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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. He'll take it from his trouser pocket and put it in his shirt pocket. That'll teach him, and he'll think twice before trying it again.
  2. Falang no good! You gip munee and go home you country.
  3. He's courting the congressional GOP establishment, who love taking things away. On the other hand the health care and pharma businesses are rolling in dough from the hikes in medical costs since the it looked like the ACA was going to happen. The GOP desire to scrap ACA or anything like it is a religious quest, the "no nothing for nobody" ideal. On the other hand the medical businesses are lining the politicians pockets (both parties), so principles be damned. We had a couple of Republican Senators who campaigned for 6 years against it, and then raised their hands not to terminate it. Yep. And it ain't gonna change. Or maybe ol' orange face is just changing his tune for a while to take a break from the usual hate & fear effluvium.
  4. There were recent polls that showed people were buying into this stolen election bs in favor of DT, but the same polls showed his support would drop if he was convicted. Yeah, these polls are easy to toss off, but they do provide a heads up for what may come. Right-wing media is driving the sympathy. And it's the only thing that will work for the MAGA agenda (ha-ha) to get him validly elected. And getting himself back into the WH is crucial to pardoning himself and his cabal. The only alternative would be taking the gov't by force, beginning with martial law on inauguration day. Bringing this around to the current GOP primaries, I'm wondering about something along these lines: the GOP picks a candidate (by however means) other than DT, that candidate wins the general election, and the MAGA crowd "declares war" on the GOP in the run-up to the inauguration.
  5. Could have bought a submarine instead. I'm trying to picture the level of scandal that will be borne of this, a grifter's dream.
  6. Just out of curiosity were you allowed to serve prawns? I ask because I've been told they are haram but not many Muslims are concerned about it. Selected Muslim and Jewish writers sometimes bring this up with a bit of humor; the taboo is from the Old Testament, or so I've been told. There used to be a chippy near Soi Cowboy, is it still there?
  7. Bad memory seems to be a genetic disorder in DT's branch of the family tree. When he talks about what a great memory he has he is forgetting this. Can't blame Melania for these three. His niece seems to be the sharpest one to appear in the media.
  8. Thanks for posting that. I read an article about the Chinese police stations in other countries not long ago, sounds pretty ominous. To be sure they will keep an ear out for those critical of the status quo, we all know how much Xi appreciates criticism. I'm anticipating a messy extradition incident that will hopefully draw the world's attention, but I don't think that will be in LOS.
  9. Congressional subpoena can be ignored, ask Jim Jordan to explain it to you.
  10. Without brassieres life would be so sag.
  11. Now that he is officially a criminal (with a rap sheet) he has to work his way up from petty. Once he gets a neck tattoo and a felony conviction the record companies will be offering him contracts. And he'll need a rapper name, like Eatandrun. "I'm gonna eat your mo#!*%@! lunch!" Then he'll be dead in a year.
  12. DT needs someone who will repeat what he says or otherwise says nothing, like Pence or Kari Lake. If Hassan Minaj wasn't shirtlisted at the moment he could be doing Vivek impersonations. Anyone else notice how he made Sarah Palin disappear in 2016? I think in this vid he realized she is better at the word-salad babble than he is. He didn't even invite her to the inauguration.
  13. Something to take note of with your attention to Fox Channel: they will deliberately leave things out. A consequence of this is that people who only get their current events info from Fox likely will not believe it when hearing things for the first time from other sources. When the EJean verdict came in they got him for three out of four charges, the one for rape he walked on and that was the headline. Maybe guilty for sexual assault was buried in the final paragraph. Oh, and the GOP primary debates ran for a few hours and just finished in the past hour.
  14. I think the judge's shut-him-up-or-I-will remark actually penetrated the hair spray and made an impact. When you see vid clips of him exiting the courtroom check out the facial expressions on the bailiffs, it looks like they're just waiting for an excuse to kick his azz, just like with any other criminal. BTW, for those who may not be familiar with NYC, being known for buddying up to racist leaders will make you unpopular person there.
  15. Another case of someone bible thumping to the point of being conspicuous. That thing about his life being all about the bible is pretty stupid: so where does he fit in, as someone who worships the Golden Calf? Did he leave a relative for dead in a ditch? Does he see himself as Pilate? Or Judas? And so on . . . This thing about not having bank accounts absolutely reeks. These days it is near impossible to even rent a lousy apartment in the US without a credit rating. No doubt there are journalists looking into that at this very moment. Oh, did someone mention pornography? That was him! Mutual smut policing by him and his son? Hmm, whence did this concern come to be? He'll probably be out by the end of the year, longer if he succeeds in a gov't shutdown.
  16. It's a Ferrari, right? Or it's something to put on pizza.
  17. I take something like this for inflammation: https://carlylenutritionals.com/products/turmeric-curcumin-complex-3000-mg-capsules-180-count I still take generic Flomax for peepee too much at night. If people are considering going the tumeric route do a little research first, look for words like rhizome and curcumin.
  18. Backtrack, Jack. Axelrod on Biden: I didn’t tell him to drop out
  19. The scuttlebutt in the pundit-sphere is that Ron has ZERO people skills, and that the more people get to know him the less they like him. Among his other notorious distinctions is that he is the grinch that may be closing Disneyworld. (Nearly) Everyone loves Disneyworld, a very popular tourist destination in that part of the US. And a big $$$ maker in his state. What I would like to see is Disney shutting the park down for a few years until he's history. Personally, I'm not paying attention to the GOP primaries because they are and will continue to be a mess, and I don't see anything resolved before the national convention.
  20. Booker won't hold up to the scrutiny that he would be subjected to. The right-wing media has been making Michelle O. the ominous threat, and I like that, it gives them something to write about. If someone knew just a little bit about her they would know she hated living in the fishbowl, so no chance of her running. The exception would be if Biden was forced out of the race for health reasons, perhaps the party would put a big lean on her. Of those mentioned above, Harris and Booker would be the worst IMO. Axelrod used to be the very picture of a sleazy salesman, always the blue blazer. And the mustache -- can't trust him since he shaved it.
  21. Is this an alternate version of the browser? Couldn't find it in a search.
  22. I like that I don't have to register and log in. Yeah they can get the IP address etc but I like to keep my net identity minimal. I don't use yt that much anyway.
  23. I think, other than political parity, her and the orange guy have something that binds them: they don't want this case to exist. She wants to delay it until she retires, and he is just waiting until cryogenics are perfected.
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