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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. ah the police

    where you can buy your promotion

    and nobody asking where all that money is coming from, on a small government salary

    where the police never goes to jail even caught with both hands in the cookie jar

    When you test to find a rotten egg you put them in a bowl of water and the rotten ones float.

    If all the police in LOS were told to jump into the ocean the ones that sank to the bottom and died would be good ones and the ones floundering on the surface would be rotten.

  2. Maybe this be a lesson to people trying to save a few ££££'s by not having travel insurance.

    Why should Thailand have to "foot this bill" ?

    Why shouldn't they/? Thais get treated in NZ for emergency , if tourists ,we just don't let them die, it's treatment first questions later.

    36k pound sounds a bit steep for just keeping her alive , I would like to know which hospital that was??

    Sounds very cruel to me and non humanitarian, but that's common in this world where illness is a big money industry, the big corporates fill you up with pollution, insecticides GM food, raise the pension age, then poisen you to death with toxic treatments on the way out at huge costs.

    Your getting severaly clipped in life and more so on the way out.


    Medical insurance? well you might not worry if your ok but for a short term holiday you can get your credit card company to insure you for a small fee, worth it I think.

    Long term medical insurance is so expensive that many take the risk.

    Reciprocal agreements would be nice, but to hard for a politician to digest without a big donation, the staus quo win the money at all times. Sad.

  3. Depending on actual voter turnout, 30.4% who say they will vote in support of the draft may be enough to approve the draft charter.

    The 2007 draft Constitution was approved by about 32% of total registered voters wherein only 57% of registered voters went to the polls. Of course should the 2016 draft be approved by a minority of registered voters, there will be no clear mandate for the 2016 draft constitution, political conflict will continue and perhaps even intensify. The EC had the right idea to base approval on a majority of registered voters but the Junta mandated otherwise.

    Surprisingly, a large amount of Thais do not know of the second world war, If I were a betting man I would place my bet on most Thais not understanding the referendum or even knowing about it.

    Then there is the fear factor as well, being afraid to go against the glorified ones.

  4. Who do you think runs the aex industry in Thailand? Who is behind the scenes raking in the money?

    Answer: The same people that have been oblivious to it since 1960,the same as the ones quite often seen in Chappaya BK putting heaps of 1000 BHT notes around the singers necks, the same ones that the mama saaan told me were big time officals , police army politicians and mafia.

    I once heard a quote from a stupid NZ politician when the flood gates opened to Chinese migrants into NZ, the worry was that the Chinese Mafia would infiltrate into NZ.

    He said we have measures in place to prevent this, we have experience learned from British police in HK.

    A statement made by this tourism Minister to get a spot in the news for himself.

    NZ is rife with methamphetamine and crime and who is behind it? the main culprits are the ones that the minister said "Wont Happen".

    If reform happens in a way of zero tolerance civil war will break out in LOS>wai2.gif

  5. This man clearly, doesn't know his job or doesn't read the incoming tourists statistics, majority of male

    tourist to the kingdom has to do wit a quest for some kind of sexual gratification of some sort,

    if he ever bothered to leave his ivory tower and go down and mingle with the masses, he'd soon learn

    that sex tourism is a major revenues earner, and by eliminating it, he'd be putting out as many as a million

    hospitality workers that otherwise will go underground and still will ply their trade,

    Not the minster, nor the PM and all their army and police men can stop the sex industry from being,

    legalize and control it, will be the better way to go about it.....

    The Chappaya in BK, there are a few around the country, is frequented by high flying members of the police ,army and govt, not to mention the other private interests.

    This has been the norm for many moons, to think that things would change is just dribble.

    Civil war would erupt between a few factions if this happened andsales of bullet proof vests would increase.

    Not going to happen.

  6. Taxi driver runs over soi dog....Action.

    Billionaire runs over cop....Inaction.

    It's a little confusing!

    By the look of the video I don't think the driver saw the dog.

    The attitude and concern for the dog shown by the young man in the white Tee shirt is 0.

    Why the big fuss, the dog may have had rabbies, maybe mangy and probably lies in the path of cars everyday as do nearly all soi dogs.

    My wife has been attacked and bitten by mangy horrible soi dogs that are running around the dragon market in Hua Hin everyday.

    Not one responsible carer, or dog rights individual nor group has done a thing to cull the breeding and abundance of this menace.

    Personaly I avoid running over soi dogs daily as we all probably do , however they do get crunched daily and it's a wonder that they survive the way they lie on the roads.

    Like most horrible problems that exist on Thai roads this is another one that Thailands people and authority is ignoring.

    Be carefulll out there as if you crunch one, even if dyeing of rabbies someone might claim it's ownership and demand you pay a ransom to the owner. wai2.gif

  7. It will be suicide,too much trouble investigating a murder,

    R.I.P. Swedish man,

    regards worgeordie

    A hand writing check needed here, also in all my time in LOS I have never heard of a bar girl/ barmaid going to a falaang's residence to check up on him.

    Verdict, suicide from Gold Clubs and drinking to much water.

  8. This guy's either clever or soft... bought himself potential protection or opened the floodgates. There are good uns, but most cops do alright with 'other' avenues for making money. How's about the poor hill tribes folk?

    I would say clever, must have a lot of loot to give it away especialy to Police.

    The motive will keep us guessing but my guess would be to aid his better detriment.

  9. Nothing will be done.


    Exactly, nothing 0 , zilch.

    Thai drivers do not stop for pedestrian crossings, nor do they stop at roundabouts, they dont know the law, the road rules or care.

    This is the fault of the ones that rule the roost, a massive road campaign, road education and policing need to occur.

    The ruling ones do not care and are to busy with other matters that generate well being for the purse.

