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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. I very much doubt that AG Bragg is worried about a sleazy Ohio gym coach. Kind of weird the way people keep stealing Jordan's jackets, what's up with that?
  2. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sought to clean up his previous comments calling Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a “territorial dispute,” telling British journalist Piers Morgan instead that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a “war criminal.” DeSantis, Morgan and Putin. Each as insufferable as the next. Waiting now for T____ to attack Ron for attacking Vlad, and then see if The Patriots hate on DeS for slamming Putin. Does MAGA excommunicate for not supporting Russia? I've been saying all along DeS ain't got what it takes. My guess is there will be at least 10 GOP contenders for 2024. Lunatic Kari Lake will be DT's VP candidate, the MAGA Wallis Simpson.
  3. That's because no one will admit that they do, therefore there are no men to be studied.
  4. Tucker Carlson said he hates Trump 'passionately' Not any more! ‘I Love Trump’: Tucker Carlson Walks Back Private Attacks After Former President Called Him to Complain See, it was all just a misunderstanding.
  5. Ten years ago I was disgusted at the Dems for being inept, while the GOP was the political Wehrmacht, with gerrymandering as their front lines. The GOP shenanigans in this Congress are a complete role reversal, and it looks like JJordan and this Comer guy are competing to be Top Clown. Says Comer. I'm sure the AG appreciates his input. But amid all this GOP/MAGA turmoil someone isn't doing all that bad: Trump Still Hasn’t Been Arrested But He’s Raked in $1.5 Million Riling Up His Supporters About Seeing Him in Handcuffs Now wouldn't it be fun if the governor of Florida found cause to raid MarALago? https://www.mediaite.com/politics/trump-slams-desantis-for-chatting-with-ratings-challenged-piers-morgan-my-fault-i-put-him-there/ And this is why DT has no friends.
  6. Monkey thought the kid was a union delegate from the Coconut Picker's Union trying to collect dues.
  7. Hey, knock it off with the anti-simmerism remarks!
  8. Stewing is a method of cooking. If there is any contention of confusing it with something else, it would be with soup -- the difference would be the consistency of the final product, broth vs sauce. Curry is a flavor. It may not even involve cooking the spices into the dish, like a curried tuna or egg salad. Personal preference for curry powder, when doing my own cooking, is Madras style. My all-around basis for describing Afghan cuisine: kill it, butcher it, then either 1) roast it over a fire or 2) throw it into a pot of boiling water
  9. I'm impressed it took 4 messages to go in that direction.
  10. If I never have to smell that damned cabbage soup again . . .
  11. It never was discovered how he came to have such a load of $$$, was it? My guess he was pimping to those to whom money was no object. Also a little in the way of stock market tips and investment opportunities can change one's standard of living impressively, ask nearly any US senator. And then there is the laundry service . . .
  12. Xi was sitting on the doorstep, waiting for Vlad to get back from Mariupol.
  13. Thing is, he supposedly has a $25 million offer for a television show that is there for the taking, and show biz people keep making jokes about it. So if he jumped out of politics tomorrow he'd have a job. The Apprentice: Former President Edition or Real Lives of Florida Derelicts
  14. Interesting way to live: go to a developing country to live in a squat. And hi-rise, so no snooping by those just passing by.
  15. I would think that Xi brought his own food and drink, cups and dishes, and has people to handle these things. And is wearing gloves and avoiding all direct-skin contact.
  16. Open warfare with the US would result in China loosing the US market, which would hurt their economy, and the US losing it's main source of cheap goods (bye-bye dollar stores). I suspect the EU would drastically cut trading ties. This would be good for cheap labor ASEAN countries. On the other hand it's said that China is heavily invested in US financial instruments, and if they sell off woe to the US economy. Thing about the Belt & Road is that it deals with the governments, and the from what I can make of it the citizens are unimpressed with the Chinese entrepreneurs who have their fingers in nearly every possible business. China does not have morality stipulations about how these countries treat their people, no sanctions for inhumane treatment of citizens etc. But it could get to the point where the citizens get fed up with their new colonialists and murder them in their beds, especially Africa. Colonialism 2.0. While passing through South Africa a few years back I read a newspaper article about a Chinese big shot who went into a township in his gold Mercedes to collect what was probably protection/extortion money. What ensued was, well, the article said was too heinous to print, but there was subtle language that gave the impression dismemberment was involved. And this was just a small article buried in the middle of the newspaper. Can't help but wonder how often these things happen.
  17. Notice how he is so in alignment with DT: he doesn't pay his bills, he's too eager to go to court, he can't get enough attention, and hey, maybe he'll get himself arrested soon. And of course he now sees himself as a political figure in this country, and is already gloating over the attention he'll get for it. The most un-T____ thing he's done is pay all that money for company with no tangible assets -- at least DT has the sense to stick with real estate (for the most part). I'm waiting for someone to come up with a twitter knock-off. Send him back to Africa.
  18. DT said the same thing, "going to zero" back then. A prediction borne of a meeting of great minds. Now that he is Lord High Panjandrum of twitter you could say he is a professional troll, forever trying to boost the site's numbers.
  19. So he says none of this happened, fake news etc. Then he tries to sue her for breech of contract. ????
  20. IMO Insurrection 2.0 will involve firearms and other ordnance. I would question how the individuals in the various police forces and National Guard will handle this. I could also see people like Bannon and Flynn and others taking to live media encouraging the violence and being arrested, if their locations are known. “There won’t be a standoff at Mar-a-Lago with Secret Service and the Manhattan DA’s office,” Joe Tacopina said. When these guys bring up something not previously mentioned, like this, it usually means just the opposite. The word standoff (which I heard Tacopina say on television yesterday) brought to mind something that happened in a certain town in Texas around 30 years ago regarding another cult leader (for those unfamiliar, search "waco standoff 1993"), and then I learned: Trump gears up for 2024 rally in Waco, Texas amid ongoing federal investigation, possible NY indictment
  21. Cohen says MAGA now means "Make an Attorney Get an Attorney." This is going to be a real spectacle: DT with his lawyers, and those lawyers with their own lawyers. So DT whispers something to his lawyer, who then has to consult with his own lawyer before he speaks to the judge. A satire of something that is a living satire turns into an absurdity vortex. I'm waiting to see how Secret Service protection to the indicted former president will be carried out -- will his protectors become his captors?
  22. It has become the 7-11 of coffee shops, pretty much globally, like it or not. I tried a knock-off cafe in KL, payed app. US$4 for the same local coffee that costs 50 cents. In Luxor, Egypt I had a most impressive cup of coffee in (brace yourself!) McD's.
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