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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. "There are going to ask Turkey to trace one of their key suspects" and for how long have they known about this guy why have they not acted sooner and why according to reports have they had no contact with Turkish authorities about the Turks they named as suspects.

    I haven't a clue whats going on here.

    You would also think that the turkish authorities would have nabbed miss Wanna Susaan and her husband by now, haven't Thai police got the nouse to trace/tap the cell phone calls from mommy and daddy bear who have been telling them to stay home could turkey have intercepted the cell calls and pinged the location, Oh thats only in the ting tong movies..

    The in-depth information from police has been, yes he did no it didn't happen affair from day one.

    They released information that the bomb pair would try to slip through the Sungai Kolok border, and apparently they did with help, so they failed miserably to secure the worst border in Dodge city.

    Other than that they should pay back the reward, and learn to hush up to the media untill they have something--- sorry BIB your fault give money back now!wai2.gif

  2. Preposterous Thai diatribe of denial of responsibility.

    Unless I missed something Abduhlah took Mohumad from Vietnam to Laos, then Thailand ----- Abduhlah left Thailand on the 16/2015

    So how come he arrived in Thailand after the Bomb blast, his maths is bad.

    Where is his forged passport and arrival stamp???coffee1.gif

    Infact where is his only current chinese passport ?

  3. Nothing "retroactive" about it. The arrest warrant was issued in 2013 after they (allegedly) skipped on their bill. They returned in 2015 and were caught. No different than if a warrant was issued today but the suspect isn't caught until 2+ years later.

    Unless you are trying to suggest that walking out on a restaurant bill isn't a scam but being arrested and held accountable for doing so is ?

    Must have been a fairly substantial bill for the restaurant to file a complaint and an arrest warrant to be issued.

    Accordind to NZ news reports 2 days ago the bill was 1500 BHT and has ben paid with the restuarant owners not wanting to press charges.

  4. New Zealand has many transport options for the independent traveler, most Government regulated, Phuket does not.

    The only way the majority of Chinese tourists can afford to come here is because transport is included in their package holiday.

    Stop the coach buses for the Chinese, and the Chinese will stop coming to Phuket, just like the western market has, then where would Phuket be?

    This is not about independent travelers, and nobody is talking about stopping the coach buses.

    Well, I don't like them and think Phuket's road are not suitable for them, but that is a different discussion

    "nobody is talking about stopping the coach buses" - I can't see how they can be stopped now. Even if these protesters got rid of the coach buses, they go broke anyway.

    Do they really think the Chinese would pay their ridiculous fares?

    The package holiday model mainly came about for the Russians and Chinese. I would suggest, because transport (the coach buses) was included in the package.

    So, they arrive in a travel group, dine as a travel group, shop as a travel group, go to the beach as a travel group, and leave Phuket, as a travel group. I would hardly call this "independent travel" like westerners arriving and getting a "taxi" from the airport, tuk-tuks by day, and by night, and a taxi back to the airport.

    I don't like the the coach buses on the roads here either, mainly because they are driven by a Thai, on the cheapest monthly salary the company could find, and he has around 50 people's lives in his hands, not including those lives traveling in the opposite direction.

    That said, if the Chinese market is turned away from Phuket, due to witholding transport from them as well, where does that leave Phuket?

    The Chinese are the main tourists coming to Phuket now, and they will stop coming if this mass transport is not included in their package holiday to Phuket.

    The fares are not ridiculous, the chinese want control of all movement of their tours so they can take them to their shops , restuarants, hotels ect, they even line up tours outside free venues and charge them to go in.

    One tour I drove down in rotorua I was asked to drive to a back St factory where the tour bought elpacca duvees and materres covers at exhorbatent rates after being sold a dumbie by the tour guide, I had to detour past local tour shops so they did not see them

    Next day one of the tour was trying to beat the shirt out of the tour guide as he went for a walk that night and discovered his $2000 dollar elpacca duvee , same identical thing was selling for $900 all hell broke loose and the tour made the guide take them back to his special discounted factory shop.

    I'm firmly on the Thai bus drivers side here.

    At the end of a tour wnen dropping them at the airport the tour guide told them to hand over their envelopes to the drive and say thank you for very safe drive.

