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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. So the title should be.. Thais tour boat operators not paying their dues but making money from the Chinese who will get blamed!

    It's not difficult.. Station a boat or a floating harbour at the entrance then check their paperwork!

    Chinese tours always have a guide, I used to drive tours in NZ with Chinese and Koreans.

    The guide does the bussines, he/ she would have collected the fees (probably more than the real fee) then paid the boat driver a back hand, maybe some staff at the park also in the divvy up.

    What the tour guides were also good at was charging the tours up to 20 to 30 dollars US for free venues, If I caught them doing it they would offer me some of it.

    We had to keep quiet as they would change tour companies and no jobs for us.

    Eventually they got their own Busses and drivers and lots of small bus co's went under.

    We had to make detours when passing NZ Tourist shops as the tour guides would direct us to back St Shop factories owned by Chinese and rip the hell out of the tour, at the same time telling them they were getting bargains.

    Already here they have their own Busses and you can be assured that all of the above and more is going on.

    Chinese tourists are of no benefit to LOS they are only benefiting corrupt officials and their own.

  2. There is no excuse for violence against any woman.

    She was friends with a foreign man, so what many ladies have male friends.

    Stubbing cigarettes out on her face bloody animal.

    Police want to stub out cigarettes out on his face, see if he likes it.

    Obviously he hate farangs and has attitude.'Hope the psyco is locked away for many years.

    Then again he might be a good candidate for the regimes adjustment programme clap2.gif

  3. The fact that meth was found with a van driver says a lot about how these drivers keep awake on their 25 hour shifts....

    Amongst the carnage over the years caused by these cowboy lunatics the glorious new government has failed miserably to do anything at all about it.

    They should have policmen on duty at each departure station for these manicas and testing drivers as they leave.

    That would be quite simple, the only reason I can see that prevents this is the Mafia and money.

    Then life is so cheap here when rich Kids are allowed to murder at will on the Rds what hope is there for reform.Money will prevail.

  4. If they were from Laos,how many check points did they go through to get nearly to the other end of the country?oh hang on they must have gone through at lunch time when it is not manned.

    Either that or they got waived through because of happy smile.

    Hope we don't see more attacks on police as angry drug lords loose their shipments.

    Then we neve know what happens to the siezures after the bust.

  5. Steroids.....screws up their minds

    1/...You know this ----because you have taken so many over the years & this is the way it affects you..??

    2/ because....You have seen so many Body builders attacking people & kidnapping girls so your posting all ther links to help us understand ??

    3/ because...You have lots of links to show cause & affect of steroids on people ....(just forgot to post them)...??

    4/ Because you really don't have a clue about steroids now prescribed by doctors all over the USA & the UK for HRT treatment.......but hay it seemed a good throw away line..............bound to get some likes from other people who don't know either................coffee1.gif


    Discover magazine-----Science for the curious

    The Myth Of “Roid Rage”?

    I knew a body builder from the USA who told me that he flew into a steroid rage over a road incident and nearly beat a guy to death.

    I have seen people on steroids while recieving medical treatment for cancer get violent after taking steroids.

    Steroid rage may well be, a bit of a nutter as well.

    The girl a bit stupid going back, but this guy deserves a lengthy Jail sentence. wai2.gif

  6. RIP my poor fellow citizen sad.png


    Happens all the time. Pop into the shop can't be bothered going back home then the young man just dies - you couldn't make these stories up !!!!

    From previous reports, he had some issues with his leg(?). Those reports hint of decompression sickness. Possible he was disoriented after his last dive in Indonesia (which I believe was where he had been). Please correct me if I am wrong. In any case, RIP. Condolences to loved ones.

    We can all speculate as to what happened, However the GF diid not report him missing for 4 days, that is pretty incredible and requires some explanation.

    I think something was going on here,indeed the story is a mystery,the question is will it ever unfold or be thrown in the -to hard- basket.

  7. And what action is being taken against the crook who drove the taxi?

    He has recieved attitude ajustment therapy from the airport, he also has promised to leave the Mafia and change his ways, "Thank God for government reforms in LOS".

