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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

    GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

    Hope you'r right, possibly this is the best thing that has happened since the worst thing that happened to the world , THE EU.

    Next off the mark could be Spain and Greece, the whole thing might unwind but not before more economic terrorism about leaving is mongered.

    NZ scare mongering was rife in the media saying exports would suffer--- BS, the only thing that will change is the exchange, the money will be money.

    Things might be the same as the status quo never loose,however without the EU bullies in charge of the world economy it may be a slight improvement.

    Watch out for a property bubble burst as the bookies and stock exchange insiders traders make money by wreaking havoc.

    After this settles down some will be more filthy rich and life will go on in their favour as usual.

    The bookies are very happy with a result they called the wrong way, isn't that strange.

    It was a close call, I as very happy and a little sad to see Cameron go, he was a very bad actor,but to pick the best bad actor out of world leaders would be quite hard as they are all very good bad actors.

    I like Boris to be next PM certainly the world does not deserve George Osbore the psycopath , I wonder if Boris will comb his hair for the job.

    Well done Britain.

  2. I dont see whats the problem. I got hit on the head when in school and misbehaving, my dad could do so as well sometimes, glad he did because god knows I asked for it. Non event.

    Next !!

    When punishment in schools was prohibited, not smacking on the head, and anti smacking laws introduced into NZ ,bratts became more prevalent as did bad attitude in adults.

    At least one did not have to apologise in the public domain to save family face and prevent further possible retribution, maybe a bullet for being abused..

    I hope your not a catholic abused child as society still has not punished the massive worldwide list of abusive and molesting priests, but simply reposted them or stood them down on full pay.

    A lesson they may have taught Thais.

    I see your joke and the status quo will prevail until devine intervention (not catholic) rains down upon the Earth and restores the world to sanity.

    With all due respect wai2.gif

  3. In NO circumstances is it okay for a teacher to hit a student around the head area.

    Her statement is motivated by fear and save face mentality.

    The same mentality that was the reason why Thai passengers in a maniac driven Ten seater van never complained but preyed to Bhudda instead.

    I bolicked the driver who was out of his face and had, had one accident already on the way down to Hua Hin, plus +++ was going so fast he was having near misses all the way.

    In bolicking this idiot, as I can speak some Thai , I probably saved their lives and my families, they smiled a thankyou to me , when I asked my Thai wife why none spoke up she said, " To scarred of him and he might get angry and go even faster".

    The girl that made the statement that she deserved a beating from her teacher is clearly demonstrating the reason that Thainess is backward , breeds corruption and is the main inhibitor of going forward and the main proponent for things to get worse.

    Take hede oh enlightened one, ??? no chance

  4. Its both crazy and worrying how volatile these people are, no rational adult has an argument goes get a gun and shoots dead the person only to either commit suicide or spend alot of time in prison.

    Tthe guy will hopefully have the next 20+ years sitting in a hole of a cell, with nothing to do except think of his actions.

    H will say he was drunk and upset and didnt know what he was doing. Sorry

    Yes he was drugged and confused,let him off with 2 years.

  5. The premeditated murder charge won't stick, the cops have basically said they won't allow it to stick. A straight up murder charge (like what they have been given - or has that not happened yet?) is likely to have the best chance to keep these fools in remand jail, and locked up for many years after court. The CCTV footage is there, the lawyer witness was there is too law savvy to be bribed off (as well as having already gone on the record about what he saw).

    People are saying the killers will get off. Absolutely delusional. They are on toast, the only thing despicable I expect to happen is for the judge to give unduly lenient sentences due to mitigating factors (first time offence, drunk, self defence yada yada yada). They'll still get years, but not as many as they should

    Self defence , in danger of being run over by a wheelchair.

    Drunk, plausable, bad influence made them drink that day or drug.

    Possibility of light sentence, highly provable , due to examples from the past, B2 ect ect ect.

  6. Red cross does not have an age limit

    as long as you are healthy to donate.


    Thailand exclusion of over 55 year olds excludes myself,

    he could have my blood , and i know as a former donor how high

    my platelets are,

    I am sure Mr C would be happy to have my donation,

    more red unnecessary TAPE.

    Why can't the Red Cross inconjunction with the Canadian Embassy fly some blood in from Canada or any other comonwealth country???

    It would be easy, but to hard because simple things these days are to hard unless you pull a wad out.

    Surely the Thai hospitals could organise blood to be flown from overseas, or organise their stupid blood donation rules.

  7. Since they seem to allow masks now, what exactly is the point of the photos?

    A very good point, this could be a modified Ronald Mc Donald mask to foil everyone, if the burmese two were allowed masks then no one would know who they were during the re enactment.

    Just demonstrates how the Thai police have different rules for different blokes.

  8. Send an ambulance and get it over with. This charade has taken long enough now. Many Thais I know are starting to become irritated by what sometimes seems to be a barrage of monks misbehaving and going against just about everything Buddhism is supposed to stand for.

    Dvt only prevents flying, do not the enlightened ones waiting to question him know this???

  9. I drive on the highway daily and the minivan drivers are without a doubt the fastest and most reckless of all the idiots on the road.

