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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Have a look at the incident of when McCarthy attempted to put him on the committee. Liz Cheney said he was potentially a material witness. I think Jimmy J immediately cr_pped his pants when he heard those words. There's a vid clip of him being asked about talking to DT on the phone a day or two after that, and he replies with nervous babble, like a shoplifter caught with merchandise under his coat. The guy is a straight-up bully -- he's the tough guy when he has the numbers on his side, but cowers in the corner otherwise. This stuff about the committee being unconstitutional is, if nothing else, a ploy to run out the clock. I believe that, unfortunately, this mess will not be settled in time for the 2024 election. 2028 maybe, but the electoral process may be passe by then. Jordan also is tied to the Penn State sex scandal of a few years back, it's alleged he saw things but didn't report them -- search and ye shall find. Curious he was never taken to task on it.
  2. And then there is the rain. After an hour or two of it coming down in buckets . . .
  3. The shenanigans of 1/6 can be viewed as a test bed for future antics. Look at what they tried in New Mexico in the past week. More fun and games for the November midterms, you can bet on it. https://lasvegassun.com/news/2022/jun/17/screams-threats-as-new-mexico-counties-try-to-cert/ Is 40 feet close enough? https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/nation-world/jan-6-panel-trump-pressure-pence/507-8b2caeb9-4cbb-426c-ad91-12f8cc850daf The whole thing hinged on him, and he stood up to the insanity. The media is freely speculating on what would have happened if he left the Capital Building. What I'm wondering is what if the lynch mob did catch up to him, and his security detail had to fire their weapons at them? Would the Big Lie Believers be saying "no, they were chanting 'hang out with Mike Pence,' you know, like drink beer and watch football and eat chicken wings etc.? It was the day the yes-man said "no." My hat off to him, I wouldn't have thought he had it in him. Barr is being heralded for saying the coup plans were bs, but only said it after DT was out of office. But in his resignation letter he's still kissing the orange backside and saying it smells like roses. He is no hero. Like all his fellow sycophants he lacked the guts to tell the world just what this megalomaniac was up to. "And the Benedict Arnold award goes to . . ."
  4. Maybe he can incite inspire his followers to invade Mexico themselves, a la 1/6. Drug cartels vs hillbilly uprising. Sounds like a plot for a low-budget movie.
  5. I'm getting the impression the defense for Team Insurrection is going to lean a lot on the "I can't help it" defense. DT can't be held responsible because he believed alternate facts. Giuliani wasn't responsible because he was drunk. Anybody remember the diminished capacity defense? I have met a few people over the years who are arrogant can't-be-wrong bozos, but when they are caught out they retreat into an excuse about a sort circuit in the head of some sort. One insufferable clown I had to work with couldn't handle being wrong, and when necessary would say he is "almost dyslexic." I can't see DT pleading mental incapacity. I also can't see him doing the pathetic old man schtick, going to court in a wheelchair (is Bill Cosby still as crippled and blind as he was at his first sentencing?). Giuliani? All bets are off on that one!
  6. As for the tactic of the Russians handing out Russian passports in occupied Ukraine, can you imagine if he did that in Mexico? Those patriots would be erecting their next gallows for the guy in the corset!
  7. This post reminds me of something from the past few days. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/15/small-county-new-mexico-shows-where-big-lie-delusions-can-lead/ “When I certify stuff that I don’t know is right,” County Commissioner Vickie Marquardt said during the hearing, “I feel like I’m being dishonest because in my heart I don’t know if it is right.” So rather than evidence it goes by 'feelings' now, eh? You are also going off script, Giuliani said the ballots were in shopping carts and wastepaper baskets. Better get together and get your fictions straight.
  8. I agree with the idea that the Mueller Report should be revisited, now that Barr is out of the way. Also it should extend to the former president's proclivity to side with Putin over the reporting from his own gov't's agencies -- what's up with that? (If you don't know what I mean lookup the Helsinki fiasco.) Sounds like colluding with a foreign adversary to me, which translates to treason. The guy with the orange face ain't sitting in the Presidential Seat no more, so no more of this "un-indictable" protection. And there ain't no executive privilege. Why did Mueller let Barr hijack his report? Because he was afraid of the Republicans, he said so in not as many words. Why did Comey throw Hillary under the bus just before the 2016 election? Because he was afraid of the Republicans, he said so in just about as many words. See the pattern? When was the last time you heard anyone say the were afraid of the Dems?
