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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. " When faced with the evidence Seksan burst into tears saying he was so sorry for what he had done.

    He claimed he had robbed the tourist to get money for his two children as cash from construction work was not sufficient."

    Well, he said sorry, and blamed something else as a reason, that is as good as it would get....

    500 Baht fine, case closed.... Next....


    The confession --- = reduced sentance, the attempted rape, how will that help the children ?? the low wage as a laborer, well blame that on the stupid policy of low wages and Burmese imports.

    This sounds like the same guy who was following girls and robbing them reported a few weeks back.

    Still poverty is no excuse for rape and violent crime but it sure is a contributer.

  2. Not saying this is the case for this man, but people who flee from depression and other mental illnesses back in their own home country tend to not understand that their illness will catch up on them sooner or later no matter where you are. Paradise is a temporary fix, but as soon as you've settled down, the same illness comes crawling back to you....

    Go home, get treated and then come back to Thailand, unless you want to end up like thousands of farrangs who lose their minds down here, ending either with suicide, murder or a never-ending spiral of troubles with your wife, "friends" or bar owners.

    Go home.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Court case ,maybe = sour relationship = lost his GF along with his house and money = go home to no money, just the pension or dole = depression.

    I am very glad I decided to rent and never own a property here.

    We see situations arise all over Thailand with similar theme's.

    I think if the above is the case then he needs some help, maybe home best option very sad.

  3. Hopefully the public will keep this story alive until justice is served. What an utter waste of life.

    The police have the opportunity to make an example to the public of this Jerk who thinks he is above the law and above everyone else.

    I hope the public do maintain pressure,if the police send this jerk to prison for a long time it will do more good and set an example to other rich bratts and drunken drivers that your going to get nailed.

    On the other hand as it pans out over time and appeals the public will forget and the mongrel will get off with a light sentance in ten years time.

    That's as tragic as this horrible crime and the horrible pain he has inflicted on the familys of the victims.

  4. Bangkok = wild west of asia blink.png

    Pathum Thani, wild east of Thailand.rolleyes.gif

    Meth tablets in the car, big problem now , years ago the Nana girls used to buy it to stay awake without hassle, now its getting out of control and being used by more and more young people.

    The main supply of ingredients coming from China.

    Mafia gangs and chinese heavily involved.

    Guess what-- meth in NZ and Australia a huge problem-- controlled by Chinese supply, Local gangs and Mafia.

    But didn't a girl in the car get shot in the leg, so maybe she can help the police identify and catch the villain, be intersting to see who he is.

    A shoot out happened near my house in Hua Hin a few weeks ago , undercover bust and bullets were flying everywhere, thought it was safe in the quiet Sois.

  5. "Hello Dah..Dee!!, You will not believe what has transpired...I was set upon by infidel non-believers the moment I set foot in this sinful place...Please send me more money...many contemptuous Western Union money lenders are available.......!!!

    Do you get insurance on cash, I thought not???

    Motive if he wasn't robbed ? maybe he owes someone money and can't pay now , seen in the news as proof???

  6. Good to hear that from a "big-wig" that the fines are "weak".

    Maybe this will spread to other departments of setting the fines.

    No mention though of the fine for overstaying 1-89 days. Will this "weak" fine be raised ? I hope so.

    Outrageous that foreigners abuse the system in such a manner.

    Yes very quiet on that one, to take a guess, maybe they will charge 500 BHT a day and that would make an 89 day overstay 44,500 BHT.

    This would more than compensate for the losses incurred by loosing the 20,000 Bht fine for lenghty overstay.

  7. Probably you are right, however my problem is not with the particulars of this case or the level of guilt if the <deleted> being pursued. It's the fact that a prescedent is being set.

    What if next time the campaign fails due to the fact the accused are innocent and some vigilante decides its time for street justice. They don't know the facts but lots of people say he/she is guilty and they act on that assumption.

    It's already happened in the uk and no doubt elsewhere.

    Don't get me wrong, I think this guy is guilty but the whole trial by social media is something that worries me.

    What's more is that unless there is root and branch reform of the BIB there will be more of this type of campaign and someone judged guilty by netizens but in reality innocent will be hurt.

    If not social media, what option is there? By all accounts the police had already given up by the time it came up on SM.

    Despite the reform agenda, we have already been told there will be no reform of the police.

    Again something with anyone with half a brain cell knew at the start of the 'reform' stuff. (apologies to Baerboxer etc)

    I appear to be a minority here but the fact is, for me at least, that trial by social media is wrong. Yes the BIB are a bunch of inept, lazy, corrupt, useless <deleted>. That's not in doubt, however social media is not the answer.

    Reform is the only answer. The fact this govt won't implement it does not make it any less correct.

    If the netizens (oh how I hate that term) want to do something useful then campaign for that.

    For as long as it takes.

    No matter how long or arduous the journey is.

    If they want justice then that's what they have to do.