    Inside usually was $100 US but now and again the filthy tour guide milked it and you only got 30 per person, all that tip monet now going into chinese piky pockety

    The tips compensated our pathetic wages until the guides started milking our comissions, then suddenly we were gone, replaced by Chinese busses and drivers

  5. "They give away their bus services for free, or very cheap." - unlike yourselves, who pay big fees to belong to an "Association" or "Club" that allows you rip off customers.

    "We are dying right now." - it's transport like yours that has killed the western tourist market on Phuket, with the majority of tourists to the island now package holiday Chinese tourists.

    You are "dying" because you have basically killed off your own business. You reap what you sow.

    I have zero sympathy for any transport operator complaining about the Chinese in their coach buses. It was always going to get to ths point.

    Having driven Tour Buss's in NZ I saw the same thing happen with the chinese buying their own busses and closing out the local trade, only the big operators survive and they dont run Chinese.

    We used to have to take tours to venues controlled by the tour guide and we were paid commission from shopping.

    The local tourist shops got nothing, the local restuarants/hotels got Zippo.

    The Chinese tourist themselves get scammed.

    Many small tour bus companies that had been around for years went bust.

    This is typical mafia chinese control of their tourists they hang out in any country where they have a foot in the door and take control of the dollar

    I hope these bus operators are succsesful however I think the big buck man Chong wayne will ride the winning horse.

    New Zealand has many transport options for the independent traveler, most Government regulated, Phuket does not.

    The only way the majority of Chinese tourists can afford to come here is because transport is included in their package holiday.

    Stop the coach buses for the Chinese, and the Chinese will stop coming to Phuket, just like the western market has, then where would Phuket be?

    New Zealand does, however not many for Chinese tourists, the tours were pre paid to my Boss and he went broke as the rates were to low to make a profit.

    Since busting all the small tour bus companies the Chinese have their own busses-- imported Japanese buses and their own drivers by the thousand.

    They rape the local guys forcing them out of bussines and take controll with their own-- dont believe that tours would not come here because of a buss fare it's typical chinese they strip every buck in their path -- end of story.

  6. "They give away their bus services for free, or very cheap." - unlike yourselves, who pay big fees to belong to an "Association" or "Club" that allows you rip off customers.

    "We are dying right now." - it's transport like yours that has killed the western tourist market on Phuket, with the majority of tourists to the island now package holiday Chinese tourists.

    You are "dying" because you have basically killed off your own business. You reap what you sow.

    I have zero sympathy for any transport operator complaining about the Chinese in their coach buses. It was always going to get to ths point.

    Having driven Tour Buss's in NZ I saw the same thing happen with the chinese buying their own busses and closing out the local trade, only the big operators survive and they dont run Chinese.

    We used to have to take tours to venues controlled by the tour guide and we were paid commission from shopping.

    The local tourist shops got nothing, the local restuarants/hotels got Zippo.

    The Chinese tourist themselves get scammed.

    Many small tour bus companies that had been around for years went bust.

    This is typical mafia chinese control of their tourists they hang out in any country where they have a foot in the door and take control of the dollar

    I hope these bus operators are succsesful however I think the big buck man Chong wayne will ride the winning horse.

  7. Who in there right mind would make a statement like this. China and Russian money getting lower every day. Bombs and rainy season will surely cut back on tourism. Killings of tourist and corrupt police do not help. So sad because Thailand is a beautiful vacation spot. But to much violence against tourism to bring there families here and feel safe!

    The sad thing is media overseas plays litle attention to what has happened in the past , I asked a few young people when home a few weeks ago about koh tao, and the bomb most knew nothing of it.

    Apart from that crime seems to be on a rapid up line.

  8. Yesterday I was talking to a nice old massage lady who has a little tent on the beach near some 5 star resorts. She told me last year she was flat out with 5 or 6 customer per day. For five days in a row now she has not had a single customer.

    Workaday Thais are losing their cars, businesses and home. Unless that situation is remedied, and quickly, civil unrest is assured.

    Yeah, some civil unrest will surely help the tourist industry!

    Thailand is basicaly self employed for the local people.

    Chinese tours are guided by their own tour guide to only venues that would be Thai Chinese owned , they are also mean spenders but take the word of the tour guides when they take them to a shopping venue (thats controlled by them) to get quality and discount after the tour has finised. shopping at each venue they are loaded back into the bus while the tour guide picks up his commission. I know this as I worked in the industry in NZ.

