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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. ♪ on that midnight plane to Georgia . . . ♫ Him I could see doing a "Vinny the Chin" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent_Gigante I think it was Comey who was the first to compare the individuals in T____ World to real mob figures. Lately the media is doing more of it with the henchmen (and women).
  2. Billy Connolly had a bit something like this, about eating brown bread supposedly helps you to live longer. That was before that mess happened to him, poor bustard.
  3. This makes DoD look bad, he is doing them a favor saying the kid was killed by Iraq, rather than US carelessness. It is practically 'friendly fire.'
  4. Bear in mind the people that work at these facilities are infamous for having a very low tolerance for the prisoners making requests and trying to do things their own way. Not necessarily physical abuse but accidents happen "sorry sir, we seem to have lost your paperwork, you'll have to stay the night here." It would not be an exaggeration to say nearly every Black person in the US is aware of DT's white supremacy and Klan connections, make of that what you will. He's been making joke hints about running off to Russia. Sigh . . . https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-trolls-fulton-county-da-with-plan-to-flee-to-russia/ar-AA1fBAhl?cvid=fdfff6b07c0e4f10df9fb74ce9587941&ei=13
  5. One reporter said Smith was staring him down through the whole court session. I don't think it was because he was mesmerized by the bright orange glow. Speaking of which, are they going to wash his face for him before the mugshot? Does Georgia still have road gangs?
  6. Recall that while Kemp was Georgia Sec. of State he ran for governor. His opponent, Stacy Abrams, said he should resign as SoS (SoS oversees elections). He didn't. Recusal seems to be something GOP pols don't do, and when they do it's with a smirk: thinking of GHW Bush here, who I saw on a talk show before the 2000 election was settled and said "I have to re-CLOOZ myself" like he was cracking a condescending joke. But back to GA, Abrams did some shaking up down there prior to the election and quite a bit of the mess she fought was met in court with "you're right, we'll fix that, but not before this election because it's too soon." Talk about bs. So I warn all that these "hero of the day" characters (Liz Cheney, Kemp, Pence, et al) are still who they were before the orange blight came along. The GOP doesn't want visionaries, they want a president that will sign their legislation, which Grover Norquist had the temerity to say outright during the 2012 primaries.
  7. Trump Urges Georgia GOP To Impeach Fani Willis For Prosecuting Him—Here’s Why That’s Unlikely
  8. That guy in the shorts feels it's too hot for a shirt, but the fully-dressed guy in the yellow trousers seems to be doing ok.
  9. This is ridiculous. Tapper is a schmuck that reports the news. Just because he reports things you may not want to hear doesn't make him a lefty commie liberal jihadi. CNN as a leftist info source? That's a joke, right? If you don't want the news to be that you are a criminal, maybe you shouldn't commit crimes. It really is a simple as that. [disclaimer: I actually hate CNN, some of their on-air talent (no names) are unintended jokes; in 2005 or so BBC World decided it was going to be CNN, lousy idea]
  10. From what I heard from a farang friend who lived in Japan, it's the Japanese men who will dive under the table to look up the skirts. And take pictures.
  11. "Tissues? What do mean 'what are my tissues?' I don't have any tissues. Oh, you said issues. Well, I don't have any of those either!" As for whether debates serve any purpose, think of it this way: in 2016 he gave a shout-out to his Russian friends ("if you're listening") and in 2020 he directly addressed the people who would have a starring role in 1/6. Maybe this time he'll crash the party, just walk in unannounced and make the contestants mess their pants. He'll do like in 2016, insult each of them one by one down the line.
  12. Might be the start of rumors that he's not running, or that he's planning on running away. All these comers know that if he drops out it's a whole new primary.
  13. I wonder if this had something to do with the bust, came out around the same time https://www.aljazeera.com/program/101-east/2023/8/17/inside-thailands-child-sex-tourism-trade
  14. The late queen's revenge against what is now the USA for The Revolutionary War. Quoth she: "send this dipstick across the pond, they deserve him!" Rumor is his mum named him that at birth, but she actually was saying "take him down to the piers and toss him off."
  15. There is buzz that Pheu Thai is no longer in his pocket, but that could be a ploy of some sort. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/opinion/2023/08/20/opinion-thaksin-returning-pheu-thai-in-bed-with-military-parties-what-about-thailand/ One thing I learned from following him and his antics back in the '00s: nearly everything he says is the opposite of the truth. Like the first time he returned to LOS from being on the lam he said he was no longer getting involved in politics. Even the gal doing the English language news on TV said "yeah, right."
  16. Great example of their accusations being their own admissions. If they had the goods on Biden or anyone else there would be new F-channel alerts every half-hour until the 2024 election. But who is the one that likes to say anything against him is a witch hunt/hoax/fake news etc? So Tapper admits DT was right. Once. Would F-channel and RT made such admission about anyone outside of the US fascist initiative?
  17. And if they decide to welch on the deal and lock him away Monte Christo-style what is he going to do about it, other than hope his lawyers get it into court?
  18. The bargirls for the most part will not gowityu with Thai guys, or any Asian-looking men. I've had American guys of Asian descent tell me about this. I know of more than one who cut their holidays short because of this. One even flew from Bkk directly to Rio.
  19. For myself the reality reset is the way the GOP members and right-wing media are openly fostering an anti-US attitude. Merely being against the VN War back when was enough to brand you a traitor, an America hater, "love it leave it!", "go to USSR if you don't like it here," etc. But now the media outlets that promote themselves as small-minded conservative patriots are zealously denouncing anything American in world affairs, down to US players in international sports. You have to wonder how the other countries' players interpret this. Lots more of this kind of thing out there that is all pretty obvious. Again it goes back to the orange one at the top, probably the single- most egregious act in US geo-political history is the US president going before the TV cameras of the world and saying he puts in faith in a blatant foreign adversary over his intelligence agencies (Helsinki). Watch the anti-American patriots respond to this with a smiley. Then they should shop for a flight to Hungary or Belarus, one-way ticket. Russian state TV celebrates 'brave' Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz for undermining Ukraine Turn the clock back 50 years and substitute VN for Ukraine, and name 2 other Congress members at the time: it would be a major scandal.
  20. $20, same as downtown. (this is a punchline from an ancient joke, rumored to originate from Egyptian hieroglyphics. )
  21. You flatter him, he hates paying his own bills, much less anybody else's. There's been buzz that Mr Smith may freeze his assets, seize his funds. I'm sure that's got his attention and he's put out of reach/hidden all that he could by now.
  22. He's always whinging and playing the victim. Am I suppose to believe the rural folk are ok with this? He's coming off like a wimp. This ain't gonna play well in the places that refuse to sell Bud Light.
  23. Here's one even more extreme: Kari Lake said she is not going to run for The Senate because she is governor of AZ and will not relinquish her position. And here I thought she was the official plumber at Mar-A-Lago. When it comes to running for public office, heed the great words of Chico Marx "there is no sanity clause."
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