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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. It's about time those in authority are getting in his face. One reporter said that at the arraignment Smith was staring him down the whole time. Just waiting now for him to violate his release deal: 'I have never heard that': Legal experts react to judge ordering Trump 'not to not commit any crimes' If he is convicted and sentenced to incarceration, they'd probably send him to a place like this https://www.bop.gov/locations/institutions/alf/ The term usually used is "country club prison." Nixon AG John Mitchell was sent to one in Alabama. But if there is a sense that his redneck rabble will try to bust him out they might put him in supermax isolation, like the terrorist he is. But if he violates his release terms they just might stick him in a hell-hole until the trial is over.
  2. They were probably a block away from the station house.
  3. He has creatures living in his hair that excrete fluids . . .
  4. I took an overnighter from Hat Yai to Bkk. The only negative I experienced was a porter who would not allow me to enter the catering car. He was quite confrontational and nasty "you buy from me!" He later came up to me "you buy beer!" and I gave the him my best if looks could kill glare. I have been told by travelers that the crossing between the two countries can take a long time as they inspect the train and whatever else. What I did enjoy was meeting just regular Thai people, no one with something to sell me or run a scam. I realized one of the seams on my duffle bag was bursting, so I got out some sewing stuff. The ladies in my car got a kick out of seeing a farang guy doing this, one of the girls translating for them, my guess is none of them ever faced a farang before. That was the high point for me. It took at least 5 hours to get from Hua Hin to Hualumpong, but that was before they opened the new terminus in Bang Sue. Got money to burn? https://www.seat61.com/eastern-and-oriental-express.htm
  5. There's lots in the news lately about state Republican parties going bankrupt (here's a taste) . If you've had the stomach to watch the DT roadshow after January 2021 you've heard him tell his fans to NOT send their $$$ to the Republican Party, but to address the payments to him, personally. And then there is the costs of the recounts, legal fees, and whatever other excuses they come up with to justify feeding at the trough. Minnesota GOP’s latest Federal Election Commission filing said it had less than $54 cash on hand. If and when all this MAGA mess to pass I could see various GOP chapters lining up with lawsuits against him and his. Even if he dies before it's settled they can still go after the organization he leaves behind. Hey Don Jr and Eric, get him to shut up about E.Jean, that's your inheritance he's yapping away at!
  6. Thanks for that. Also makes similar connection to show biz. Something religion and politics have in common is you can't see them, and also they both have adopted "show biz" tactics into their product. Unfortunately both attract some rascally sorts. Was wondering the other day when crucifixion depictions would appear. Sounds like they're in the works. And NFTs, of course.
  7. Yes. Unfortunately he may not get locked up until 2029, after the 2028 elections. Or he'll manage to keep the thing under appeal until he is in the ground next to Ivana. If he dies before this is settled he wins. Man oh man, can you imagine the lunatics who will claim to be in touch with him after death? A lot of people will not like hearing this, and I wish it wasn't so, but that's how these things work. Think of it this way: before Smith took this case (in 2022) he was working on something that happened in the 1990s. But in terms of entertainment that orange countenance will be part of US media for the rest of this decade. That's show biz!
  8. Television? Television? Where?????? There is an old joke from the 1990s: Q: what is the most dangerous place in the world? A: the space between DT and a television camera He could lose it and disrupt the court to make himself the center of the cameras attention, one way or the other. Some might recall Saddam's trial. They were grilling his guys with questions like "did you order . . . " and so on, then Saddam got impatient and stood up and said "He did what told him, what he did was really me doing this." I think DT could lose his patience with sitting on his thumbs for a few days and blow it in this fashion. Escorted from the courtroom in manacles. All live on CSPN.
  9. There is still an unassumed one (re Miz Maddow, on TV presently) and could not say who, my guess is Bannon, he's the one who has fostered these electoral disruption strategies.
  10. Shrewd operator, this Smith. No Powerpoint show, no charts, just "read the manual." Keeping these state electoral fraud cases running is sort of a safety net: if he gets re-elected and they let him pardon himself that doesn't apply to state convictions, and he remains a felon. And now we get the Florida and DC cases distracting from each other. Miz Willis in Atlanta more or less said she was stepping up in the next week.
  11. He's really winning now! Even Fox is covering it. Waiting to hear the names in the gang of six.
  12. Hey Donnie, if you committed a capitol crime you'd probably bring in even more capital -- hey, did you you hear what Jared has been saying about you?
  13. Somewhat appropriate, as X-rated services were available in that area until a few years back. Calling the company X is pretty creative, no?
  14. No conclusion, just a suspicion. And I'm holding on to it, no elaboration. A while back I was on my way to Malaysia after spending a night in Hat Yai. I later learned that a bomb went off near where I had been staying shortly after I left the hotel. Which of course has nothing to do with anything, but it did feel close to home. On the other hand I was once talking with a Chinese Thai who told me he used to have a fireworks factory in Bkk's Chinatown, he told me he got out of the business because of the ever-growing number of restrictions. This incident could have been just another of those disasters waiting to happen, like that blast in Lebanon a few years back.
  15. But leave the gloves on, Joe, or you'll get all that greezy orange spray tan junk all over your hands.
  16. Maybe it was the shock of realizing that his lady companion had a penis of her own.
  17. British people can be very drunk. I haven't noticed anything shy.
  18. We'll always have Fran Drescher.
  19. I almost forgot to wake up this morning, it was as scary as the title of this thread. My bladder had to remind me. </oldmanhumor>
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