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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. And then one said to the other "I want to be frank with you . . ."
  2. Bringing heroin to Thailand? I don't understand this. Makes as much sense as bringing pineapples to Hawaii.
  3. *Deleted post edited out* In case you are genuinely asking a question: "Proud" in this case means lack of fear or shame, taking a stand against those who would call them inferior for being different than themselves. Biggest International Pride Event to Take Place in Pattaya I doubt it. Even Rhode Island (the smallest state in the US) has it beat I think RI doesn't even have this many residents! I wondered if this really was a pride event until I saw the beer promo in the lower-left corner
  4. My point is that he behaves as if he's guilty. So does his boss. He was smart to keep his fingerprints off this whole stolen election thing.
  5. The first time I watched ABC was during the campaign in the early 2000s, the guy running against Howard (not Rudd, the election before that) said, right there on the news, "Speaking in the manner and sentiment of the Australian people, I say that John Howard is an _rse licker." You would never hear anything like that on US TV back then, censorship rules etc. ABC made a great impression. Also a few years later there was a woman on the news in wee hours who dressed in goth fashion, haven't seen that elsewhere before or since (online doesn't count). In the US if you see something like that on at 1am you would expect she was the hostess for a horror movie.
  6. The insult to injury is the first person they put in his old spot is probably the dumbest of their on-air personalities. His balm may be how bad the dummy's ratings are.
  7. Now that these things are actual court cases we're getting to see how the courts (judges) react to all this. His sending out internet messages may be the snag -- e.g. regardless of how he comes out of the Carroll trial, the judge may slap him down for contempt of court and give him some vacation time at a gov't facility. He could also be slapped with obstruction of justice, which would itself involve yet another trial and the penalty will be more than paying a fine. He doesn't need anything, he could say anything to slander anyone with "the base" and that's that, death threats within the hour. Child trafficking, baby eating, extreme radical left, etc. And he doesn't have to be creative, he can just repeat the ravings of people like Boebert.
  8. All of these women saying "locker room talk." I guess they learn that from hanging out in the guys' locker room.
  9. This Smith guy is really hittin' it. Didn't give them a chance to fuss, appeal, insult, etc. Pence sure does a lot of dodging for someone who claims he has nothing to hide.
  10. The judge will ask: "Are you really the former vice-president? You seem to be nothing more than an empty suit." Between this statement and what was said (and not said) by the judge in the Bragg case, I suspect they may be saving this until after the verdict for the cases at hand come in. They are trying to not let the clown disrupt the trial, which could lead to a mis-trial, and of course delays, which would delight Team Orange. After the verdict is read "and now I am going to address the behavior of the defendant . . ." If the judge insists that DT be present when the verdict comes in that will be a tip off. Keep the plane prepped, junior!
  11. In it's own way, this is somewhat impressive. I've considered this guy to be the Kanye of LGBT. I think the money in politics stuff has reached it's tipping point in the US, meaning they've taken the campaigns as far as money can legally take them. I recall during the 2012 campaign nearly every commercial on US daytime television was for the election, saw a clip of a little girl back then saying "I don't want any more Mitt Romney and Bronco Bama!" Gearing up for the primaries in 2015 it was said that Jeb! had a $300 million war chest, and they were trying to come up with ways to spend it; at one point they put together a video tape selling the candidate, then someone realized no one has tape players any more, so the plan was to send the voters a player, with its own screen and the tape loaded, so the voter need only open the package, take out the player and push the button and there is Jeb! I don't know if they ever actually went through with it, if someone has info please post a link. Also, a big question of what happens to the $$$ left unspent when the campaign is over -- this is a truly bipartisan (lack of) concern.
  12. They will do whatever their benefactors tell them. Whatever the issue, they'll cloak it in some sort of "if we don't do this it's the end of our country!" They DO NOT care about children, except their own. All this abortion stuff is playing to the conservative/Maga base, which is guesstimated to be around 30% of US voters these days. They couldn't care less about this "pro-life" idiocy otherwise. A certain member of Congress says "I care about children" whenever a TV camera is pointed at her, and it's pretty obvious hokum. Every decent human adult cares about children to some degree -- if she feels the need to say that, better keep an eye out.
