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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. Read your link, and there are other news reports of this but seems to be hush hush at the moment.

    Interesting that the infamous border crossing town in the south, well known for people smuggling was not policed enough for Thai authorities to aprehend them b4 they crossed to malaysia --- If this is true then more corrupt border officials need to be posted to inactive duty on full pay.

    They slipped through the most notorious border town in Thailand, the wild wild west mafia controlled border in Thailand, shamefull.

    It is said that malaysians walk freely across parts of the border just down the road from officialdom to have a night out at the girl bars and go home the same way whilst keeping their Moselim integrity in tact.

  2. I am amazed at these bombers, actually recieving money to blow up Erawan Shrine 5 months before the Uighurs were deported from Thailand shows great foresight on their part.

    Indeed. This money was not for the bombing. I guess the Thai officials don't want to talk about it.

    Money from Turkey and China, your probably right, they dont want to talk about the possible people smuggling rackett from Uighurs to Thailand and Turkey to ISIS.

    Looks more like it everyday.

    The money it seems was for people smuggling, the bomb attack was Uighur revenge.

    I think as time went by they thought they were bullet proof.

    These guys might have gone undetected if they had not bombed Erewan, but now the plot seems to involve corrupt border officials who patheticaly have been posted to inactive roles instead of being arrested and tried for being involved in this.

    Which ever way, if no more arrests are made the carpet sweepers will move in and all will be fine again in the LOS------ until.

    I went to market at Arranyaprathet a few days ago and visa run, as we went through police checkpoints at 7pm they were unmanned, maybe Uighurs not travel at night or maybe tea break.

  3. Turkey smuggles oil and lets mercanaries cross it's border to help ISIS.

    Has Thailand asked for help with the Thai lady suspect whom apparently media were able to contact???

    I would not rely on Turkey for a Kebab in this instance and if China locates Ishan I doubt he would be extradited or you would hear about it.

    If you did hear about his detention in China international media pressure might force his extradition, however it might open the gate to link a Uighur /ISIS relationship that involves China, Turkey and Thailand in border corruption and people smuggling.

  4. disagree with kiwikeith. Thai is worse than a dead language. At least Latin is still used in legal documents; as in 'pro bono', 'ex post facto', 'caveat emptor', 'pari passu', 'non compos mentis', 'habeas corpus' and hundreds of other examples of international usage. So to those who insist that pasathai has intrinsic value anywhere but Thailand I ask, 'cui bono'? Recently, when I was deposed at the phra kanong police station I had to bring my housekeeper (meh baan) with me to interpret. Imagine a nation with the highest record of global tourism where the police at the largest station in the largest city in the country have ZERO individuals on duty to interpret even the simplest of verbal interactions....that country is Thailand. Pathetic monkeys.

    What use is indian if you dont want to trade with them, or russian ect ect ad infinitam/

  5. I don't know about the others in this thread, but I can only speak about my experience.

    My kid was enrolled in an English Program at A........n.

    In Prathom 3, she could barely write a sentence in English.

    Writing Thai language was a complete "no way".

    But at the tests, the results were very good.

    From the 32 students, only 2 or 3 "top": students were able to write a few English sentences.

    That was the point at which I decided to stop with all the "extra classes" and teach her myself (sometimes with the help of my English and Thai friends).

    My kid can now write English very good (Madthayom 2).

    But many kids of her class are still illiterate in English.

    A lot of kids in English program can not write a simple essay about what they did in the holidays.

    I have a friend, whose daughter is in Prathom 4, English Program at S.....t.

    She can not write a word in English!!!!!!

    My friend and his daughter are going back to their country in 2 weeks and hope that the school is better as in Thailand.

    ALL schools in Thailand are not even worth to be named a "school".

    The teachers don't teach in the normal school hours to enable them to ask $$$$$ for "extra classes" or private schools which are rising like mushrooms.

    As long as the school system in Thailand is not reformed, nothing will change.

    Correct, kids dont even know what they learned at school today as it was .Zilch

  6. On of the reasons we send our kids to international schools is so that they learn a bit about every country, not just Thailand. My kids study at KIS International School where there's students from over 40 different nations. As much as I love Thailand, I don't want my kids to spend a lot of time studying about Thai culture, history and language when there is so much more out there. The majority of university acceptances are at US and UK schools, and their knowledge of "Thainess" won't help them that much when they are outside of Thailand.

    The point of an international education is to learn in an international setting, not just a Thai setting. That being said my kids are able to speak Thai, and they are learning a fair amount about Thailand and Thai culture.

    My kid goes to private school not international, he can speak fluent Thai and english, I made sure of this and I will make sure he can read and write both as opportunities are many for employment ,interpretors ect especially in my homeland.

    One thing I did notice was that children often stop speaking Thai when they return back to falang parents home country, one young boy told me he was pressured and bullied to not speak Thai even though several Thai children were at the school they all got the same treatment.

    I know many Thai families in NZ who say their kids stopped speaking Thai after they started school and eventually stop speaking it altogether.