    It's a lot harder to do but it's the only answer.

    Trial by media although wrong is right in this case.

    The problem we all know is corruption - the Force- having to remove officers from this case after social media exposed the crime.

    Thank goodnesss that dash cams and other footage exposed this, sadly if this was not exposed then someone might have evaded drink driving charges.

    I did read in BK post that Thailand has a new law now for refusing a blood test, refusal makes you automatcaly guilty, same as in NZ if you refuse then you are worse off--- however it seemed there was going to be some beating about the bush in this instance.

    So yes trial by social media is wrong,but in this case the exposure put pressure on the police to perform, so with corruption social media pressure is not wrong, it can only be wrong when the corruption is cleaned up.

    Don't hold your breath. wai2.gif

  8. I'm curious as to what the captain relayed to the passengers as to the reason for diverting.

    They would most likely say that a threat had been made against the aircraft and then include the landing airport and time of landing.

    Not diverted it was heading for BK and Indian authorities notified when the plane was 1 hour out from BK.

    Sicko if it was a joke but I hope they step up security .

  9. Any forigner who has invested into these bars (even as a silent partner) need to wake up and see that something is on the cards, IMHO i would be looking to get out before I was arrested for HT as we all know and so do the Military whats really going on with girls working in these places ..hostes, coyote or what ever name you like to call them they are mostly available for hire by customers of the bar, and under the UN terminology they are sex workers for payment and the bar takes a (bar finec, lady drink, ST room etc) which as we all know is illegal in thailand...be careful out there the knock is getting closer

    Yes I wonder if all the African girls were standing around Nana /Suhkhomvit Rd, and where the Russian girls were hiding at the time???

  10. A little off topic but. Does your wife suffer when she returns to Thailand with her stomach to. My Thai wife lives with me in the UK. She has lived there for about 10 years. When she returns to Thailand she dives straight in and starts to eat all the local Thai food . I have told her many times she cannot eat the same as when she lived in Thailand , for a few weeks. but it does not sink in. So we have a week of sprinting to the toilet every time along with stomach pains. Also she cannot understand why she gets eaten by mosquitoes. She never did before. So I know where one of the previous poster is coming from about the body adapting to the different climate. But she likes the snow.

    Most Thais I know that lived in NZ and were friends off my Thai wife love the cooler climate, not sticky they say.

    Most of them I asked," you want to go back and live in Thailand say, No to hot, but maybe one day".

    But one day never comes ,just visiting back home once in a while, any assets they have seem to evaporate with the heat into someone else's name.

    My wife seems quite happy in the heat as now living back here, however my power bill suffers from the heat.

    Me I suffer when it's real hot , I find the beachs here in Hua Hin quite nice for cool breeze and a swim very nice .

  11. What a hypocrite this guy is. Obama is the one who said: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” about the Republicans.

    He also said live on Tele, that occasionally we have to twist the arms of other countries that dont agree with us.

    Anyhow it.s just like big time wrestling , all a show, Trump is great friends with the Clintons.

  12. So what's the charges for attacking cops and foreign tourists in a police station. Hope this bar gets shut down as a result. We don't know all the details yet, would be interesting to hear the side the Canadian victim gives as to what he was attacked with, and if his bill was disputed and simply not paid for. A lot of the tourist areas have bars that are known to inflate the bills on the sly.

    To hazard a guess I would say the bill was in dispute, years ago I went into a show bar in patpong and a horrible lady boy gave me a check bin for one beer, I could not wait to get out of the place , then I only had a 1000 Bht note and no change returned, I rang my Thai wife who was shopping and she spoke to them and said she had called the police, they gave me my change and told me never come back.

    I would not want to anyway, I have heard many accounts of overcharging in Karaoke bars and bars that have lady boy staff serving drinks, however wait until we hear the other side of the story, I bet you the ladyboys account is not the whole truth.

  13. If you think Punt's intervention was wrong, perhaps you can share your view on how you would have gotten peace talks to start. You sound merely pseudo-wise.

    There are no easy answers. But bombing innocent civilians would not have been one of my plans.

    You probably watch CNN and support the evangilist Cruz.

    Civilians get caught in wars, look at London and Dresden.

    the Usa has killed many civilians in illegal airstrikes and hit Hospitals in the middle east.

    Israel bombed the hell out of civilians and still kills them, Turkey is bombing and killing innocent Kurds.

    Russias intervention has been efective in getting some direction towards peace, Americas airstrikes did hardly a thing.

    The most important thing is that ISIS who fight with black market money,US weapons and aid from the Saudis and the Turks has been driven back through the Russian intervention.

    Now they are the bad guys, what a joke.

  14. Despicable behavior and this from a school. If I had children on that school, I would find them another one. The ignorance is beyond belief.

