’s important that you get a good signal while talking ! I found this one was the best when talking with the Banks.
  12. Not enough information to make a determination as to what was agreed on “ entertainment”. when ever I invited a young lady over , we always discussed what was on for entertainment! I have never assaulted or abused them for their miserable behavior by using a substance to fake eye swelling in order to seek a early exit or my baby doesn’t have milk so i must go now , or literally tying sheets and covers together to form a impregnable barrier around ones body to sleep! Please leave now seems to be the best remedy! Fortunately out of all many entertainment’s have been favorable !
  13. It mentions skin color , black white yellow! Contextually its meaning signifies , it doesn’t matter imop Merry Christmas! Birth of the Christ child! I too am fed up with the nonsense! Hopefully this is just in the Uk .
  14. What is a Qelon ? What a hypocrite she is ,Weiss asks “ but if the story of Old Twitter is about the biases and prejudices and power trips of the company’s former overlords, the question is what Musk will now do with the powerful tools they created”? My guess in response to her is expose the left’s hypocrisy by using those powerful tools !
  15. If you come through properly ,the opportunity is endless ! Not sure about the other way ( purposely skipping by law enforcement )
  16. People from many countries not just SA . https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/fairness-justice/migrants-from-all-over-world-cross-southern-border-in-record-numbers
  17. You doxx you get suspended , sounds reasonable ! Musk's tweet referred to Twitter's Wednesday suspension of @elonjet, an account tracking his private jet in real time using data available in the public domain. Musk had threatened legal action against the account's operator, saying his son had been mistakenly followed by a "crazy stalker". https://www.reuters.com/technology/twitter-suspends-accounts-several-journalists-2022-12-16/
  18. The monsters weren’t properly looked after! People have king cobras for pets but they dont let them slither here and there or leave their confines ajar! Owner should be put in jail and dogs should be euthanized!
  19. Wrong! The owner is looking to install them somewhere else which imop could possibly recreate a similar situation!
  20. Nonsense!Let the experts inquire! 3 years is nothing in comparison to all of the other vax that were developed over the years. Read the article I sourced. “The quickest vaccine ever developed was for mumps. It took four years and was licensed in 1967. Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine was developed and cleared for emergency use in eight months — a fact that has fueled public mistrust of the coronavirus inoculation in the U.S”.
  21. President Trump pushed for a vax in record time , all while saying consult your physician before taking it. Nothing wrong with a state going after answers to questions that the GOVT AND COMPANY’s are avoiding to discuss imop “You can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. The government likely won’t compensate you for damages either” The govt and big pharma have protected themselves from prosecution by utilizing the 2005 PREP ACT. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/12/16/covid-vaccine-side-effects-compensation-lawsuit.html
  22. Just came from Patong beach . This will give those Kudo beach club goers something to do other than lay around their pool lounge beds ,sucking on bong water pipes .
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