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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Yeah, wealth. He says he's a billionaire, but he keeps asking people to send him money. He's getting a few million $ a week from his scenes outside of the courtrooms. How do his donors square that?
  2. It's all about stalling. There is a choice bit in there where one of the judges cuts the lawyer's prattle by telling him it was a yes/no question.
  3. Some animal parts are valuable for medical purposes. E.g. tiger weenie broth supposedly does wonders for the consumer's weenie. Gets a pretty penny, so I'm told.
  4. She would be great on a television game show "So You Think You Know Corruption?"
  5. from wikipedia. In NYC if a kid gets into trouble with the law the class divide appears: if the family can come up with $$$ they send him to a private reform school, which is spoken of as a military academy. If the family is poor there are gov't run youth detention centers: if curious about these places, check out the fictional movie "Sleepers" (1996). A cousin of mine got into a snowball fight that got out of control and bashed another kid up pretty bad, hospitalized bad. Some uncles I hardly knew got the $$$ together to save him from a place like the one in the movie. In the 2015/2016 campaign DT did say on several occasions that he "punched a teacher." Well, a kid that punches a teacher gets sent to reform school, and IMO this could be why old Fred sent him to the academy. DT is a few years older than myself, so I figure the school setup is as I recall: private and parochial schools ran from first to eighth grades, and then on to four years of high school, grades 9 to 12 (no junior high/middle school). So I think this transferring out in seventh grade could have something to do with assaulting the teacher. But then again this whole tale, and the educational history reported, could be a fabrication. Michael Cohen appears to have done a good job cleaning up his former boss's academic (heh-heh) resume. Fordham? I know a few people who went there, word is the Jesuits run a tight ship. My guess is old Fred bought his way into Wharton because boyo couldn't cut the Jesuit mustard.
  6. Prince Andrew 'spent weeks' at Epstein home When your official life-long occupation is being unemployed you have all the time in the world.
  7. I think there is an "end of the rainbow" factor: among the ones who managed to land themselves a chump and collect all the prizes some have come to hate having to live with genetically-inferior farang (aren't we al? ). As the occidental guys aren't arriving in droves like 20+ years ago I'm curious to see if the vampire-ettes attempt to prey upon the Indian and Chinese punters. Or Russians. While on a bus trip in Latin America once I was chatting with a 35-ish Brit woman who told me her recent boyfriend (Brit) left her for a Thai gal he met in LOS. She told me he would say things of the Thai like "she is so naive and simple, like a child." He sounded like a colonial speaking of the savages. I told her what a schmuck he is, and that the last laugh will be hers.
  8. What is she now? She ain't dead yet. I was in high school when the Supremes were on the charts, and when she went solo the consensus among the black students was that she was a piece of turd for abandoning the other two singers. Personally I've always had very little tolerance for that middle-of-the-road genre, I still call it "grandma music" even though I am now of grandparent age. Just thinking about it makes me want to play some old Doors stuff. But back on track: I'm in favor of DT dialing up the threats and insults, it reminds the world of who/what he is, even if it is all false.
  9. I guess he wants us to believe he owns it. He owns it. Said it five times in one paragraph. Otherwise, it sounds like a threat. Aren't there laws about that sort of thing? During the Watergate trial, there was an incident where a courier had to deliver something to the judge in the middle of the night. When the judge answered the door he was holding a shotgun.
  10. My god is near perfect: well behaved, doesn't crap inside the house, doesn't bark much or beg at the table when we're eating. My dog, on the other hand, is a cruel sort, otherwise he wouldn't have let me be born dyslexic.
  11. News flash!! Thanks to legalized sale of cannabis more Americans than ever now know how many grams are in an ounce. People now think graham crackers are called that because of what they weigh. Ok, to keep on topic, one night I'm walking down Suk in Bkk and this gal approaches me, she looks good, I show an interest, and she then tells me what I will do: I will take her and her friend (who didn't seem very receptive), and we will get a different friend's taxi (parked at the curb) and go to another friend's restaurant, and kept on as I walked away. Do guys really fall for this?