    Although I don't necessarily agree with forcing her to undergo testing! I can see the Thai logic in it. Aides takes months to show up in the blood. The girls parents are both afflicted with it so their is a better chance she has caught this disease from them. In school, children are in such close quarters with other students that it is more than just a slight chance that disease can be caught by another student if she has it. But here is the Thai logic. Schools worry more about what parents say than anything. They want parents to keep their kids in that school. Parents that know the girls family all have aides are probably threatening the director about removing their kids from class. The parents probably aren't educated about aides enough anyways. But the director is demanding this because he has had it requested by other students families. Being this is Thailand, ignorance brings about fears and their fears take hold to make unreasonable demands. Just remember how one tambon tried to relocate a small community full of aides victims before.

    You do realise HIV can only be passed through intimate sexual contact or blood to blood contact don't you? So rather than "more than just a slight chance that disease can be caught by another student" the chance is just about zero in normal day to day life.

    In a documentry I saw the other day on HIV it is quite commom for children to have HIV passed on to them through contact with their HIV parents.

    Children with HIV were persecuted at schools and had to go to special centres, this was in africa.

    No doubt all this attention will mean the poor girl will be isolated and picked on at this school because everybody knows about it.

    Precaution is needed but it seems the school had medical information that the girl was clear, now she will be a victim of the schools stupidity.

    On the other hand I know of HIV positive couples in LOS that still pump out kids which is dangerous and stupid,one I know off has had 2 children and both were negative by luck alone it seems, but they could have been born positive as well according to doctors.

    I think this is wreckless and selfish behaviour for HIV couples to bear children.

    No matter what children of HIV parents even if negative will be strangers at school.

  15. Thailand has a gun problem the highest gun death rate of 50 asian nations, twice the US rate. estimated 6 million guns out there they know of, but more than likely 10 mill with illegals.

    Thats about one in five people have a gun.

    The enlightened one take no notice off this growing problem, or the maniac killing going on on the roads, no doubt drugs are helping fuel the gun problem, remove the guns ban them, if it gets worse then no more tourists in another ten years time just gun slingers and cowboys on the roads.

  16. And of course....lets not forget the "buckets" in KPN, KPP, KT and etc......they're ok I guess?

    Given they are mixed or altered on demand from the original container, I would guess not.

    He would be to scarred to go to the islands.

    Yesterday it was reported in the BK post that authorities busted a couple of bars in phuket trading with expired licenses and having tobacco bongs, the good news from this was that the alcohol confiscated would be donated to senior police.wai2.gif

  17. And what or who decided to give this fellow his title.Perhaps those who wrote the article should look into a mirror , they may well not like what the see judgmental third class social misfits.

    Bangkok Coconut is hardly the most respected member of the fourth estate here in Thailand or elsewhere for that matter.Bangkok Coconuts makes the Scum Sun news news sheet in the U.K look positively intellectual.

    Viewing his FB page he seems to be living the good life.

    Most-hated German in Thailand with big foot returns to begging in Hong Kong

    Don't know where that quote came from but the foot looks very nasty, poor fellow.

  18. So very sad, I took my four yr old for a swim at Cha amm beach on Sunday it was very rough and windy with strong undertow.

    I never went more than a metre away from shore or my boy.

    I have noticed many times groups of children swimming together quite a distance out, unsupervised.

    Also on Sunday a Jet ski boat was running at high speeds well inside the flags and only metres away from young children--- loonatic.

    This is very sad when a young one dies.


  19. It maybe partly legal however it's most important that if you going to drive in Thailand you are fully covered for car insurance.that is the key point to have to decide if you think it's worth the risk you will he taking on the roads in Thailand.

    My insurance company said they would accept a NZ license if I had an accident, however I think it is not legal to drive in LOS with a foriegn license.

    I have hired cars before on a NZ license but if push came to shove the rental company might reneg.

    I have a Thai license now which are pretty easy to get if you have an existing current license from most overseas countries, no driver test just eye sight and medical and a print out of the classifications on your existing license from the issuing country.

  20. Maybe if the US would stop arming rebels Assad would be more cooperative.

    You need to do some research on who is arming the rebels. The number one supplier is not the US. The number one supplier of arms to Syria currently is Russia. Saudia Arabia, Iran, Turkey are all major players also...

    Russia is openly supplying arms to Syria and air support at Syrias request.

    Saudi and Turkey are supplying arms , American arms to help ISIS and the rebels against a so called regime which sounds like Blair and Bushes weapons of mass destruction that never existed.

    Iran is supplying arms and supporting Kurdish fighters to Syria to fight ISIS, they are the most successfull force so far in the fight against ISIS.

    What does Turkey do? it is currently bombing Kurdish fighters from its border into Syria who are fighting ISIS, the Saudis have fighter Jets in Turkey ready to go into Syria, so go figure!

    The so called peace makers want the head of the el qaeda rebels to be at the peace talks, what a joke the persecuters want to dictate the peace talks and leave out the persecuted.

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