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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. IT IS RACISM ...pure and simple ...Cracker or dare i even type Nigg**. Pak*, chin* whats the difference (as these are actually shortened country names)

    thailand is a very racist country ask them what they think of Cambodians or Burmese to start with blink.png

    I dont know how the word originated-- possibly from french, farancais , ????? anyone know.I dont think it's a Thai word.

    I dont find it offensive unless used badly as the f word can be funny or obscene.

    Pacific islanders use the word Palangi which is slightly simmilar and NZ uses Pakeha, all can be used nicely or derogatory.

    Just read it comes from 16thcentury traders bringing the arabic word Farangi with their wares, from arabic Faranji meaning westerner.wai2.gif

  2. Had my wespac card taken by an ATM at a Kasikorn bank in Chatchinsao.

    The bank was closed at the time.

    Went there when they opened and they did not want to give me the card back or bother opening the ATM to look for it.

    I had my Thai GF with me and I persisted and finally the guy gave in and opened the ATM and gave me the card back

    I also phoned the card co to see if all was ok and it was, problem was over, not very nice treatment from bank manager.

    A street ATM a diffferent story I guess no show, you may not be able to use replacement card in a ATM when it comes as they dont pin the card you have to take the card into the bank to withdraw.

    That happened when I lost a card here a while back.

  3. What most people don't realise is how big this is.

    New Zealand is heavily involved in this, the prime minister going into denials that NZ is being used as a tax haven for money laudering for the mega wealthy ,drug lords and criminals.

    New Zealnd having been through this in the past over the Cook Islands wine box cover up which was basicaly the same type of thing, is still at it with the law firm Mossac Fonseta operating in NZ and being involved in setting up trusts in NZ to cover money trails.

    John Key having fought agaisnt legislation for disclosure and for these companies to be taxed.

    IRD NZ does not require these Trust to pay tax on overseas earnings nor does it disclose infromation to overseas countrys.

    There are something like 12 to 16000 of these types of trusts sheltering alleged money cleaning operations and providing a double skin of secrecy for the perps operating in NZ from all over the world, including major links with Mexcan drug lords.

    Just Google NZ's involvement in the Panama Papers they are smack in the middle of it.

    And just to add that there is now suspicion of Chinese property companies buying up land for non residents with ???? type of money fueling the NZ property boom.

    Did you ever wonder why property developments all over Thailand with huge condo complexs down the coast from Cha Am are empty.

    Why there is lots of blocks of land unsold that just sit there, its land banking by maybe the shell company boys, The Panama papers mention one huge Thai property company and a huge Thai investment company with some very big names on their boards thumbsup.gif

  4. If the dogs are killed humanly I don't see a problem. Many of us who have lived in sois with roaming packs of dogs have often thought of dispatching them when they keep us awake in the dead of night!

    It may well be why there are so many rage, gun crimes ect after eating rabbie infested mange dog.

    This is disgusting but again a practice in China for years.

    The dog problem needs to be controlled-- as does traffic and guns, drugs, corruption ect ect.

    Once the enlightend ones wake up and realise that money is to be made from registering dogs and testing them for disease, they might then figure out how much is to be made for enforcing traffic rules.

  5. .......following up eight people who look like the victim.........

    Why? One was not enough?

    Extraordinary Dr watson, maybe they might find a cousin or brother to help identify him, but then they know who he is and don't want to strain relationships with country of origin.

    Then again he was not murdered????!!! so the people they are following up on " look alikes" is a very interesting exercise in police undercover work.

    The people that dumped him in the klong of not much interest, as are the wounds inflicted by hungry soi dogs and klong fish.

    The body bag dumpers so spooked they did not bother to recover the booty,or leave this one as a decoy. coffee1.gifbiggrin.png


  6. "Authorities intimated that they know the nationality of the man but are not saying for fear of damaging relations with the country concerned"


    Either Klingon, or possibly Chinese.

    Don't seem to care or even know when they are offending other countries.

    I wonder why they are investigating / looking for two men?? not murder, they did nothing wrong buying a bag and dumping him in the river.

    Well we have the drugs back now so case over.

    kiwikeith - you must either have written this, meant to be sarcastic (in that case the necessary smilie is missing) or while being on amphetamines. I fear the latter is the truth... May god help us all...

    So if you dont post a biggrin.png your on drugs, the comment is not hard to understand it's a reflection of the you know who and drugs not required to understand or write it.wai2.gif

  7. "Authorities intimated that they know the nationality of the man but are not saying for fear of damaging relations with the country concerned"


    Either Klingon, or possibly Chinese.

