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Posts posted by seonai

  1. I love the sniff kiss, this is a bit taboo but in my experience most Thai men never kiss like Europeans - as in 'French kissing etc" - but sniffing is a most romantic thing. It is also used for children and called "HOM" nice smell - adults may say to kids.... "Hom gone". Never seen it in another country. Anyone seen it elsewhere?


  2. cool girls. Thanks for the posts. Ya my nails never get done, hair's frizzy, blah blah. I do try to look tidy and clean though. I go to Phuket once every 6 months and it's such a shock. Jaw on the ground material !!!!!!

    By the way SBK hope the atmosphere is okay over there after the murder on Samui. I have been extremely stressed about it so it must be worse there.


  3. Most of you know that I live in a 99.9% Muslim area right..... I dress politely, but at night when I go to our bar I sneak on a vest and nice trousers! But in the village and around I am covered. I rarely gets comments about my appearance because I suppose I look like a bag of potatoes but some days I'll wear a particulary cute headscarf and all the ladies comment on how beautiful I am today. (sort of gets you down at times!!!) But the BEST amount of praise I every got, from men and women (loads of them) was when I went into town early one morning unwashed and in and old patoong (sarong) and my husband's Tottenham football shirt!!!!!

    "Suae one nee," the applauded in droves. "You look like Thai people today," they said!!!!!!!

    Posting for a laugh but any comments welcome!!!


  4. don't know if this is connected but there have been 'ladies only' clubs in BKK for years. The lady pays about 900baht initially and she gets an escort for the nihjt, he is Thai and trained in Latin dance, ballroom etc. His job is to make her feel like a lady while she wines and dines. After that........ not sure what happens next...... guess you can pay for more!

  5. okay Bambi but me and KHALL will wait for you at my bar ya? Donna works at the bottom of a very difficult road !!!!!!!

    Please tell me what time you arrive?

    Hey KHALL you better phone me !!!!!!!!



  6. GPage,

    An oven costs about 3,000 baht in Thailand. Personally I love oven cooked food and wouldn't be without an oven as part of the cooker.

    Such a lot of crap Thai food is also turned out now on markets and side stalls that I wouldn't even bother with them if you can do a bit of cooking yourself. It's like the Chinese restaurant syndrome in UK..... the food is no longer Chinese it's adapted crap. Same goes for many Thai food shops here in Thailand.


  7. N4m perhaps people like you ought to be put in boxes where others can come and observe you as weird specimens of the human race? You know, a full on study. The way you are talking is as if this poor woman deserved her fate and I find that abhorrent. Not only you but others too. Imagine if her relatives are reading this site????? For goodness sake have some dignity. Nothing personal as I don't know you, but please...........

  8. Hi all,

    I'm getting a little desperate regards my half Thai son'e education. He's in a Thai school as I can't afford International. He is just not interested in the subjects and is now skipping classes etc I found out! By all accounts everyone says he is highly intelligent but I don't know what to do. For example, will they let him graduate to High School?

    The teachers at the school are weak and just let kids do what they want and his English is better than anyone elses!!!!

    Does anyone have info on home schooling via the Net?


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