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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. A "witch hunt" means that there is no witch, they are looking for something that does not exist. The Hunter Biden laptop quest, now in its second year and still nothing found -- now THAT is a witch hunt. I think even Comer is tired of having to make things up (the witches) and then have to be the face of his latest cockamamie fictitious accusations. When you find a real witch that is called catching a criminal. Which is why in Georgia, and DC, and Florida, and New York, the suspect and his goons are indicted. Stay tuned for Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, New Mexico, Nevada, and God's Own state of Arizona. Popular like dengue.
  2. If they are there at their own volition, with no blackmail or threat to themselves or their relatives, they can walk away. Nothing to rescue them from. What they will do for their livelihood they must figure out on their own, like everyone else who is not living off their parents' wealth.
  3. ding ding ding ding!!!! We have a winner! Trump may have given judge reason to jail him with attack on witness: legal expert Good ol' DT, I knew he'd come through! I suggest three nights in US government accommodations. If he does it again when he gets out he gets another week. If he does it yet again the entire bail release goes out the window and he stays in the cage at least until the trial is over and the jury rules. And if that happens then you can bet your booty his team will no longer be requesting delays. Next step is the judge notifies his lawyers she needs to see them "and bring the [expletive] defendant with you."
  4. Fear not, the defendant will be in good hands. Convicted J6 rioters joking about what cell Trump will be placed in after his DC indictment: report
  5. No, that Dylan thing is completely mine. I read that interview a few months after the Paul thing, couldn't help thinking of it. And I do recall being over a friend's house listening to John Wesley Harding the first time (first album after the motorcycle accident), thinking "what is this [bleep]?" Mills, IMO, is a bit goofy, wouldn't take her word on anything regarding her ex, and not his either.
  6. That Paul is Dead stuff was in 1969, disappeared as fast as it came up, and was never mentioned again (I was in NYC, and the basement Mets suddenly won the pennant and then the Series, so for Noo Yawkas the Paul stuff became as pertinent as recalling yesterday's lunch). But it was a lot of fun. Never thought of looking beyond it to Wings. I was suspecting no one would know what I was getting at in my post. Story was that Bob Dylan was bashed up in a motorcycle accident, it was when 'Blonde on Blonde' was the current album. The stuff he put out afterwards was nothing like his previous stuff and, for me at least, was unappreciated. In 1969 Rolling Stone mag did an interview with him, the first in years (it must be on the net somewhere). Asked things like "what were you referring to with the lyric ____ ?" He kept answering "did I write that? I don't recall." (cut me some slack here, it's been 50+ years since I read it) So if you are looking for clues about dead rock stars being clandestinely replaced
  7. Not to distract from the intellectual discourse (smirk!) of a flat-Earth discussion . . . There were a few novels of the 1970s that gave fairly descriptive (and non-fictional) ways to establish a new identity, and also a how-to on faking your own death. This knowledge was so effective it caused many countries to alter their methods of allowing access to birth and death records. That said I think there was a good chance Morrison faked his own death, and not long after so did his wife. I don't see this as a grand conspiracy, just a way to exit the fishbowl of fame. Of course they may have actually died in the 50 years since. But back to the matter at hand: the remaining three Beatles threw Paul McCartney off the edge in 1965 because they were sick of his wah-wah, chronicled in the George Harrison song.
  8. The people in the media are on "insult watch" just waiting for his nibs to blow it. Don't think Fox would balk at being the ones to take credit for the scoop. Maybe Chuktan will transfer the case to juvenile court.
  9. Contrast that with the guy who put together that tiki-torch rally in Charlottesville in 2017. We was full of rhetoric about shedding blood etc but when they showed up at his house the following week to take him in he cried and was all "I didn't mean any of that stuff!" etc. The right is looking for more courageous examples. Keep an eye out for the part about the crazy old geezer pointing his gun at the agents, that part is disappearing from right-wing media as we speak. He will become the innocent victim, just as is the leader of his movement having his First Amendment rights etc , , ,
  10. Kind of odd, in some other countries it is the trans that are beat up by thugs. In LOS the trans are the thugs. Maybe there isn't much demand for their services these days if this is what is becoming of them. As for India they have a chaste of their own; I wouldn't say they were respected but they are usually left in peace. Perhaps this Indian fellow spoke with them because he didn't see them as some sort of threat.
  11. The first time I was eligible to vote in a presidential election was Nixon vs McGovern. I didn't want either, but that's all they give ya. I didn't vote in a presidential election until 1988. And then not until 2008. Up until the 1990s the Dems and the GOP were not all that different.
  12. Better to read the unredacted Mueller report than Barr's corrupted Cliff's Notes version.
  13. Neil Young releases 'lost' 1977 album 'Chrome Dreams' It's out, dl-ing it now, haven't heard it yet. He also released a live acoustic album from the 1970s some years back.
  14. I recall that when they had him under house arrest he was telephoning witnesses and other things he shouldn't have been doing. I think the released him early on a Covid-related pretense. It is hard to keep up the full-time DT reality show.
  15. He parked himself there a few years back I recall, so this is no big deal. I recall reading stories about people who would go there spouting redshirt sympathies trying to get some dosh off of him, and he sends them away empty-handed.
  16. The Republican Party must face that if they let him run the party gets a black-eye in history -- they ran a seditionist/grifter . If he wins even worse.
  17. And then there was this https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/376097-trump-take-the-guns-first-go-through-due-process-second/ I also take some curiosity in the witness report of 1/6 that DT was not at all afraid if the crowd was armed. From what I've seen of his 24/7 reality show over these past eight years I think he was being uncharacteristically brave.
  18. Wow, with Georgia in the news as of late I've been thinking about this.
  19. Donald Trump says he will ask the Judge to step aside People in Hell ask for ice cream. Maybe he should just ask her instead of saying he will ask her. "Defendant asks judge to quit" would be the headline, one worthy of The Onion. Really now, him and his cabal claim all innocence but they behave guilty as hell.
  20. Alcohol and attitude, great combo. Maybe after a few nights of drinking and whoring a good arsch whoppin' will clear their heads.
  21. I think he's describing something that happened in private with Putin in Helsinki.
  22. And I'm sure Miz Willis is grateful for stuff like this, which makes it easier for her to do her job. Hey, I heard about a woman who had sex with a jackass! She calls herself Stormy Daniels.
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