    Don't seem to care or even know when they are offending other countries.

    I wonder why they are investigating / looking for two men?? not murder, they did nothing wrong buying a bag and dumping him in the river.

    Well we have the drugs back now so case over.

  8. You got scammed lady. What idiot would jump into something online asking for money? You have bugger all chance of getting your money back and there is probably other idiots sending this thai woman money for the dog that she is probably abusing for profit.

    I did not think anyone would take a dog overseas from LOS, dogs here have rabies and cant be imported into NZ , or from an country where rabies are present.

    Would think the same law applies in UK>

    Stupid girl.

  9. Getting ready for the reenactment on Rama 4 soon!

    The driver survived after being shot six times --- the man who shot him was jealous over an ex GF.

    So the reenactment should be to put the perp in a car then police give the surviver a gun and he can shoot the perp six times to see if he can survive.

    I f they both survive then attitude ajustment finished.

  10. when the fresh baked bread is available in the morning in big c Hua Hin I get a bag then squeeze a little to make sure it's not an old one.

    Which is worse, I have watched Thai womem picking up peices of cooked chicken at food stalls and sniffing them then putting them back on the pile and keep repeating the act untill they are satisfied.

  11. In Thailand food stalls, restaurants, markets and supermarkets,

    home and schools open kitchens are infested with rats, flies and bugs.

    Kitchen of the world and health hub my @ss...........

    I was sitting in a side soi restuarant in Pratunam late at night when all the food vendors were sweeping up, Rats came up out of the drains and cockroaches, they were running everywhere.

    Then on the other hand I hve seen cockroaches in food warmers in NZ, but LOS wins for rats.

    Sydney Australia would compete with LOS on the cockroach scale.

    They walk into your house through the door gaps at night in Paddington.

  12. Need a pinned thread: Foreigners found dead today.

    Or several really.

    Today's road accidents.

    Today's ex pat jumpers.

    Today's gun murders and slayings.

    It's a sad reflection of the way the place is going.

    Canals are getting popular in BK, sadly the everyday murders are becoming the norm here, I wonder if the enlightened one wants to take a selfie at the scene.

    Since Shane Looker dissapeared and is wanted by interpol nothing has been reported of the gruesome body in the suit case murder.

    LOS is becoming a very dangerous place to be.

    Be carefull out there.

  13. Blame the victims?

    I think that the STUNNING example set by the justice system employees , the POLICE and the ARMY are wonderfull starting points to be able to look at as a driver in youthood.

    You now have seen by your peers that murder and extortionists can walk freely among their victims.

    The fine example of reform of corruption : example -- the swift arrest of 2 scapegoats on Koh Tao and the continuing murder and suicide solving by police can only make us feel proud of the new crackdowns on crime.

    Not to mention that rich lttle bratts can go front page and still get away with murder.

  14. What's worse! Them using that overpass or them crashing into cars driving opposite of traffic trying to avoid the checkpoint on the other side? The police action makes more problems and poses more risk to all drivers than just those motorcycles going on an overpass. They should be rethinking their priorities

    Their priority is extorting money. They are masters and need no rethinking on that front.

    Exactly , didn't they ban smoking in clubs/ bars and restuarants a few years ago/ now smokers seem to be able to light up at will anywhere, how long will it take for this law to be ignored?

    Probably remembered when short of lunch money--- occasionally, same as bikers ignore the helmet rule that was going to be cracked down on a few weeks back.

  15. Most people in jail are poor people who will never have their guilty plea overturned.

    A poor prisoner is told to plead guilty, whether they are or not, because when sentenced the sentence is cut in half, also very, very few have the money for a lawyer, or to pay off the cops prosecutor or judge.. Thai prisons have many, many innocent victims of the Thai injustice system who will never be able to claim anything for their false imprisonment!

    The B2 if ever found to be the scape goats that they are should demand millionds of BHT in compensation.

    This smells a bit of the priviliged or police that have been imprisoned, then get there convictions reversed and cop a hanfull on the way out--- what else could it be???

    The B2 won't be on the list sadly,


  16. I used to work at an airport and watched as they built a new runway. The depth of the runway bed was enormous in order to accommodate the weight of the aircraft. I wonder if the brilliant Thai engineers even considered whether the roadway would support the weight of a fully loaded aircraft smacking down onto the runway for a landing? Probably not.

    Note to self: Avoid using Don Mueang airport at all costs. sad.png

    Exactly, I have taken note and will stay away from Don Mueang.

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