    That's quite common in Australia too. The kids are embarrassed when with their foreign parents and may have to speak another language in public.

    Kids are more likely to learn two languages (well) if they live in Thailand. My son has no problems with speaking both english and Thai in the presence of others.

    As for the OP, the Thai kids I know who have gone to international schools speak both Thai and english fluently. However, I have one student who will not speak Thai to any teacher, Thai teachers included (she fully understands Thai). She is Thai but was raised in Canada until third grade. She still even has the accent and speaks english to her Thai parents at home. I still haven't figured that out yet, but she is doing herself a disservice.

    Well figure out this, the falang children bullied the Thai children and told them don't speak that monkey language here.

    To say the language is useless and dead is a reflection of the red necked bigotts that post here,and most are only one way minded fools

    And they supose themselves as superior, yet they are one track minded , blinded, bigotts.

  7. On of the reasons we send our kids to international schools is so that they learn a bit about every country, not just Thailand. My kids study at KIS International School where there's students from over 40 different nations. As much as I love Thailand, I don't want my kids to spend a lot of time studying about Thai culture, history and language when there is so much more out there. The majority of university acceptances are at US and UK schools, and their knowledge of "Thainess" won't help them that much when they are outside of Thailand.

    The point of an international education is to learn in an international setting, not just a Thai setting. That being said my kids are able to speak Thai, and they are learning a fair amount about Thailand and Thai culture.

    My kid goes to private school not international, he can speak fluent Thai and english, I made sure of this and I will make sure he can read and write both as opportunities are many for employment ,interpretors ect especially in my homeland.

    One thing I did notice was that children often stop speaking Thai when they return back to falang parents home country, one young boy told me he was pressured and bullied to not speak Thai even though several Thai children were at the school they all got the same treatment.

    I know many Thai families in NZ who say their kids stopped speaking Thai after they started school and eventually stop speaking it altogether.

  8. He went to get a new visa. Shows the depth of checking done pre-Erawan, nobody noticed his passport was a fake before. How many sellers of fake Turkish passports are there here, maybe the police could issue a league table country by country. In the UK Nigeria heads the list by a country mile.

    I feel the need, for a Kebab from Suhkhomvit. 5.

    Maybe a passport check required here, wonder if the passport manufacturer on Khaoson Rd is still open?? thumbsup.gif

  9. "He is believed to be a leading member of the network responsible for the bomb attacks."

    And they're still not calling it an act of terrorism?

    Making a statement that a terrorist act has occurred within your borders has a whole load of unseen ramifications, particularly with foreign businesses already in Thailand and their investors. It also kicks you into the leagues of countries with piss poor security that triggers foreign governments to issue travel advisories. This impacts security arrangements with countries that have direct flights to/from Thailand with tourism only being one facet of air travel affected. Commercial freight by air and sea gets reviewed which means more rules and more delays and higher costs and less commercial attractiveness. To claim terrorists are active in your country isn't to be taken lightly.

    Interesting, also interesting is a article in the Bangkok Post about a Thai policeman that fired a rocket grenade into army building on Cambodian Sa Kaew border in 2010.

    He has been convicted and one of the charges was terrorism.

    So Chinese Uighurs can come to Thailand blow up a shrine, be involved in bomb making and it seems people smuggling and narcotics manufacture and by blowing up 2 bombs and killing and maiming people they are not terrorists!!!

    Neither are the immigration police guilty of aiding and abbeting people smuggling and terrorism.

  10. He gave the black backpack bomb to the yellow shirt, apparently after carrying it to Lumphini on his back, then under instruction from the mastermind Isac or whatever his name is he exchanged back packs with yellow shirt then went to a position close to the shrine to film the impact, however deciding not to as his view was blocked.

    His view was blocked from filming the bombing and he did not know it was a bomb in the back pack!!!!??? yeh sure.

    He admitted to buying materials from shops and on the internet to make a bomb.

    He has some sort of university training in chemical engineering.

    According to BK post he is officially an east turkic moselim and citizen of China.

    Another news thread this morning says that the master mind is also Chinese and from the same region as Yussuf. Uighers??? I think obvious.

    The mastermind is supposed to have made a post on facebook of a Uighur girls screams while being deported from Thailand, apparently posted to suspects involved. Interesting??? anyone on facebook seen this.

    Yussuf has a bail jumping tendency--- wonder where he got that from ??????????? Apparently wanted in China ???

    The back pack with no DNA of Yussuf on it!!! amazing he carried it to Lumphini on his back and exchanged it with the bomber and it does not have any of Yussufs DNA on it but has DNA of the Yellow shirted man after being blown to shredds.

    Now I wonder if they ever found the exchange back pack.?

    After the investigation police said they had no trace of the bombing materials or DNA and some quotes in later articles suggested a solvent included in the bomb which destroyed evidence.

    The identikit picture --- wasn't this put together from the tuk tuk driver and motorbike Taxi--- Yussuf was transported to Lumphini by Tuk tuk and must have had transport to the bomb site, he would also have been carrying the exchange back pack.

