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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Yeah, like he just found out about it and is taking immediate action. He could make it sound like the trial, so far, was being held behind his back. Also, his arrival will make headlines -- he loves headlines.
  2. GOP donor Harlan Crow paid private tuition for relative of Justice Clarence Thomas So? Nothing will be done about it.
  3. From the beginning I suspected Tarrio is some sort of agent-in-place. The FBI did this with anti-war organizations in the 1960s, they are pretty good at it.
  4. I think Miz Willis is conscious of the impact this case on the media and historical precedent, and US history itself. Perhaps she needs the time to build a fortress for her family before the MAGA hordes are set lose. Funny how this bill has come into existence at this time: https://www.ajc.com/politics/kemp-to-sign-bill-granting-state-new-power-to-remove-prosecutors/SXHNOACS7JDXXIY4WQYKQD2RAU/ If Kemp pulls the rug out on this case be sure it's going to SCOTUS. Make of that what you will.
  5. Sniffing glue is rock-bottom. A slight step up would be carbona. Maybe Thailand should start importing it.
  6. I tried it with a medical question a few days ago. It was easy to follow the way the condition was explained, and the advice for dealing with it worked. I'm impressed.
  7. Should have been pistols at dawn? Is that white enough? To play devil's advocate here, if someone in this Thai forum said "that's not how white men fight" I would think it was a comment on Thai machismo only fighting when you have the other guy outnumbered (like the MAGA goons), as opposed to settling it 1-on-1.
  8. And fact checking would be prohibited. Sounds like they know they can't win. Someone on that side thinks controlling the debates might give them a chance. You can't put this completely on El Tangerino as both Romney and Ted Cruz have complained about fact checking and not having hard right moderators in previous campaigns. What the GOP needs in their debates is someone who is completely out of it, like Marianne Williamson, just for the sake of entertainment value.
  9. It sounds like he has never been a criminal defendant before. His denouncements and insults, which he knows will result in death threats etc could result in obstruction charges, which could mean even more criminal cases. It looks like the Georgia and Smith cases will not start until next year. Bear in mind the case Smith was working on before this one regarded events that took place in the 1990s.
  10. Some of these Fox personalities like to say they are doing their job, saying on air what their employers want, like attorneys making their client's case. But that doesn't work, as they are using their own names and report in a way that makes it sound like they are speaking their own opinions. When they got rid of O'Reilly Watters thought he would be the new O'Reilly.
  11. He does this a lot -- when something is happening that makes him look bad he tries to upstage it to cause a distraction. That's show biz. There is no reason for this trip to be celebrated the way it is being done. Also, it's a way to publicize his wonderful, lovely businesses. fleeing the scene? I would speculate they are assessing various means for a quick escape from the US with a mind to minimize travel in international air space (where they can be intercepted) and get to a country friendly to him, like Putinland, as fast as possible. Polar routes look like his best plan, and if he's in Scotland when he's got a head start by already being across the Atlantic. If he begins to spend a lot of time in Scotland . . ..
  12. If I may take the liberty of editing what you posted: I’d be surprised if it happens and if it does I hope they cut him off when he starts No need to use the word lie, is is implicit.
  13. Allegiance would be to the crown. How one feels about the person wearing it at any particular moment is another thing. Swearing allegiance to the actual person can complicate things. A former US president demanded personal fealty from his minions, you may have heard about that.
  14. Texas again. College baseball player shot in middle of game while standing in bullpen
  15. Thanks. So that means they had to smuggle their stake out of the country, and then whatever they have left back in. If caught more likely it would be a quiet confiscation than arrest. Doesn't sound very smart. Fun fact: over there "420" means corruption, so if someone says so-and-so is a '420 man' it has nothing to do with intoxicants.
  16. When these things happen in the USA the most important thing is protecting the Constitutional rights of the shooter. Lesser concern for the dead, injured and bereaved, for them it's thoughts and prayers. It's getting to sound like a party isn't a party over there unless there's gunfire, ambulances and police.
  17. What surprises me is the gambling was done with Indian currency. It's been a long time since I was last in India, but I remember they were strict about the currency exiting/entering the country. Nearly every day a newspaper report about someone caught at the airport with rupees in a toothpaste tube or some such.
  18. it's 'great to be home' I imagine a Scotsman responding with "does this look like New York to you, Donnie?" Arriving in a country and giving the fascist fist salute, a good way to endear yourself with the locals.
  19. So far we have four bent ones, one of which is the Chief Justice. I think Sammy ratted himself out. Alternate guess is Mrs Thomas. Ol' Clarence was gloating at the announcement of the Roe v Wade shut down "we are coming for you."
  20. Sounds like a good business plan: people paying you to get rid of something that doesn't exist.
  21. Well, she'll never do it again and he will have no driveway to protect. Sorted. He'll probably live out his days as a guest of the state. The girl's family could sue the fool for wrongful death -- if he has kids waiting for inheritance there's another reason for them to hate him.
  22. Even more SCOTUS shenanigans: https://www.businessinsider.com/jane-roberts-chief-justice-wife-10-million-commissions-2023-4 It's looking like New Jersey in the 1950s over there.
  23. He finalized his Senate hearing by crying. Rittenhouse got off by crying. Hey, I think GOP/Maga is onto something here . . .
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