  9. Maybe someone at DOJ took a hint from this thread: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/justice-department-says-jan-6-committee-interview-transcripts-critical-rcna33995
  10. What? Forcing monkeys to climb trees? Absolutely barbaric! What next, people riding on elephants? A certain cooking tv show says they did some research of various brands and recommend the brand Aroy-D. I concur. Some of the other Thai imports in the US separate into cream and water while canned, even if I shake them up before opening -- not a big deal, I just stir it up. Aroy-D does not do this, and costs a little bit more.
  11. Unfortunately Fetterman's health may be a problem. I first heard of him when he called back at some DT booster regarding evidence of voter fraud. He's the kind of gutsy, no bs guy the Dems desperately need, I wish him well. https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/john-fetterman-election-fraud-reward-request-texas-lt-governor/ Doesn't he look like Shrek?
  12. I recall one evening after watching a debate for 2019-2020 Dem primaries feeling down in the dumps because I didn't like any of them. I think Harris doesn't have what it takes, I definitely soured on her after the Kavanaugh hearings. The Dems need the Black vote.
  13. Yes, Harris would be sworn in ASAP if Biden died. Look to how much time elapsed between the death of JFK and the swearing in of his VP Johnson -- he was sworn in on an airplane. What happens next is mostly in the hands of the party. A new VP will be appointed. If the new president dies before a VP is appointed then Speaker of the House gets sworn in. Otherwise the Speaker does not automatically ascend to VP. When Nixon's VP resigned due to corruption allegations the current Speaker did not automatically become VP. The VP really can't be called a deputy president, in my lifetime the VP was someone you hardly heard mention of outside of campaign time. If you look back you'll find the Pres and the VP, historically, hardly spoke to each other: when Franklin Roosevelt died his successor, Truman, knew nothing about his WWII strategy. When JFK died Johnson had no idea what JFK's strategy for Vietnam was. In 1990s Clinton's VP (Al Gore, a former US Senator) took the initiative for a bill that allowed the Internet to become what it is today, an unusually high profile task. After that W. Bush's VP, a savvy b_lls to the wall operator initiated a slew of VP powers -- to say he outsmarted his boss would be an understatement. It is much to Biden's credit, as Obama's VP, he did not assume to take on the VP powers that Cheney enacted.
  14. If they weren't shot they probably would have died from a cannabis leaf in their soup.
  15. "I tried pot once and I thought I could fly. I went to the window to do it and thank god someone was there to stop me." I can't tell you how many times I've heard variations on that one since the late 1960s. If someone had a copyright on that one they'd be as rich from it as Jagger is from singing Satisfaction.
  16. Jatuporn is the funniest guy in the redshirt bunch, but I don't think he has a sense of humor. When he comes out with his babble you have to figure out if he pulled this out of his own backside or Da Boss sent him to deliver the message.
  17. The US had a "just say no to drugs" campaign in the 1980s, the pet project of the then First Lady. A few years later a problem with teenage alcoholism cropped up: no one told the kids not to drink. The whole effort fell on it's face by the 1990s when heroin became all the rage with the young rock musicians of that generation.
  18. That's the way it is in the US states where recreational is legal as well. I don't expect it to change anytime soon.
  19. Ah, back when my connection was an old woman fortune teller who worked from a mat on the sidewalk near Hualumpong. I heard enough stories back then of how the person who sold it to you would be the one who called BiB. Nice folk.
  20. Contact me, I'll come over and haul them away for you. Just don't tell your BiB BiL.
  21. This could go viral and people start going there to do the nasty and take vids of it just to spite these two. That's usually what happens when someone waves the finger of morality at kids. Well, in some countries . . .
  22. I hope you're right. Sometimes I say things because I want them to be wrong. Sometimes it works.
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