  12. Curious to know if he is in the same hospital suite as a late high-profile Thai was living in during his final years. I would think such accommodations would not lack for amenities.
  13. I had a buddy was in the US Navy, stationed in southern California. Not at all uncommon that his fellow seamen brought back Filipino wives. When the guys ship out, their wives are staying with their boyfriends before hubby's ship clears the horizon. He said they take good care of you too, cooking, housekeeping, and of course giving the man what he wants. If you have a preference for East Asian women maybe you should check out Japan, a country that does not have that Third World desperation.
  14. Anyone connected to the GOP with White House aspirations is currently praying to whatever deity/demon they worship that SCOTUS blocks him. If it happens that will cause an open convention (meaning it starts with not having a candidate). The convention this summer would be absolutely insane, I'd bet there will be bloodshed in or near the venue, possibly Milwaukee under martial law as the MAGA patriots attempt to use those guns they've been stockpiling. There won't be a liberal in sight, but no reason to think the "antifa in disguise" ploy will not be used. Again. It Was Riotous’: An Oral History of the GOP’s Last Open Convention
  15. The answer to your second point is the first point. "Just looking for customers" is actually a pretty honest stance, cash and carry is the old expression, or quid pro quo, which is even older.. Point 2 is they are looking for a chump, that's where the big money is, love those regular checks/wire transfers, poor girls whose lives are an endless stream of sick parents, sick water buffaloes, ear operations, etc.
  16. Here's a link to the magnets thing. https://www.salon.com/2024/01/06/presents-interesting-theory-on-how-magnets-work-during-rally-in-iowa/ There is also a whopper out there about him saying he wanted the military to use "automatic weapons" on the 1/6 crowd; he posted it on his own website, the news sites picked it up and it was disappeared immediately. So, these are "my people, they won't hurt me" and at the same time they were antifa in disguise as rednecks as coordinated by Pelosi. How are his patriot choir guys taking this automatic weapons news?
  17. I'm haunted by the realization that I didn't like any of those Dems on the debate stage in the 2019/2020 primaries. I refuse to think about succession if Joe dies in office. I did like Liz Warren chasing Bloomberg off the stage, I thought she was going to drag by his ear, like a school librarian. "You are so outta here, mister!"
  18. It will not be paid, ever, but it will be accommodated. Debt gets traded like baseball cards.
  19. Q: why is this man smiling? A: because this pic was taken before Ms Habba's statement. He may now have to recuse because of what she said. And then there was seven. Those hearings of the three Heritage Foundation appointees was farcical. Gorsuch gave stupid answers and maintained that smirk the whole time, as if to say "I'm lying, and you know it, and you can't do a thing about it." Brett cried. Lindsey Graham rescued him. Amy was practically a re-run of the first two, second-hand questions and the predictable second-answers. "I don't do hypotheticals." Check out the look on DT's face, it says "this jerk owes me big time!"
  20. They did a hell of a job moving it. This might be a gesture of good will toward the Cambodians, who still haven't forgiven VN for invading in the 1978, even though it rescued them from Pol Pot.
  21. But there is always Canada, and it seems there is some tradition involved with his likes. Randy Prince Andy could turn out to be a modern day remittance man
  22. This is a conundrum DT is trying to get around in his rants: with all the effort his friends and sponsors put into getting him re-elected he still lost, and right there he sees a justification in his accusations against the Dems, that for them to win they had to do some rigging themselves. Stay tuned to the campaign screeds, at some point he is going to spill out. It's like the story of the guy who picks up a street walker, pays in advance, and when she runs off he goes to the cops and tells them she took his $$$ but didn't deliver.
  23. That's pretty self-evident, who in his circle doesn't reek? We can all be fooled into letting a rat into our midst, but with this guy it is consistent. And just because some in his circle have turned on him and are portrayed as standing for truth and justice, well don't be fooled by them. E.g., I wouldn't trust Michael Cohen as far as I could throw him. When this NFT con came along him and his wife naturally drawn to it.
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