  13. That story about him grabbing the steering wheel because he wanted to go to the Capitol etc -- I don't buy it. I think he planted it and had them spread it around for face saving. Narcissism is a 24 hour/day job.
  14. Pretty obvious what she's implying here. And that damn phone call we've heard a thousand times, him and his and the Georgia guys have never contested it. With AI being all in the news these days I wouldn't be surprised if Team Orange claims it was AI generated. I think there is a general sense of betrayal among his torch-and-pitchfork rank and file, taking no action to defend them legally: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/proud-boys-blame-trump-defendants-prepare-find-fate-sedition-trial-rcna81234
  15. He's building his own rap sheet, as they call it on TV cop shows (when I was a teen it was "a record"). Law enforcement sees someone with a sheet with different eyes than a potential first offender. This case is not about rape, it's about how, instead of simply denying the rape charges and then KEEPING HIS DAMN MOUTH SHUT he went all Don Rickles on her. Maybe good for a laugh at Maga rallies but that's about it. Same thing with the Bragg case in NYC, Bragg himself said it is about the obstruction of investigation of another crime, which is itself a crime. That crime has not been clarified, so, they're still no where near out of first gear yet. From what hints come out of the Smith investigation it looks like he's going at the former regime from an all-encompassing perspective. No more of this trying to prosecute isolated acts, like the two impeachments.
  16. A day before he got sacked I read an article that the WH press secretary was invited to be interviewed on CNN. She agreed on the proviso that she has no contact with Lemon. I guess when they invite someone on and they respond with voicing concerns about their on-air talent the word "toxic" comes into play. Chatter was that he had become an obnoxious diva. I saw a little bit of his New Year's Eve coverage one year, he was obviously drunk, and a miserable drunk at that.
  17. He'll need a better handle. He's going to be up there with Tokyo Rose and Axis Sally. The supposed real reason being reported in the US, delivered with a healthy dose of skepticism, is they sacked him for anti-semitic statements. There was another bs justification, can't recall, but the message Murdoch World is pushing is "the reason was not the Dominion lawsuit." Oh, okay. There is going to be a lot of lawsuits aimed in the direction of Fox, DT and his stooges, and whoever else can be thought to be liable for the false election narratives and individuals who had their lives disrupted by all those cockamamie claims. This stuff will be going on into the next decade.
  18. No doubt it was this atrocious behavior that caused so many students to drop out in the past year. Menace to society is what this guy is!
  19. And the poor fellow gets upstaged by getting fired the same day as the other guy, which is getting a lot more coverage. But I would think a rational person would want to go off quietly. I'm sure he has enough $$$ to live out his days as he pleases, wouldn't mind being in that position.
  20. Ok, step up punters, who will they replace him with in that time slot? My first bet is Charlie Kirk, they have been grooming him. https://www.newsweek.com/charlie-kirk-says-gun-deaths-worth-it-2nd-amendment-1793113
  21. Tucker is heir to the Swanson TV dinner fortune. He's not going to be hurting financially. But I could see him doing some kind of People's Temple thing. I can no longer stomach Jon Stewart but I give him credit for being the first to openly confront this guy on television, about 20 years ago.
  22. Social Justice Warrior types like to point to the centuries of oppression, exclusion, discrimination etc to make their case. Now with movies coming out where there are Black solicitors and doctors in Victorian England, as just a small example, doesn't this sort of diminish their claims? Some might say that this rush to show diversity in the entertainment industry can be seen as an attempt to whitewash the past: "see? Even Dickens told of Black solicitors in his day!" This is ironic because the wholesale virtue signaling is an attempt to make themselves the good guys.
  23. half of Russians now favor negotiations with Ukraine, while only a quarter want to continue the invasion And the the remaining quarter has left the country.
  24. What about that bearing false witness business? Makes things pretty inconvenient for the politicians, no? Forbidding adultery and coveting? Who wants to be hearing about that all the time? Definitely not the senators! IMO the people who make big fuss about this stuff, and express their piousness with bravado, are the ones to be suspicious of.
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