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Posts posted by seonai

  1. to the posters who worry about porn being available...... get a life

    To the posters who worry about censorship..... thanks for being cool.......

    porn might be okay to certain people who have an inadequate sex life and need something else to stimulate them...... but mass censorship is NOT ON.

    By the way..... I feel sorry for the guys out there that can't get it up without porn ...... SAD very sad......

  2. Ok Jaideeguy, sorry to hear about your personal stuff, I really appreciate that. But the whole thing about having scantily clad women in magazines is worldwide and it it is horrible... but who will stop it ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? This is essentially a male thing. So come on you guys.......... if there were lots of men in equally as sexy poses... how would you feel?

  3. "Reality check…..if you want to remove the ‘images’ that may provoke rape, start with the tabloids, fashion and teen magazines that titillate me ever time I pass a magazine rack in full public view….. with all those sexy girls just begging to get raped. "

    Get my point Jaideeguy?????????? What a shit statement to make. Raped??????? Have sex with maybe...... but raped....... get a grip

  4. Agree with those who say it's not just porn - of course I don't agree with rape scenes etc. - but it's about the power to CENSOR. That is not on. At all. I suspect if Article 19 get hold of this information the Thailand has another nail in it's coffin!!!!!

  5. Advanced Member

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    " I'd bet good money that he's allowed to serve the rest of his sentence out in Israel eventually. I don't think anyone buys the fact that this wasn't premeditated murder. It takes some real hatred to dismember someone like that. Then again if you've been around Jewish women for any length of time you can kind of understand what motivated this man."

    really can you understand what motivated this man.... don't try to talk smart... nothing excuses violence

  6. okay this is my last attempt at making some sort of in road to the male conversation here.... you guys obviously have some sort of of banter going on and I feel I can no longer contribute... go for it guys ..... as usual it will be men who dictate what is going to happen.... I have tried as an intelligent woman to intervent several conversations on this post and others and all I see is MEN shooting the crap with each other. Okay, this is me speaking honestly, I want to hear from people who are more moderate.... this topic is serious, really serious....

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