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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. They have just opened a Zoo in Hua HIn up the Pala U Rd, turn right past the market when you see the sign saying Car Wash and Bar.

    Along the end of that RD.

    Anyhow, they have spent millions re-siting huge trees and replicating stone henge and building nice walls.

    It is in the early stage and not complete but is open now.

    I could not believe what I saw --- apes in small cages hovering from side to side and looking totally stressed out like they are insane .

    Tigers going mental in small sages.

    Lots of Deer but many look amancipated.

    From the cages that they are building at present it does not look like it is going to get better, however the Stone Henge replica and the giant trees look great.

    I thought it was a hell hole for animals and needs to be visited by animal rights groups and given a kicking and some lessons on how to house animals.

    They have plenty of land and potential but seems they are only intersted in building monuments.

  2. Anybody the remotest theory what might have been the purported reason...? Sort of "I was feeling like it" or "there are too many people on Earth anyway" or "he looked cuter than I"...? Well, since "arrests are expected quickly", we will hopefully soon know, if in fact there is anything to know... it s a darn violent society

    Your dam right ,it is a violent society, and it is sick that lunatics can get hold off guns easy.

    As long as there is money to be made from selling these guns to loonies we will never see the powers that be make reform, they are to entrenched in the cycle , very sadly.

    Gun reform along with many other reforms , traffic sticking out among the bunch have never been addressed.

    It is time to outlaw the ownership off guns and start bringing them in , but that is a dream as much as traffic reform is'

    LOS is the wild wild west and getting worse by the day.

  3. The western and Thai opinion of how to deal with strays is the complete opposite. Thais think the dogs should be allowed to roam around and be free. Even if they are dying painfully, let them die naturally. Most westerners think they should be put down.

    I'm not saying which one is right or wrong, but something has to be done about these dogs.

    what is needed is an SPCA or the likes of and a council that rounds stray dogs up.

    Those tested rabies positive or are completely mangy should be put down immediately.

    Those that show attitude that they can be fostered out should be kept for 2 to 4 weeks ,if not adopted then put down as is the case in most properly dog controlled countries.

    The problem being that the enlightened ones don't want to spend money or inherit bad karma from putting their reincarnated relations down.

  4. This is the whole document, courtesy of @Beefslapper on the previous thread. Hope he won't mind me reattaching it here.

    I dont own motorbike or car, in my partners name, as to bank account I dont think that is fair given the bank fraud here.

    I dont post on facebook or have a account,

    Only Tv which I try not to be deliberately/and or offensive to any name,

    Things are getting worse here.

    • Like 2
  5. Motorcycles again over 80%

    How many of those fatalities are from motorcycles

    Id love to see yearly figures.

    I think the motorcycle thing does skew Thailands road fatality figures

    I am glad to see the crack down on Helmets has worked well, I see even more people around song kran not wearing them, up to 4 people on a bike usualy young kids included with zero protection, falangs included they don't take any notice either.

  6. The soi dog problem is out of control and is just another easily solved one that Thais are unwilling to do anything about. Shooting the odd one is good but a mass culling is needed to get them off the streets, out of 7-11 doorways, away from wats and moo baans. They are a health menace, a road hazard and a noise problem, However, Thais do have a sentimental view of soi dogs now and there is a good reason for that, while they are still feeding them but letting them run amok things will only get worse.

    I think religion has a part to play, that mangy dog with half its insides dragging on the ground may well be a reincarnation of a bad person.

    Then there is people problems, one soi here in Hua Hin that has a lot of vacant land infested with mangy dogs is attended by good samaritans that bring them bags of food.wai2.gif

  7. Never heard of a product that will seal the leak. Seams it would lock up the compressor as well. I have heard of them injecting something with a die to help locate the leak.

    I worked on car aircons years ago, we had electronic sensors then.

    A hand held device with a long flexable snout with a light on the end, this picks up any leak and bleeps when it finds one.

    I have never seen one here, they rely on soap and water.

    They would never find a leak other than a pipe joint.

    Maybe someone could franchise a brand of one of them and make some money.

  8. If your friend checks the UK immigration regulations he will find that being born in the UK definitely does not give the baby any automatic right to apply for UK citizenship, the parents would have to be married. Also, if his girlfriend has the baby in hospital then whether or not she has to pay depends on the local NHS Trust.

    Maybe you could argue to pay only half the bill as daddy bear is UK citizen.

    Just joking, maybe best bet is to get married as soon as you get to uk and probably as posted above recieve free nhs care on fiance visa.

  9. They maintain it was not a terrorist attack, eh, what attack???

    In major cities where terrorist attacks have occured, they maintain it was not a terrorist attack??????????????????

    Who wrote the article.

    Do they mean that they have recieved intelligence reports thet 4 dangerous suspects have crossed into Thailand and may be in Hua Hin.

