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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. There are to many factors to give a definitive Yes or No answer but my gut feeling is that something will happen before the next, whenever that is, election.

    The red shirts may not be seen....or heard from so much, but they are there in the shadows getting on with their scheming and plotting!

    200 BHT buys a vote and makes Thaksin a good guy, I personaly never mention his name as many believe in him and not only in the North East.

    If violence erupts then welcome many more years of military ruin, Thaland fast becoming a state of China.

    My answer is highly probable.


  2. RTP proud to give a good face to the Kingdom of Thailand? (Never thought about it)

    RTP proud of a job well done? (Too much work)

    RTP proud of seeking justice for victims of crime? (What do you think?)

    The RTP sitting in front of a table full of cash for the Erawan bombing arrests was shameful. Not one word for the people who were killed or their families. Just big smiles and a pile of cash. Shameful.

    I believe these are three things the RTP needs to think about if they want a good image. It seems like every time the RTP goes in front of the international news media they are an embarrassment to the Kingdom of Thailand.

    The Best Police biggest shamefull embarassment to the image of Thailand Internationaly. wai2.gif

    They never loose face as they have none.

  3. I hope this means the roadblock extortion will end.

    I don't agree. There's still much work to do on the roads, let's start with fining all drivers who don't carry lights on their vehicles, don't use indicators, no insurance or driverslicense, parking on the road to name a few.

    Speeding ,tailgaitng, aproaching hazards at full throttle, drunken driving, no helmets enforced, children riding bikes, and unprotected on them, plenty of money opportunity and still same everyday since I have been coming here , year 2000 never mind Bhudda take care and you return as Soi dog.wai2.gif

  4. Why does the police receive this money?

    The money was supposed to be for anyone with information leading to arrest of people behind the August 17 Erawan Shrine bombing.

    The police only could make the arrests because some people gave them information.

    Bilals neighbours wont get none niether will the cambodian police who arrested Mieraili.

    Happy birthday to police,clap2.gif happy birthday to you

  5. Maybe she is married, and you are being set up to pay a lot of money to Mummy bear to marry her (Thai old style) after you give her lots of gold and money she may dissapear.

    Then again maybe genuine, however be aware as most get caught in some way.

    Give it plenty of time is the best and never think you can't get caught.

  6. we are unable to link this story but worth a look if you google "the-chilling-effect-koh-tao-suspects"

    I tried to open this article and it is now blocked by the Thai government, a sad day for democracy and a brilliant day for the best police force in the world, I now hold little hope for the B2 as this pack of sorry individuals who set up this scape goat are determined to have them put away, a very sad and sorry day on the world stage, and a sorry day for English politicians who have no intestinal fortitude.

  7. This has been getting some time on ABC TV in Australia over the last couple of days. I don't know which side is telling the truth, but it seems odd that one guy can end up with serious injuries and the other two walk away apparently unscathed. Those in Australia that have talked with me about the case find it incredible that the police can charge someone then "change their minds" and charge the former "victim". As another poster has said the only winners here are the police.

    I always advise young Australians proposing to visit Thailand that they can have an enjoyable holiday but don't get involved in bar fights but if you do don't expect the police to support you even if you are in the "right".

    Well your up against the best police force in the world,the only way to get justice here is for Media to splash the CCTV footage across the international arena, the best police force in the world tha rewards themselves for crimes without a conviction it is obvious a bribe has been paid here and a sad day for the best bribed police in the world.

  8. It is an odd combination but as others have said maybe non jew israel citizen or fake passport.

    What makes me laugh is how dumb they were to just keep trying with different cards. Idiots.

    Well maybe they think that you can get away with anything in LOS , and we all know lots of things you can get away with, sorry no reward money here for shop keepers suspicions.

    What a motley lot Thailand lets through its doors and they keep on coming, nigerian scammers, Uighur bombers, people smugglers oh what a lovely place despite the reposting of crooked officials and crackdowns the scum flows in.