    On the other hand nothing has changed in years, first time I came here16 yrs ago the scammers were plentifull at Don Muang asking 4000 to the city, only because I was forwarned did i ignore them and walk outside and get a taxi metre for , 400 or so can't remember, but soon learnt where to go at airport for taxi.

    Just a few weeks ago I flew into Don Muang and went upstairs for a Taxi, a scammer aproached me and said I show you where to go for Taxi 2000, I ignored him and just went to the taxi rank and got Taxi Metre.

    This problem at the airports was supposed to be cleaned up and never has been--- surprise ,surprise.


  8. Bizarre reporting…what are they trying to insinuate?

    Patong Police are investigating a foreign man found at the scene. The heavily-tattooed man, who police have yet to publicly identify, was wearing a 'Dope It' t-shirt.

    If this is true then it could have been an argument with a nutter BF, who pushed her off, 19 is a bit young to jump and co-ordination usually good that young-- unless waisted on a hallucigen.

    If there was a perp I hope they catch him.

  9. What a joke this is. 15 days later?? Really??

    I hope this goes viral in the media as it is ,keystone Cops at the least , it is a mockery of the law , an insult to all with all any amount of brain power.

    He refused a blood test on the night he can not say ok do one now, could any one else do this 15 days later???

    This is the sickest thing I have ever seen from the Thai Police.

    Condoning murder.

    The B2 have no hope, money casn buy you a policeman and a judge.

    The Government now a farce.

  10. Sociopaths lacking any empathy or remorse begin the behavior at a very early age. I do not know how the Thai justice system deals with this type of case, but there is a good chance that it will continue until someone stops him.

    Psycopaths and sociopaths both lack empathy or remorse their brains are wired differently, that is a medical fact.

    They can not be cured.

    This boy may be one or the other.

    He should have a psychiatric evaluation and put in an asylum, whatever he is he would be a menace to society and a threat of reoffending.

  11. Id say no they're not smarter than Thai kids until they've both been to school for a couple of years, but given the shocking state of the Thai education system all the Thai kids actually get more stupid year on year whereas the european kids get more intelligent, so very quickly this changes. it's disgraceful that the Thai government spends so much money on education & produces a system that actually makes the kids more stupid. Of course we all know that a lot of the money spent gets stolen by officials in the ministry of education & the directors & senior teachers. This corruption needs to be stopped before any improvement will be seen but of course TIT & this corruption is so deeply embedded in the culture that nothing will be allowed to happen, plus of course the government & the elite who pull their strings do not want an educated population as the more educated the population are the more likely they are to stand up against their exploitation by the elite.

    You can't have educated serfs & peasants, they won't put up with the shit from their lords & masters for ever & sooner or later there would be a very bloody revolution....

    I find that Thai kids educated in NZ in a good school are very smart.

    Nz kids as with any kid of any nationality educated in a poor area or school in NZ are street smart but enducated, I suppose you would say stupid because of upbringing and poverty.

    I have sent my 4 year old Luk Krin boy to a private school here, he used to know the english alphabet backwards, now he hardly knows it.

    I think he is not progressing in a Thai school , not only him all the kids don't seem to know much.

    The education system is to Blame and the attitudes in the upbringing of Thai children particually boys by their grandparents and mothers gives then attitude.

    I am not the only one to say this as many posters have said similar in the past.

    The schools are overcrowded and not very efficient.

    But as for smartness goes the world would be flooded with geniuses if society, world wide offered equal opportunity.

    Society today seems quite content with keeping people Stupid.

    The answer therefore is NO>

  12. Yeah little girls who can't swim are always jumping into filthy klongs for no apparent reason, typical Thai denial

    This boy has not yet the age to lock him up.

    No matter the decisions of the court.

    So, how many others will be molested or die before he reach the age of incarceration?


    I am not certain but can't he be held indefinately in a Mental institution, then when older put in permanent detention for life??

    I know this has happened in other countrys, anyone know thai law here???

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