    I am feeling very safe here in Hua Hin now that I know they are not terrorists, just suspected bombers maybe. coffee1.gif

  10. This place should be renamed Land of Suicides

    Try actually getting some facts before posting. Thailand's suicide rate is not that high compared to many other countries ... especially compared to Korea and Japan ... and less than Germany, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Australia, Norway, Singapore, and many more.

    f you took away europeans from LOS's suicide figures then it would be very low.

  11. Why at this hotel?

    Any link/conflict between interests of this hotel and his nightclub?

    He jumped out of the Taxi, rushed in? to where? a room?, ok assume a room -- went straight past check in???, then entered a room, no went to 12th floor took of shoes, forced open window then jumped.

    Maybe he was in a hurry to an urgent meeting, when he got there he took off his shoes as of tradition, then because no one turned up he got depressed and jumped.

    maybe we will never know, I hope his empire is well taken care off. wai2.gif

  12. This seems to be an international trend especially within the age limit 15 , 45 , suicide in OZ, there are 3 per day , the biggest death rate is in the 15 to 45 with 2500 per year well above any other causes , today is teenage suicide day in OZ , so it is no brainer where I got those stats from , the point being there is plenty of help out there in OZ, but is it so easy in Thai , depression is a major factor , help is one thing , however when you are in teenage years sometimes the problem is total personal, you don't wish to talk about...............................coffee1.gif

    Nz does not publish suicides but is touted as one or if not the highest rates of suicide in the world.

    I read in a medical research article, and there are many articles,that suicides and anti depressants are related , --- it is also a fact that almost in every school mass shooting anti depressants are associated .

    A new antideprssant just released which the drug companies hope to be the next block buster in sales is reported in some medical research articles by highly respected scientists as a 'killer" about to be released.

    These drugs do nothing to cure depression they only numb things, making it worse in the long run and creating worthlessness.

    When I asked my doctor why they are handing out these drugs, he replied don't believe what you read on the nett.

    The articles or the majority of against antidpressants are written by well researched and qualified people.

    The association to school shootings is a fact.

    Dr's are also busy handing out nsaid drugs such as Ibuprophen which are associated with strokes and stomach ulcers.

    The best cure for depression is a change of diet and exercise, but maybe hard if you have no job, money , the state of the world as it is at the moment -- the drug companies thrive in the environment.

  13. Speed limit all cars in Thailand to 80 or 100km an hour.

    Worked on all mine sites I worked at in reducing accidents.

    Must be an Aussie!......Thailand....and for that matter, most places in the world, is/are not a mine site...........traffic just cannot travel at 40kmh and there are no 200t dump trucks sharing the roads!

    He said 80 to 100 km the speed limits here are to high.

    NZ puts the limit down from 100 to 90 during festive seasons with a 5 k tolerance.

    In the city over holidays its 50 k with zero tolerance over 50, so 51 your busted.

    Many roads are limited to 60 and 80.

    This works well and has made a drastic change in Rd fatality.

    Well pointed out Auss.

  14. There we go again, despite all the government and the police efforts to minimize the carnage on the roads

    the first 52 dead in a day that not even a proper holiday time, one can only sigh in despair and sorrow......

    Many thai people including wife say it was fine 20 years ago, but now it is insane,I will be staying home tomorrow, many of my friends do the same.

    Its time the man who seeks attitude ajustment and yells at his critics takes note.

    Maybe he should take a tour of the morgues with his selfie cam, then build an attitude adjustment centre big enough for the entire population.

    Maybe get his friend to write new rules for songkran like banning water pump guns and vehicles from carrying / spraying water on bikes -- killing some in the process.

    Shorten water splashing to one day , confiscate drunken drivers vehicles for good.

    Introduce the death penalty for causing someones death by knocking them off their bikes.

    Ok have your holiday and visit friends from wednesday to sunday, but keep the water down to one day, put thousands of cops on the rds and enforce the lunatics that cant wait 2 seconds to get past the car in front.

    Every Songkran I feel for the poor people that will loose loved ones over this event as it is out of control.wai.gifwai2.gif

  15. Thailand is not alone here although more closely affiliated with the Chinese.

    I Drove Chinese tours in NZ , I have posted what happens before, this means that officials turn a blind eye to what is going on or can't see the forrest for the trees.

    Tour guides controlled by the chinese companies run the tours from touchdown at the airport.

    Venues are controlled, the tourists are taken to factories to buy things to take home , the factories which the tour guide says will be cheaper than the main shops.

    The factories are owned by Chinese /Thai interests and rip the hell out of the tour.

    The food venues are preorganised and owned by Chinese / Thai intersts.

    Back in NZ I saw tour guides continuously turn their people away from buying anything from a NZ venue.

    Everywhere they went they trashed toilets and restuarant tables,

    The deer velvet industry where we used to take them to shop at a supposed factory direct outlet was co- owned by Chinese and Kiwis, drivers got a commission , the tourists got robbed.

