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Posts posted by seonai

  1. about the topic in general, I think it's silly because it's up to each individual to decide for themselves what it is they want to do. The generalities about being 'easy' are really superficial. Who decided what sexual relationships are all about????? Personally I believe in only one thing and that is monogamy between a mutually agreed partnership. Outside that.... it is up to the individual. But I would say that it takes some years in life to understand that..... I possibly would have said something different 20 years ago. Does that make me stand any better in your opinion Glauka?


  2. Gosh this thread touched base with me very deeply. Ultimately we are all humans, as some of you guys know out there I had to call for help not that long ago. But it was not a Thai/Farang thing, it was an anger management thing and since then.... we have both learned to manage things in a more intelligent manor. As for generalisations about Thai men... no truck. There are many different men out there. I am very happy now with my Thai husband and we learn more every day. I have had to make concessions about the way/method that I approach subjects but he also has had to change a lot. Not so bad.


  3. Absolutely SBK, the notion that ALL Thai men are lazy etc is a farang based conception. I challenge you farang men to come and work where I live for a month, cutting wood, gathering coconuts, dragging in fishing boats and sure..... eating three spicy curries a day.

    I'll give you my phone number if you want to try and we'll make it a story!


  4. What a lot of drivel, sorry but I suspect this Anna person is a Troll. Either that or she just likes a good wind up. Go on Anna, why are you so worried about this? Tell us

    Unsult to intelligence. (Apart from Wandering Dude and SBK)

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