  9. I wonder if these anti Assad rebels are also fighting ISIS, I have a feeling the anti Assad rebels and ISIS have a common goal, to remove Assad.

    If they were to achieve this, what happens next is anyones guess but I have a feeling it won't be good for anyone, apart from perhaps ISIS.

    Anyone with a grain of common sense knows the Rebels and ISIS fight alongside, well done Russia the US is not going to fight ISIS they are using American guns and vehicles, opps-- wonder how they get those?

  10. ...defenders of justice....

    Well I'm glad they got sacked for kiddnapping and extortion, I wonder what the GF's got for setting this up, but just goes to show that assisting people smuggling and taking bribes for assisting murdering bomb makers and the covering up of CCTV footage-- aiding and abbetting (non terrorist Uighurs) only deserves posting to inactive duty, now that's the best police force in the world!!!

  11. Does this lawyer have any respect at all for 'Attorney Client ' privilege ?

    Another amazing aspect of the Thai justice ' system ', no ethics, make up the rules as you go and everyone just has to talk.

    Suspect has no money, can't afford a lawyer.

    He has rejected suggestions that he's Turkish or Chinese, so no Embassy has stepped forward to assist.

    His lawyer is a Thai planted by the police - and his loyalties (and for whom he works) are unclear.

    No wonder the suspect has asked for a Uighur translator ... but fat chance of that happening any time soon.

    I think Mieraili made the bomb and Bilal was the test crash dummy who planted it, Mieraili gave it to him was at erewan watching and probably detonated it, they obviously knew each other and I think Mr goody goody Bilal may have been waiting for his money in the apartment for doing the deed (motive hatred over deportation) but also promished to be taken to Malaysia or somewhere later for work.

    I also think that the identikit picture police originaly put out was of Mieraili as the Taxi divers knew him and helped with composing that pic.

    If it was not for the tip off by neighbours Mr Bilal may still have been waiting for his money, I wonder if Somyot the Solver ever paid them ???

  12. A cadet in '74, a major general by '78.... he must really know his "stuff".rolleyes.gif

    I presume that the "stuff" you refer to is the network of contacts that one needs in this country (in order to succeed)?

    Started in a senior reserved position, does that mean the door was open or he knew his stuff? he knew damb well how to pay reward money b4 he resigned or just knew his stuff, a new career in night clubs may well mean the opening hours have to change in order for bigger envelopes, bulding empty apartments not so profitable stick to night life. wai2.gif

    oh and forgot he solved the Koh Tao murders b4 he resigned that is really knowing stuff as that means they were guilty b4 trial now how is that for a 6th sense!

  13. Also if I rip the contract I will not get the refund of my deposit of around 9000baht. I'm 6months into the contract.

    I'm tight with the money as money ain't infinite as in my case.

    Ear plugs and ignore them or put on some relaxing music and headphones, I just sold a house last year in NZ as neighbours drove me out, the more I came back at them the more they did to piss me off they were new immigrant english arty farties and up themselves, Police came 4 times and would do nothing to stop them, so I blasted them with ac dc they did not like that however the called police and it went on and on, so lucky I sold in a hot market and pity the poor beggar that lives there now.

  14. Karadag also said he wanted an Uighur interpreter as he could not communicate in both English and Turkish.
    I wonder in what language he has been communicating all this time while in custody?

    Arabic Chinese, Thai, english and turkish, however he needs a Uigher interpreter to help with gettting leniency, and for describing his motive as, "I only did it so I could get into the country" WOW, only murdered 20 people by placing a bomb and maiming many others so please give me leniency as I will explain it was not a terrorist attack and I dont blame you Thai police for deporting my friends some of whom got shot dead and imrisoned that was just normal proceedure I only wanted to save money getting into Thailand so I went to temple disguised with Mr Emeraili after he gave me bomb and he went to shrine as well to take lovely pictures of death and mayhem, sorry after I called his cell he detonate but me not sure .whistling.gif

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