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  1. Karl was looking to "make news" and, well, here he is! He's not a very good news personality, IMO. AOC wants to be the next Bernie, she more or less said it in her first campaign.
  2. If one were to go to the lot of an ICE* car dealership and torch one of the cars there would very likely be a chain reaction that would ignite the rest of them, but not so for EVs, as shown in the pics. I wonder if that brilliant guy from South Africa saw the advantage of that. *ICE= internal combustion engine (in present-day lingo)
  3. I disagree, I think the vanity of owning such a fancy, expensive car is a big factor in Thailand.
  4. Get used to this sort of thing, especially as relates to the US, Russia's new ally. And let it sink in that the US and EU are no longer on the same side. NEW YORK/BERLIN, March 19 (Reuters) - Several U.S. national security agencies have halted work on a coordinated effort to counter Russian sabotage, disinformation and cyberattacks, easing pressure on Moscow as the Trump Administration pushes Russia to end its war in Ukraine. https://www.reuters.com/world/us-suspends-some-efforts-counter-russian-sabotage-trump-moves-closer-putin-2025-03-19/
  5. A while back, in a different coffee thread, I brought up this business of keeping the Moka pots clean and some yabbo went off the rails and attacked me for it like I was personally slandering him. He tapered off a few hours later when he sobered up. I don't mind some sediment at the bottom of the cup, but I did some experimenting and found that it was what kept me awake at night, even after 12 hours without coffee. I stick with the Melitta-type drip: I recommend using the 2-step bloom method. I haven't been to a Daiso in a while but used to be you could buy a cone and the paper filters there, though if you can find them (and are willing to pay the price) I would suggest going with the Melitta -brand filters.
  6. Sounds like a farcical Brit comedy about a multi-million dollar grift to sponsor an imaginary raceway. Too bad Peter Sellers is gone, he made a great scoundrel.
  7. Sounds like it's harvest time in the Gulf of Siam islands. Maybe someone should take a trip to Mexico to learn how the big boys do it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narco-submarine
  8. I don't know if the term ever caught on, but some years ago teevee ads in the US would sell laxatives using the word regularity. That was the word that first came to mind, but a quick web search didn't confirm that definition. But you get the picture. Perhaps it ruined your breakfast.
  9. Does wonders for the digestion.
  10. I get the impression it is Erik's wife that knows how to keep her father-in-law calmed down.
  11. He comes up with these things to keep DT stoked. Tell me about the rabbits, George . . .
  12. Maybe things would be better if they stuck with inhaling pods of washing soap. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/laundry-detergent-pod-challenge-risks-to-teens
  13. I think this is just a bit of French humor, maybe even thought up by people other than the one who is supposed to have said it. And team T jumps on it, adds it to the smokescreen of distractions from what they are really up to. Whether it is just histrionics for the teevee or otherwise, making veiled threats of taking over other lands looks bad, not everyone has his sense of humor.
  14. DT is not a humanitarian nor a good human being. If you need to ask why you need to do some reading and critical thinking. Every step he makes is transactional. Why is he defending the Uighurs? My guess is he is choosing to go up against Xi. And he thinks Putin is going to side with him against China. It doesn't get much mention in the US press, but China has it's own kind of globalism in the works. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belt_and_Road_Initiative
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