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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. But he means well when he says it Worst thing about hell is that him and his family would be there.
  2. Isn't it like a Sith lord to accuse someone else of being a Sith lord? Don't you hate it when people use pop-culture references they don't actually get?
  3. This could be seen as a slap in the face, as he considers Swampy one of his great achievements.
  4. Good to hear. This kind of humor doesn't work anymore, at least not in US politics. Look through any thread on this subject.
  5. Hectoring and threatening the person(s) who can hold your fate is not a smart thing to do. Yet he does. Is it insanity yet?
  6. The younger people know this is their father's Pheu Thai, not their's.
  7. Word has leaked into the US mediasphere that DT's lawyers were expecting the charges to be about the rally before the Capitol attack, about the inciting language, the noose, and so on. Seems the fake electors charges caught them off guard. Only the best people . . . Here's what I'm waiting for: recall the story Cassidy Hutchinson conveyed about DT wanting to go to the Capitol, grabbed the steering wheel, etc? I don't believe that happened, I think DT cooked that up for the sake of the MAGA crowd, an "I wanted to be there but they wouldn't let me" excuse. The steering wheel bit is the 'laying it on too thick' part. She wasn't in the car, the story was told to her by one of DT's handlers.
  8. Votes are cast by individual voters. They are not found like seashells. Who is this Trump you mention, an upstanding citizen, a honest man, an excellent or even the best economic Manager ever, only concerned with the wellbeing of fellow citizens, upholding America's democratic principles and the Constituition at all times? It is definitely not POTUS 45.
  9. I felt that way about the Lower Decks tie-in episode, but at least it had some humor. I think they put that one together as a Comic Con tribute.
  10. I hate musicals. I grew up in the 1950s/60s and managed to not see many of the famous musicals of that era: My Fair Lady, Sound of Music, The Music Man, et al. When someone in that episode suggested playing music, and they played Liza Minnelli doing a Cole Porter song I got a bad feeling. And then the rest happened. I fast-forwarded through most of it. I might go back and try to take in Spock's emotional ordeal, but that will involve watching the nurse's aria. . Oddly enough, the week before with M'benga and the Klingon I thought that was the best episode of the season. I read an interview with Patrick Stewart once, him talking about ST:NG being his first Hollywood gig and how in between scenes the other members of the cast were singing and dancing on set. Stewart was somewhat shocked, never saw that before. I have to wonder if this episode was inspired by what Stewart said.
  11. He asked Raffensperger for OATS, not votes! He wanted Mel to make Georgia-style oatmeal. What? You thought he said "votes"? C'mon, only an idiot would do something like that!
  12. It is admirable the way they stood up, distinguishing themselves from the invertebrates in their party. I sure as hell wouldn't vote for any of them unless my back was against the wall and the alternative was a MAGA dementado. Pence took me by surprise with that statement he made on Friday. Did he ingest Miracle Grow and it affected his scrotum? Once the GOP resigns themselves to losing in 2024, they just might throw DT out in order to NOT go down in history as the party that re-ran a twice impeached ex-president under a load on indictments. I think this is why so many have thrown their hats in the ring, I still think the GOP may have an open convention.
  13. There was a similar thing when Manafort was under house arrest and was telephoning witnesses etc. I may have missed some coverage, but I do not recall any comment stronger than "ooo, he's not supposed to do that!" nor any action taken. Same with Roger Stone. The two that I would really like to see taken to task are Stone and Bannon. If you are looking for where these plots originated, like getting the VP to usurp the electoral process and intimidate the poll workers, and the brazen "we just say 'we won and f___ you'" the one to point at is Bannon. https://www.businessinsider.com/roger-stone-tells-trump-supporters-claim-victory-no-matter-what-2022-10?op=1
  14. I didn't know they had a tax on treasures, I never saw it mentioned on the customs forms.
  15. He has to tell people how great he is because otherwise they wouldn't know it. This whole business that DT is caught in a mind [beep] that he actually believed he won and the election was stolen from himself is countered by the "keep re-counting until the numbers are in my favor" plot and fake electors scheme. Some of the people doing the fake elector chores were not very bright and didn't really know what they were doing; I recall one fellow the media intercepted on the morning of 1/6 said something like "All I know is I'm here to . . ." and then he read a statement that he apparently didn't understand. This is the core of the whole MAGA initiative: people who are dumb enough to follow whatever their messiah says. Another is the "election is rigged" claim. He started with this a few weeks before the 2016 election. I think someone/some gov't agency should have followed up on that after he won, asking the then president-elect to tell them about it and how he knows. To me this was the first hint that they had no plans on taking him to task for his stunts. No one has been known to pursue the inauguration grift, with so many Russians present and the $$$ they paid to be there. Then in 2020 he started playing the "rigged election" record again. Once he is taken to task it is possible DOJ could go back to the 2016 Russia influence and Barr's interception of the report on that: Billy boy could end up wearing orange, and he is well aware of it, hence his eagerness to pile on DT these days.
  16. I would guess it had something to do with a certain former PM, who owns a house or two in HK (last I heard).
  17. I thought Garland would wait until Feb 2022 to get the ball rolling, a year into the administration. I figured if he did it too soon it would look too banana republic, as around that time Ecuador had an election and the loser was locked up the next day. At this point I think Smith is doing the Jan 6 case as first priority, and let the Florida case run forever. And let the state cases (more of those to come) keep him busy. DT will be over 80 years old when he gets to the orange jumpsuit.
  18. If and when it gets to sentencing he'll hop on the plane. Hungary? Belarus? North Korea? He can play golf with Thaksin, wherever he is. A martyr in exile. He would rake in the bucks, like he is now: he suffered for YOU, etc.
  19. Now there's an idea: send him "soap on a rope." Every accusation is a confession. My ex-wife was quick with that too, must be something they teach them in business school.
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