    They rob their own, they line their own up outside free venues and charge them to go in.

    Everything is preplanned , now the tour busse's are owned by them.

    So if the enlightened ones that run the country have only just finally figured it out, then I would say they already knew and are powerless to stop it as the status quo will prevail.

    These people do nothing for the country other than feed a few corrupt people at the top who pocket the rewards and trash the country.

  16. How long will it be before one 'valued' at 1 million baht is stolen ?

    Good point ! buy a gold chain from a dodgy gold dealer sell it back to him conceding 2k BHT, keep reciept safe-- then put on a gold plated chain and parade down beach Rd.

    Insurance claim by a smart anglo Indian.

    Scenario 2, although Indians and Thais/ and most people with sense alike dont were gold out in the street usually and only to special occaisons, then this would be one stupid fool.

    Jewelery is insurable but cash is not, I do not know if insurance co's will be getting tough on gold snatches.

  17. Songkran brings happiness to the people ---- Songkran is the most stupid event in Thailand bringing misery and death to many thousands.

    It is a return to childhood for stupid idiots with water canons that shoot peoples eyes out, idiots on trucks with ice water knocking people off Bikes and killing them, drunkeness and mayhem on the roads.

    Maybe in his devine wisdom the enlightened one could ban water canons, ban pickups and vehicles carrying water to kill motercyclists with.

    And send it back to what it was 20 years ago so that you are only allowed to flick a few splashs on people from a small bowl.

    The only people busy after this event will be the temples,which is very sad, a few enforced rules could prevent the misery and death this overgrown childrens lunatic game brings.

  18. To sums it all up whether it is offensive or not would be to conclude that it all to do with the context in

    which the word is spoken, with disdain or just a way to refer to a foreigner....

    Regardless of how it is spoken there is more to it than foreigners tourists as well as residents know about the word and derogatory it is, even with Thais who know the complete word, because the way it is used is the shortened word from the complete word.

    When I say: “farang” is not the correct Thai word; it always produces a look:

    “What do you know about what is the correct word in Thai regarding foreigner”.

    I hereby will explain:

    The word “farang” the Thais bastardized from the French word “Francais” which they heard the French speak when the French controlled Indochina and the Thais hated them.

    Which word the Thais pronounce as


    Which the Thais then shortened to “farang”.

    The proper Thai way of identifying a foreigner is

    “Khun thangchat”,

    Meaning a person of different citizenship.

    Thais call Chinese “Khun cheen”,

    Japanese “Khun yipoon”.

    Persons of Asia are all called by their country of origin.

    If a Thai is polite, they call

    English people “Khun anglish”,

    American people “Khun sahalat”.

    However, Thais in their attitude of referring to none Asians as “round eyed white devils"” which saying they shanghaied from the Chinese call all none Asian people derogatorily farangin addition to everything they do not know or care about.

    From an Atheist point of view:

    Thais do not understand that there is only one race,


    There is only one religion,


    Wrong the word originated from the Arabic word Farangi brought in from traders in the 16th century with their wares and then spelt Faranji = meaning westerner.

    It does not come from french. wai2.gif

    How daft can you get! both words have the same origin!!!

    If you need educating the word comes from Arabic, it spelling has changed over times, google it yourself.

  19. To sums it all up whether it is offensive or not would be to conclude that it all to do with the context in

    which the word is spoken, with disdain or just a way to refer to a foreigner....

    Regardless of how it is spoken there is more to it than foreigners tourists as well as residents know about the word and derogatory it is, even with Thais who know the complete word, because the way it is used is the shortened word from the complete word.

    When I say: “farang” is not the correct Thai word; it always produces a look:

    “What do you know about what is the correct word in Thai regarding foreigner”.

    I hereby will explain:

    The word “farang” the Thais bastardized from the French word “Francais” which they heard the French speak when the French controlled Indochina and the Thais hated them.

    Which word the Thais pronounce as


    Which the Thais then shortened to “farang”.

    The proper Thai way of identifying a foreigner is

    “Khun thangchat”,

    Meaning a person of different citizenship.

    Thais call Chinese “Khun cheen”,

    Japanese “Khun yipoon”.

    Persons of Asia are all called by their country of origin.

    If a Thai is polite, they call

    English people “Khun anglish”,

    American people “Khun sahalat”.

    However, Thais in their attitude of referring to none Asians as “round eyed white devils"” which saying they shanghaied from the Chinese call all none Asian people derogatorily farangin addition to everything they do not know or care about.

    From an Atheist point of view:

    Thais do not understand that there is only one race,


    There is only one religion,


    Wrong the word originated from the Arabic word Farangi brought in from traders in the 16th century with their wares and then spelt Faranji = meaning westerner.

    It does not come from french. wai2.gif

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