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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. Right , according to BK Post, and other media, he was arrested by the Cambodians walking 500 metres away from the border attempting to go to Phnom Phen.

    He was handed over to Thai authorities at the border and arrested then flown by helicopter to BK.

    Both Cambodian and Thai authoriteis worked together after he slipped through the border into Cambodia, hence transfer of immigration officials.

    According to this just release story in the Phnom Penh Post, the Cambodian police official’s version of events, corroborated by a Thai police source quoted by the Bangkok Post, he was actually arrested at Phnom Penh airport while trying to depart for Turkey. This contradicts the official narrative of the Thai authorities – including statements by Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha.

    The immigration officials were transferred because the first guy arrested claimed to have bribed them 18,000 baht to let him enter Thailand with his false passport.

    Lots of mincie pies being told here by authority, so he probably was arrested in Cambodia but where actually ? airport sounds more plausible now after viewing his luggage that police proudly took selfies of, maybe they have shared some reward with cambodia and it's hush hush, and they are waiting to catch the second bomber suposed to be in cambodia according to your link

    The plot thickenswai2.gif

  2. I am confused about one thing. The Bangkok Post reported that the Cambodian government arrested him inside Cambodia and turned him over to the Thai police at the border. While the Thai police only say they arrested him at the border crossing. So which is true? Some how I see this guy made it pass Thai immigrations into Cambodia and now they are trying to save face and not mention him being in Cambodia.

    Right , according to BK Post, and other media, he was arrested by the Cambodians walking 500 metres away from the border attempting to go to Phnom Phen.

    He was handed over to Thai authorities at the border and arrested then flown by helicopter to BK.

    Both Cambodian and Thai authoriteis worked together after he slipped through the border into Cambodia, hence transfer of immigration officials.

    Does this mean that the reward should be reallocated???

    From this guys side profile and the CCTV footage I have seen I would bet he is the bomber and I think they got the guy who placed the bomb.

    Whether Thai authority like it or not this was a terrorist attack, Uighurs revenge these are a people smuggling gang with Turkish connections.

    I would bet you that the Thai women- (Miss innocent goodie goodie two shoes) ,wanted! and who is in Turkey knows more than she is letting on,and the weak excuse that her husband can not come back because of work commitments is suspect in itself, My money is on her husband being part of this gang.

    I would bet that it is Uighurs and grey wolf as they are related and were present at the Thai embassy protest in Turkey.

    My money is on a positive ID by the Taxi drivers, however I would retract that if wrong.

    Wait and see, more will be revealed in the coming hours.

  3. If you look at the side profile of this guy and the CCTV footage I would say bingo! they got him.

    He slipped through the border into Cambodia and he was arrested in Cambodia trying to go to Phnom Phen.

    Presumably a Chinese national or another fake passport?

    He is being interviewed in english, he looks like an Uighur, may have Chinese Nationality, comes from home of Uighurs but looks middle eastern.

    This has the Uighur stamp all over it and whether the police like it or not it was an act of terror, thes guys knew how to make bombs they have lots of fake passports --- people smuggling, I think Miss innocent in Turkey is not so innocent maybe her Turkish husband is involved in this.

    There is it seems a Turkish connection here and I still have my money on Uighur and grey wolf as they are related and were involved in the protest at the Thai embassy in Turkey.

    Q, will Thai police now share reward money with the Cambodians who nabbed him??

  4. Except the guy they're currently parading around doesn't resemble the yellow shirt guy...


    Edit: Unless, of course, this isn't the guy they're accusing of being the yellow shirt guy, and some other cell member.

    I think this guy does resemble the yellow shirt CCTV footage but he does not resemble the police sketch which I've said all along does not even look near the CCTV images.

    I think the BIB got their man.Good work!

  5. Most depreciation happens within the first 5 or so years... after that, depreciation happens much more slowly.

    There's really no sweet spot, unless the car has become unreliable / costly to maintain.

    Many insurance companies won't offer 1st class insurance for vehicles > 7 years old, so for some that might be the time to move on. For others, it's when the car is out of warranty, or just when there's a new model they want, and then there's the people who just keep on hanging onto them, until death do they part wink.png

    I brought second hand 2005 isuzu dmax immaculate 268k thai bht, AXA insurance normaly won't insure cars over 10, but the man tell me special for falung as we drive differently and look after cars, on their valuation he said I would get 300k back if written off.

    I found hard to buy anything under 300 that is decent they seem to stick in that range from about 2007/6 down.

    They inspect and photograph the car b4 insurance and gave me full coverage and roadside assist.

  6. How about just following up when there are media reports of rampant human smuggling and issuance of thousands of fake passports?