    I have been in them when one idiot side swiped a car then a truck and then was chased by the car he hit and finally stopped.

    Another occaision side swiped the back of a truck as he ran out of space overtaking.

    I don't ride them now and when I see them coming behind me I get out of their way.

    Sad that the government is more interested in attitude ajustment for ciriticism of the charter than Road reforms, these mine vans are aptly nicknamed Kami Kazi suicide vans.

  10. In the 30 plus years that I have been coming to and living in Thailand I have never known it to be this hot for such a long period. I dread to think what my power bill will be this month, my a/c has never worked so hard.

    record power bill for me 4700 Bht , but don't forget how cold it was a month or so back, record flooding and snow, cold in europe.

    Very cold , actually nice in LOS longer than usual'

    When the rain come's maybe we will get record flooding ,who knows?

    This has happened before in the 60,s.

    Do I believe that it's ell Nino, well that's the name touted for everything wrong with the weather.

    I believe its just a cycle that we are going through and it's possibly a cold cycle according to a few books that I have read that say global warming is a money making scam for the carbon credit boys.

    Watch the weather reports and make your own mind up,

  11. How is it that Thai women and men can screw around like rabbits, as an accepted part of Thai culture "Pai Ha Gig"

    But when the farung "sugar daddy" does it, its the biggest crime of the century and is most always met with violence.

    Its always the Farungs fault for making problems for us innocent Thais

    Welcome to Amazing Thailandwai.gif

    Dont you know that the root to all evil is farrangs.... without them Thailand would be the best place in the world......


    If your going correct people...get it right!!!!..................Farang.

    Farang (Thai: ฝรั่ง [faràŋ]) is a generic Thai word for someone of European ancestry, no matter where they may come from. The Royal Institute Dictionary 1999, the official dictionary of Thai words, defines the word as "a person of white race".

    The word originate fom arabic , used by ancient traders meaning European or white skinned.

  12. Assault causing injury.... Stabbing someone in the me neck... Why not attempted murder?

    Because --- thai dont --- sorry your right.

    However the jealousy might be an act of how much she loves him, and did not like seeing another girl flurt with him.

    Protecting one's financial future at all costs

    Case solved.

    Oh but dont worry about the ten other falangs that send money every month or so to her.

    Some of the well deserved income may well insure her for a 500 BHT fine.

  13. Jesus - that was absolutely disgusting. What on Earth is wrong with those guys? Kicking a woman in the face when she is on the ground. They are animals.

    The Thai police have methods for extracting information.

    They could use these methods to get the rest of the thugs ,that obviously many people know the identities of.

    The fact that is taking so long to extract this information lays weight on a theory that the other thugs may be part of a gang that has some connections or some of the peanut brains have mummy and daddys that know people.

    The Thai Police were brilliant in a matter of days at framing and extracting a re enactment of a murder and a confession. (cynical)

    They could easily round up these monkeys, so something is hampering the will to seek out the villains.

    Hua Hin is rapidly being invaded by scum , especially on the weekends when thousands flock down to here and Cha Am.

    There have been murders and shootings (between Thai gangs) in Cha Am which was a lovely place to go and sit on the beech and eat fresh seafood on the weekends , but not these days.

    A sign of the times im afraid wai.gif

  14. Ah yes the old beating yourself to death with a whiskey bottle way of suicide....

    He must have had some hell of a stink the night before when he was beaten with the bottle.

    He was on the phone when he left his friend, posible a irl from the night b4 not satisfied about something or her gig was not satisfied.

    Where did this happen???

    While I believe that many suicides are genuine I also believe tha many are not, if you think that police calling suicides , suicide is a joke then read the book by Roger stone -- the man who killed Killing kennedy, the case against LBJ, and see what the American police called suicides-- just as bad as Thai Police.

  15. Much of the collection of bras and panties belonged to two pretty local sisters who run a beauty shop nearby. They had posted CCTV footage on Facebook recently complaining their undies kept going missing from a line beside their house.

    4,000 pairs of knickers stolen and these sisters kept just hanging them out every day. Dumb and dumber.

    They could have tied a string attached to a bell and knickers on the line and caught the Ding a Ling

  16. as a 16 year old high school student in Los Angeles in 1971, I had to watch the film "Mechanized Death" as part of my drivers education class.

    I never forgot watching that film. Some of the images haunted me for years.

    The instructor warned us before hand if we could not stand to watch, just look away. And the girls were told not to watch at all.

    watch it if you dare:

    Dam right, there should be a national road safety campaign with televised adds showing carnage on the roads.

    They do this in NZ they are horrible to watch and I usually change channel after seeing a few, you don't want to watch them, you are also reminded by billboards.

    Horrible but effective. wai2.gif

  17. Enjoy the rest of your lives in a Thai prison ladies.

    Who's the dude , falaang in the shirt looking on, a undercoved falaang? or friend''

    If your stupid enought to buy drugs in LOS you must be prepared for the scumbags that sell it to top you as they owe it to the big brown boss man waiting for a feed.

    I have heard stories of rd blocks in remote parts near Chiang Mai ,planting drugs on tourists.

    9 gramms each possible buy out here.

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