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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. How to tell if your gf is a slut: she lets any ape feel her up.
  2. Yes, I have little doubt both of these could be true. The missing fact is that Ukraine would be part of Russia.
  3. Now now, how can anyone who does things like this be anything other than a patriot?
  4. Again, big threats with promises of retribution. And what is the payoff? A hacked email of minor consequence. Like their intense voter fraud investigations, they turn up some incel who voted on his dead mother's ballot -- for DT. And these are the fascists masterminds who are going to control the country?
  5. So when something comes up against Team Sedition it's testimony, documents, recordings, leaks (some intentional) and so on. With Team Sedition it's "we got something, just wait until you see it!" and then comes the verbal acrobatics that will fade and be forgotten. Makes for great grift donation drives and it might make them look stupid (see the comments made re Durham) but the fans fall for it. Pillow Guy emerged as the full buffoon with stuff like "at 3pm next Tuesday all this is going to be settled and T____ will be president again." Does he still do those, while selling pillows with promo codes?
  6. "Who is the informant, Mr. Comer?" "He called himself El Hombre Invisible." "And where is he now?" "I don't know, no one has seen him." ????
  7. Does he get a bounty for punishing this abortion-getting woman under the Texas anti-abortion vigilante law? Or does he get a capital murder charge? The way these things work in the cowboy states is the charge gets dropped to "reckless discharge of a weapon" and pays a fine.
  8. What sticks with me about that is Comey said he was afraid of the GOP if he didn't re-open. Is anyone afraid of the Democrats? Well, he did what they wanted and still the GOP president he helped install fired him (maybe the Russians told him to) and made his life miserable.
  9. But DT should be given four more terms, without needing an election, because he has been treated so unfairly. And then another four because he's had a life that itself has been unfair: his parents are dead and his two eldest sons have a combined IQ of 89. Then he had a session with a porn actress who then told the world he has a teeny weeny. Life has been so unfair for him. Hey, I managed to use unfair in all but one sentence, maybe he'll hire me as a speechwriter. I'll have to study DeSantis, who two weeks ago said "woke" 12 times in 20 seconds during a speech.
  10. The plan behind the MAGA/Bannon/Flynn/et-al vision for the US is to get rid of these intrusive laws and the entities that enforce them so that they can control with their own enforcement entities. Don't get lost in the controversies of any given moment, those are just more sideshows to provide diversion, reaction and outrage ("he called her a WHAT?"). Think of Penn and Teller: the fat guy babbles endlessly to keep your attention while the other guy quietly sets things up. If DT gets elected again it is quite likely that within a few years Flynn will be running the US: the rats will be factionalized and destroying each other. Flynn likes to say that he's taken down governments.
  11. This Chaiwat sounds like a real prince. No sale on the story, double homicide.
  12. He doesn't know her, witchhunt/hoax etc. Then he says "what kind of women goes into a store's dressing room with a man . . . ?" Wait, he said it didn't happen. So no he's saying he did go into the dressing room with her?
  13. To throw a little bit of irony this way in these hyper-political times, the woman who HP chose later ran for US president (Fiorina). I don't think she ever made it to 1% in the GOP primaries.
  14. CPAC has taken to having their conferences in Hungary. Orban is the dog, MAGA is the tail. The USA is facing ideological defeat. The remnants of the Soviet era have pulled together and it looks they are headed for triumph. Give them the third degree when they try to come back. "What were doing in Hungary?" "What's that? You were trying to undermine the gov't of the USA? Perhaps it would have been better for all of us if you stayed there." Haven't heard the patriotic trope love it or leave it in a long time.
  15. Makes me feel as warm and welcomed as when I see "I (heart) Farang" on a Bkk taxi.
  16. It creates the perfect environment for corruption. RTP officer finds weed on someone, you pay now! and all involved go about their day. The shop stays open. The person in possession walks. The tourist pays special tourist price. No arrest, no lawyers, no record.
  17. Ominous. When these SiliValley companies put a woman in CEO position good chance they know they are in bad shape, and when it goes from bad to worse it's much easier to blame a woman. Hewlett-Packard sort of set the trend for this 20+ years ago. That buffoon knows he'll never make back his investment and now he has someone to blame for his failure. Well, with this company.
  18. This story shows the essential difference between a soldier and a policeman. A soldier is taught to kill, a policeman is (theoretically) trained to subdue, disarm, de-escalate, arrest, etc. I am disgusted with the way this is being turned into a racial incident. If the victim was white the story would not have made international news. Anyone who rides the NYC subway regularly will have witnessed this, and knows there are no ethnic exclusions. I'm not saying he deserved to be killed, but some media outlets are making it sound like he was an innocent passenger singled out by a vigilante patrol. Others, like the NY Post (a Murdoch trash product) are using this to promote racist bilge.
  19. A conductor is not a security guard or LE. He would probably go into his booth and lock himself in. These people were being attacked by crazy guy, not a cute MJ impersonator. I would doubt this as, unless the train was stalled (stopped between stations) or going very slow for some reason, the stations in the NYC subway are not that far apart. Exceptions would be river crossing, but at normal speed these would be less than 10 minutes.
  20. I cannot verify this, it was told to me by someone who claimed it happened to him long ago: if the US Embassy repatriates a citizen they do so with a first-class ticket, and then expect to be reimbursed.
  21. President Biden says his visit to Northern Ireland was to ensure "Brits didn't screw around" Well, at least he didn't say monkeyshines.
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