    This is not good for the local workers and street vendors only screws them.

    So the 28% of the 30 million tourists only good for the big rich boys.

  9. There's alot of tourists around central Bangkok and Kao san rd at the moment. They look like transit tourists or low spending types

    The expensive shops are empty, Robinsons is doing a brisk trade with Indians. ( discounts).

    Rents are skyhigh but people keep having a go. Many businesses around me in Thonburi are going bust.

    Ive never seen so many businesses go under as is the case now. Overheads are way too high. Thais arent spending money and foreigners are mostly on a tight budget .

    Thailands tourism industry is basically a pig dressed up with lipstick.

    All quantity no quality.

    Chinese Thai landbanking everywhere, forcing rents up closing small operators, wellcome KFC, Burger King, BIg C, multi complex malls, this is a Walmart happening in Thailand.

    Walmart screwed America and closed down small operators its happening here although it's a different type of dew.

    Cost of living here , power , food, rents going through the roof .

  10. Try looking in the direction of the army itself, perhaps it was meant to implicate a certain persons and group of people but backfired when the police went off in the wrong direction inspired by the reward. If you look at the footage of the boom being placed, it’s clear that there are three people involved, the guy that vacated the seat for the bomber and the guy he stood next to in an effort to shield the bomber from view, they look fit as butchers dogs and full of confidence, they give me the impression they have no fear of repercussions. Do you believe the army and the people at the top really want democracy? The bomb was not an ordinary homemade device, it was ether c4, semtex or something comparable to cause such devastation.

    I still don't buy it. Suddenly, all this expertise becomes available to acquire bomb making material, plan and execute with a carefully constructed network of supporters in a foreign country ....... and then keep quiet about it with no public claim for the reasons? And because a few Uighurs were deported it was a revenge attack? Why not claim responsibility if that was the objective instead of playing a guessing game? Hardly accomplishes anything. This is much deeper and more extensive, me believes......

    Yes but they let those people go after a short voluntary visist to the police station, a bit short I thought, further to that they dont seem to keen to give out much info on who was arrested in malaysia, maybe malaysia will investigate them then hand over info on them then execute them as getting face for their part in the investigation for the 4 Malaysians killed.

    The rumour was also that these people slipped across the Sugai Kolk border even though it was supposed to be under heavy surveilance facepalm.gif

  11. What amazes me is that there actually foreigners living in Thailand on visa exempts only.

    Who in their right mind could be bothered having to go to a border every 30 days to stamp in and out. That is no life.

    Does anyone know anybody who actually does this?

    I don't get why anyone would.

    A trip to your local immigration office every 90 days VS a visa run every month???

    seems like a no brainer to me

    Years ago when you could keep doing this forever it was quite common I lived in Chaing mai then and was a day out.

  12. What the govt. did in regard to the repatriation of the Uighurs to China was a travesty at best and an act of absolute cowardice at worst. It was an abomination. It invited blowback and condemnation.

    Exactly, I don't think the bomb attack was planned b4 the deportation I think agroup of highly peeved uighurs decided on this and the smuggling ring was caught up in the aftermath.

    The amount of Thai border corruption is huge as is the corruption in China from the other end of the smuggling ring.

    If Uighurs prefer Turkey as a place to stay then it is easy for them to be recruited to syria and fight for ISIS for good money, Turkey seems to turn a blind eye to who crosses into Syria and allow stolen ISIS oil into Turkey to be sold on the black market, hence funding ISIS.

    Isis connections would probably not have wanted a bomb attack to screw up the smuggling ring-- theory only.

    The Uighurs that were deported had hoods tied over their heads and rumours are some were shot in Thailand and many of them executed on returning to China.

    Given the amount of attacks and murders/ bombings Uighurs have committed in China this is part of the way they operate now.

    The world in a very sorry state.

  13. Everyone's a suspect now......2 guys detained and the bomber is free.......!

    Well, so is the mastermind ,but at least they now know who he is ,and have asked China for help in catching him .

    According to BK POST and many other media outlets Malaysia have arrested 2 suspects that crossed the border at Sungai Kolok, police are tight lipped about it at present I think extradition proceedings and warrant may be underway.

