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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. I think, other than political parity, her and the orange guy have something that binds them: they don't want this case to exist. She wants to delay it until she retires, and he is just waiting until cryogenics are perfected.
  2. Distancing herself from the MAGA/stolen election wing of the party.
  3. I think they are prepping a presidential suite cell with the Secret Service advising. Maybe there will be a gofundme for a gold toilet.
  4. Don Junior 2024! Intellect, experience and charisma are soooooo over-rated.
  5. No puppet, no puppet, YOU are the puppet!
  6. There are stories that the prisoners have been discussing which cot DT is going to get.
  7. If by some fiat he is barred from running do not be surprised if Djr steps forward. I'm expecting the GOP to have an open convention. Interesting times.
  8. I always carry a very basic one. Forgot to put it in the checked bag when leaving Rio, when the lad at security saw it he got that 'child on Christmas morning' expression and that was that. He lied about me getting it back when I arrived at my destination. My guess is it would cost a few day's pay down there.
  9. judge in his New York civil trial “has gone crazy in his hatred” Exclaims the 77 year old man-baby during a temper tantrum witnessed by crowds of supporters. Now there is a guy familiar with craziness. Ok kids, your turn: throw him under a Fifth Avenue bus. No worries if he drops from a heart attack Scalia-style, daughter and her hubby have their own $$$. Uday and Qusay DonJr and Eric, on the other hand, may be taking jobs at Costco.
  10. Poor guy had it rough. Success at 25, million bucks a week. He was making the rounds of talk shows not long ago pushing a book. I'm watching him tell of his stupid druggie stunts wondering "who thought this is interesting enough to put on a TV show?"
  11. How long will he last as Speaker? My guess is out by year's end or early January. Let's see what happens with the budget; on the bright side, the GOP's long-touted farce about not spending sacred taxpayer money may finally be exposed and come to a head, like the ugly pus-wart that it is.
  12. I didn't know there was a place that catered to livestock fetishes preferences.
  13. He's going to say whatever he needs to survive. Just like the previous Speaker. He'd better be practicing his 'walking on water' to avert a gov't shutdown. But wait, is destroying the country his goal, like the rest of those guys? Senators usually find ways to fill their pockets holdings, but low-seniority reps can have budget problems keeping more than one dwelling (one in DC, the other at home). When the paychecks stop it's going to get real for them.
  14. Getting close to the edge there, buddy! Public tantrum that IS NOT in front of a MAGA crowd makes him a possible target for the men with the butterfly nets. Secret Service needs to keep a hypo of thorazine at the ready.
  15. Betcha he gets rid of it as first order of business.
  16. The commercial real estate market in the NYC area has a long reputation for being a snake pit. DT is just one of a whole culture of these grifters. And not all of them comport themselves as a cross between a mafia don and a Bond villain.
  17. I've lost track, are they going to keep that 'a single rep can toss the Speaker' rule that got Kevin dumped? They got another young zealot who will do what they are told, like Jenna Ellis. DC draws a certain type of person, just like Hollywood does.
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