  10. Unbelievable - just unbelievable! Is there no end to the all-pervasive moral rottenness of this 'culture'?!

    Don't forget the worldwide list of catholic preists that are re-posted and protected by the church, that molest children this has been ongoing with nothing done about it for decades.

    Religion is a great place for perverts to hide, fortunately the majority are not rotten, however their seems to be plenty at the top of organisations that dip their fingers into these charitable pots.

  11. The 100,000 figure is such a nice round number. It looks good in print.

    Just a little consideration for the economic impact: it is likely the majority of illegal immigrants (excepting the scam artists and drug dealers) are engaged in low wage work that contributes to the Thai economy, and places only minimal burdens on government services. There is a net positive to the economy that is often ignored. If say 80,000 of those 100,000 were actually working, then the "loss' of those workers would be a significant step back for some businesses.

    I'm not arguing against their arrest and deportation; instead, I'm arguing for an understanding of how low wage illegal foreign workers are not necessarily "bad" people.

    I can not see why, illegal and foriegn low wage workers that pay no tax, contribute to poor working conditions and create horrible extortive employers, plus the fact that they create unemplyment for local Thais who end up on P or dealing it -- and become criminals, a good thing, sorry to disagreee.

  12. That's pretty good going, well done.

    Nz police just busted a gang with a boat trying to smuggle over 500 kg of meth into NZ on the west coast of the Nth Island.

    Seems that the busted ones, gave up the aussie who was not included in the arrests made at the time.

    So this man would have walked freely through LOS if not for the good work from NZ police and the Thais for grabbing him.

    The lot in the pic look like a real nice bunch of tourists for LOS.

    What a shambles it has become , very sad indictmant on authorities that let this scum into Thailand.

    Good to see 100k of them rounded up, keep going it might have effect when you get to 500k+

  13. "But after just a week of "looking after her" Sompong started to hurt her", police said. Well I think that's a good reason for a three year old to wet the bed, especially if she was in fear and stressed form being beaten.

    One can only imagine the horror of the last few minutes of her short life.

    I am speechless to think up a fitting crime for this evil animal,in the photo on the left, he doesn't seem to upset, quite calm almost smug.

    The girls mother must be devastated.

    R.I.P little girl

    The way he's preying he's hoping for a light sentence nothing else.

    There are many in this world that can commit atrocity, give them a uniform and they will be worse.

    Unfortunate but true, very sad for this poor litle girl who would never have even known why whe was being beaten.

    This disgusting nutter should get the death penalty, I don't know what the partner did as but if she was supportive then she also should join the sick man in the gallows.

  14. finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

    GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

    Hope you'r right, possibly this is the best thing that has happened since the worst thing that happened to the world , THE EU.

    Next off the mark could be Spain and Greece, the whole thing might unwind but not before more economic terrorism about leaving is mongered.

    NZ scare mongering was rife in the media saying exports would suffer--- BS, the only thing that will change is the exchange, the money will be money.

    Things might be the same as the status quo never loose,however without the EU bullies in charge of the world economy it may be a slight improvement.

    Watch out for a property bubble burst as the bookies and stock exchange insiders traders make money by wreaking havoc.

    After this settles down some will be more filthy rich and life will go on in their favour as usual.

    The bookies are very happy with a result they called the wrong way, isn't that strange.

    It was a close call, I as very happy and a little sad to see Cameron go, he was a very bad actor,but to pick the best bad actor out of world leaders would be quite hard as they are all very good bad actors.

    I like Boris to be next PM certainly the world does not deserve George Osbore the psycopath , I wonder if Boris will comb his hair for the job.

    Well done Britain.

    Why would Spain and Greece want to leave?

    I could be wrong but I always thought that these two were net gainers

    The only gain Greece got from staying in the EU was bankers taking the bail out money, the people got Austerity, suicide, unemployment , economic bullyism, pension cuts, mysery for the poor and riots.

    Spain got the same , the whole thing is a mess.

    Terrorists can move all through the schengen zone without using passports.

    This economic maddness has sread throughout the world including most other countries in the world, Thailand a good example, where Burmese labor work for a pittance ,creating unemployment for Thais who now think they are above being a builder or builders laborer or house keeper and instead have no future or jobs and turn to Methamphetamene use , and drug dealing, gangs and viloence.

    This is also a pattern in NZ and Australia, leaving the EU might be a chance for some salvation, but we can only hope.

  15. Its been a quiet few weeks since the last spurious Indian insurance claim too.

    And isnt it always the same amount? I smell a rat.

    The insurance scams wouldn't be so easy if the LB problem weren't so prevalent. But no real resolve to do anything about the one, so the other continues as well.

    probably with a bit of insider trading as well.

  16. finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

    GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

    Hope you'r right, possibly this is the best thing that has happened since the worst thing that happened to the world , THE EU.

    Next off the mark could be Spain and Greece, the whole thing might unwind but not before more economic terrorism about leaving is mongered.

    NZ scare mongering was rife in the media saying exports would suffer--- BS, the only thing that will change is the exchange, the money will be money.

    Things might be the same as the status quo never loose,however without the EU bullies in charge of the world economy it may be a slight improvement.

    Watch out for a property bubble burst as the bookies and stock exchange insiders traders make money by wreaking havoc.

    After this settles down some will be more filthy rich and life will go on in their favour as usual.

    The bookies are very happy with a result they called the wrong way, isn't that strange.

    It was a close call, I as very happy and a little sad to see Cameron go, he was a very bad actor,but to pick the best bad actor out of world leaders would be quite hard as they are all very good bad actors.

    I like Boris to be next PM certainly the world does not deserve George Osbore the psycopath , I wonder if Boris will comb his hair for the job.

    Well done Britain.

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