    Police seem to be rounding up plenty involved, these girls or one of then might have been GF to the blue shirt.

    Got to give them some credit here they seem to be trying very hard, however embarassed at the 2 suspects slipping through the worst border in Thailand.

  14. So the defense strategy is to nitpick the procedures of forensic analysis that led to the DNA match, the problem with that is that it's not possible to go "oopsie, false positive!" with a DNA analysis, no mistake is going to produce a DNA match for not just one, but two persons.

    The only thing that would give a false match is deliberately faking the results, since A ) they don't seem to have any evidence of that and B ) they refused to do a retest of those results it all amounts to insinuations; let's see how the judge weights those insinuations against the actual results from the analysis

    Exactly that I think. If the defence takes us every day a particular object on which no dna 2B, we are not out of the woods. The only tangible deduction is that the police did not disguised these parts to conviction contrary to what one says loudly here.
    We can easily bet that they will now do the same with clothing non-presented by the prosecution. Then they will challenge the process of DNA levies that match and it will be judges to decide.
    We can also accept that they use so weak arguments because they don't have more convincing and therefore that the two accused are guilty. Let us now see if this trial reserve us a surprise ...

    Well yes, it's not something that supports the theory of the two men being victims of a conspiracy; if that would be the case it would had been very easy for one of the conspirators to rub some samples from the defendants on the hoe (or other evidence provided for retesting) before handing it over, no?

    It's not as if crazier things have been suggested to have happened regarding this case.

    However it makes the excuse for not wanting to retest the DNA samples from the autopsy less believable, if they think they could be tampered with then the same standard would had been used for the other items, which the defense appears to hold as reliable.

    If I'm not mistaken the next hearings will have the two defendants testifying; that would be interesting because there's something very unusual about this case that I haven't seen anyone noticing. Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo are very much a mystery, besides being Burmese from Rakhine and that they worked in Koh Tao for a couple years there's practically nothing else to be known about them. I don't know if the police did a background investigation on them, and normally the press would be digging up the lives of the suspects, but in this case? Nothing.

    Two simple boys, gumagon boys from Burma trying to esacpe the horrible dirt floor persecuted poverty they live in and trying to get a quid to help mummy and daddy.

    Thats my take on it after having visited and stayed in Burma a few times.

  15. Well according to media outlets on the Net Malaysian authorities have arrested 2 suspects after they slipped through the Sungai southern notorious mafia controlled people smuggling border point.

    It is reported in many foreign media outlets that this wild west town has Moselims from malaysia freely walk across the border not far from check points to have a good time girl at local bars then go home same way whilst keeping their faith intact.

    So when will the Thai authoities acknowledge this arrest or maybe the suspects will be released and re- arrested on the Thai side tommorow.

    Mr plod looked very happy in the Pic so maybe they have 2 more????

  16. "That prompted the administration last year to create the list, which now contains 11 names."

    Only 11 in a bit less than a year?????????? Did they miss that group in Terminal 21 a month ago. With the market in MOM's week? Messing up small shops, complaining about prices and buying nothing.

    And what about that group at Doi Suthep a few weeks earlier? Pushing away a few small kids to make a clean group picture without others. Then complaining the parents they should keep their kids away. They even outclass the Thai in littering.

    Loud, uneducated, uncivilised, unhygienic, barbarians. And then they only get 11 on that list!

    Correct, I used to drive tour busses full of chinese in NZ, the new rich I think you would call them or would be if they could be's.

    Every restuarant and venue that you took them to was littered with food scraps and cigg butts, not to mention that they will walk over the top of anyone in their path.

    Most venues were chinese controlled or owned they were of no value to tourism as it all went into chinese pockets.

  17. "Piyapa is in a stable condition", unlike her ex boyfriend who is far from!

    Because he handed himself in and did not mean to hurt her police will tell him you can,t carry a gun again.

    Many thai girls have gig, Thai boyfriend b4 they meet someone who will take them overseas for better life, one of my Thai friends in NZ said her GF's gig used to bang on the door of apartment in BK everynight demanding money from his girl and beating her up if she had none.( I no job last night why you dont believe me)

    My friend told her to get the hell out of Thailand with the boyfriend that wanted her to go back home with him and she did. TIT.

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