    So the identikit likeness is probably Yussuf the hair looks the same and the face similar, so maybe if the yellow shirt is not Yussuf then the identikit picture most likely is of him.

    There might be a second yellow shirted man, his name maybe Richard Kimble, or he may truely exist.

    Which ever way Ussuf may be telling loads of porkies.

    If the mastermind who may be the second Chinese Uighur is caught this will get more interesting.

    Srtangely also, not a word from the Taxi men who could ID the suspect and who helped with the identikit picture of yellow man.

  11. After he handed the bomb to the bomber he went to photograph the explosion, also other reports say he admitted making the bomb, and still more that he knew yellow shirt and blue shirt as they had stayed at the same apartment or visited, Min Buri.

    To me although just my opinion he's lyeing through his teeth, and looks just like the idenditkit picture.

    But then could be wrong but the likeness is quite strong especially the Hair Style.

    Maybe to close for comfort for Chinese loseing face and Thai also.

    None of the new suspects who police have posted pictures of in media reasemble the bomber but I still think this guy does --heaps.

    Police have stated that hid DNA dont match the polutted if any DNA that they are supposed to have.

    Yussufu knows they dont have a clear pic of the bomber and police say your DNA dont match so why confess?????????????????

    Maybe he will get off without the death penalty as long as he gives up many involved and does what he is told.

  12. Bombers, Bribed their way in and out, visa fees are a good bussines so the reward money for ther BK Bombers could rise by 1.8 million a day .

    Thes guys have committed criminal acts and all they get is an inactive posting, very sorry but it's Somnumnah to police as they bring criticism on themselves.

    They have become an international laughing stock because of the KT case and paying themselves rewards for catching the BK bombers.

    Bet the Cambodians are furious or maybe they got some of the 1.8 million a day and are happy to remain silent.

  13. What I don't see is any posts which points out, and I think an investigation should be launched as to the global connections these people have and what is their motive here. We know their motive, money. What we don't know is how they are connected, how big the connection is, perhaps there are a lot of questions to be answered here.

    The Peruvian is obviously the cook. The other two probably sourceing ingrediants, traffic organisers/ every time a nigerian seems to come out in the news it's for scamming and other horrible crime, not just in Thailand but all over the world.

    This is a prime example and a shame on Thai immigration for the amount of scum that filters into this country.

    I wonder if their address was noted at time of entry as "Tent in Rubber plantation"

    To say the least this Country needs to do something about it's border control and Visa requierments, back ground checks ect.

    But then again a Negro hooker can flaunt herself on Sukhomvit Rd and not attract the attention of police standing nearby.

  14. I think his real image is very close to the identikit police picture,especially hair and he has confessed to making the bomb and supposedly taking it to give to the lellow shirted man.

    His hair looks the same and facial profile similar.

    Strange the people that could ID him have not been mentioned (taxi drivers)

    Maybe the identikit pic is of Yusufu him self as he was ferried around that night, and they dont have a pic of the yellow shirt, or maybe he's both one and the same man.

  15. I wonder if you really wanted to cross the border, couldn't you just have used one the numerous dirt roads in that area?

    I knew a man who got deposited in Lao for having affair with officials daughter in LOS, he just put his gear in plastic bag and swam back across the Mekong.

    Maybe swimming the Mekong should be tightened up as well.

  16. According to the Bangkok Post article titled " New Suspect Emerges in Bomb case"

    Police LT Gen Prawut has said the suspect Maieraili was a Chemical engineering graduate from a major university in China.

    He admitted to making the Bomb.

    He said his boss left the day b4 the bombing from Suvanabhum airport for china and is now in Bangladesh, if so airport authorities must have some good snap shots of this man.

    To me Yussufo with his hair style looks more like the bomber everyday.

    The BK post also says that police identified Maieraili with the man in the yellow shirt near Erewan from unreleased CCTV footage.

    Whichever way we read between the lines from media it appears the police have the bomb makers and are trying to round up the residue, however they are still trying to smudge the attack as non Uighur revenge.

    It appears to be the case now that mr Yussuffo is a Uighur chinese national , graduate in chemical engineering and confessed bomb maker.

    Does that embarrass China and Thailand for ordering the deportation.

    So a chinese bomb maker and his chinese boss masterminded an attack on a shrine that chinese frequent to worship.

    The plot thickens.

  17. Sounds like the BIB persuaded mr Karadag bomber to squeal for them

    According to BK Post report, an eleventh suspect is now sought and Mr Yussuf has been identified as a chinese national who holds a chemical degree from a major university in China.

    Apparently caught on unreleased CCTV with the yellow shirted man who he says he gave the bomb to near Erewan.

    The report says he confessed to making the bomb for his boss but did not place it.

    The BK Post says their source was a police spokeperson.

    Yussuff is supposed to have detonated the bomb.

    So I think the singing is going on bigtime and Adem probably singing to avoid the death penalty.

    The plot thickens.

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