    9 April 2015: Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants were given more than 100,000 fake Turkish passports in order to travel to Turkey and then enter Syria to join ISIL, a daily reported on Thursday. According to a story in the Meydan daily, A.G., an aide of Nurali T., a Uyghur Turk working for ISIL to provide militants with passports worldwide, Nurali T.’s office in İstanbul’s Zeytinburnu district functions as an ISIL passport office. Each passport was sold for $200, A.G. told Meydan.
    More than 50,000 Uyghur Turks came to Turkey with these fake passports from China via Thailand and Malaysia and entered Syria after staying a day in İstanbul, Meydan reported. A.G. claimed that most of the Uyghurs with fake passports were caught by police in Turkish airports but they were released in Turkey after their passports were seized. “The Uyghurs’ release in Turkey is due to a secret [little-known] Turkish law on Uyghur Turks. More than 50,000 Uyghurs joined ISIL through this method,” A.G. added.
    A.G. further said that Nurali T. organizes recruits from around the world from his İstanbul office. Militants who entered Turkey with these fake passports are hosted either in hotels or guesthouses for a day before they join ISIL in Syria, A.G. said. http://www.gagrule.net/report-more-than-100000-fake-turkish-passports-given-to-isil/

    This smells more uyghur, uyghur, everyday, my moneys on them, the people smuggling and maybe the grey wolves involved with uyghurs over the deportation.

  7. He never said a word when he was arrested at the scene, "Reuters", but has spoken since.

    Also it appears that the second much taller man fits the CCTV image of the bomber as from interview with eye wittness's who saw him coming and going from the apartment, the say the instantly identified him, they wish to remain unamed which is normal.

    Then the police must have a good idea of what the actual bomber looks like although they have not updated his badly sketched image.

  8. I thought the suspect was arrested after tip off from local

    residents,they are not going to be happy.

    regards Worgeordie

    Thaksins son ut up seven mill, some for police and some for informants for information leading to an arrest, The informants not paid yet $$$????? shame on you greedy's jumping the que.

  9. I understood this was an international gang.

    'no Thais would ever be involved in this'

    I still reckon there's some way to go to explain why this occurred and who funded this.

    I'm not buying the attempt to kill Chinese at a Hindu shrine in downtown Bangkok. After all how could anyone plan for the number of Chinese there to be present. They might just as well have been Indians or Thai's.

    I have a theory, a certain person outside the country funded a radical group to embarrass the government and destroy the tourist industry. Using cut outs to find and pay them.

    BTW I understood the police were already paid to do their jobs, sharing 3 million of reward money with themselves beggars belief?

    7 million put up by Thaksins son to be devided by police and informants leading to arrests of bomb makers.

    Does this exhonorate the man??

  10. "Royal Thai Police commissioner Pol Gen Somyot Poompunmuong said that the motive of the deadly bomb attack at Ratchaprasong as a personal revenge, ruling out a possibility of international terrorism.

    He said from the questioning of the foreign bomb suspect, the motive of the bombing was to take revenge for his friends and relatives who were deported by Thai authorities recently."

    The above from a previous report. Then we get the truth......

    "- Is the man talking? -

    No. Police say they began their interrogation at 7am Sunday but so far he is being uncooperative."

    OK some nonsense from the police, but they may have communication recorded.

    And the found him, that alone is a good job......

    One motorbike taxi said that the actual bomber spoke Thai with a foriegn accent , this guy speaks some english, usually you can tell from his accent when he speaks his english where he comes from, a language expert could pick it quickly, and they might have some written material from the apartment as well, the BIB might know more than you think.

  11. Perhaps there's another theory to consider? In that the guy is a simpleton, who doesn't know jack shit and was left thee on purpose by the bombers to make good their own escape?

    It's also interesting to keep reading that certain posters are advocating torture to get information out of this guy, not knowing that such practices those being tortured will say anything to end the pain and has been proven to be counterproductive also.

    You need skilled interrogators to get results, not some highly strung Sergeant who is pounding on the guys feet with a stick getting more animated than a cat on a hot tin roof.

    Once again there's several inconsistencies with the RTP investigation, no wonder people are skeptical, and have a low belief in their overall competence, and that's just the Thais.

    Iposted this yesterday he may be the crash test dumby left behind so the others get away and this guy takes the fall for the lot.

  12. Some solid leads based on dumpy Apartment building having better surveillance than Bangkok metro.

    According to a reuturs report this morning when they interviewd a Thai occupant who wishes to remain unamed, they said they immediately likened a second taller man who visited the apartments to the CCTV bomber.

    So police may now have some better CCTV footage and first hand wittnesses from the apartments to identify the suspects.

    I think police have wised up a bit and are not releasing the nationality at present.

  13. Another foreign news report reuters I think quotes an interview with the nieghbour who said there was another man going to the apartment and he looked similar but was much taller, now that dont sound like scapegoat to me, to me this sounds like genuine.

    So what you're trying to say is scapegoats tend to be shorter around here?

    I think you missed the point, this is probably a genuine bust you will have to wait and see what comes out at 6pm.

    Why wouldn't one of the bomb gang stay and make more bombs if they know that CCTV and many other factors have not traced them.

    Maybe they left a test case dumby behind to take the rap.

  14. Come on guys, give them some credit. Whether this guy was involved or not, he was caught with over 200 hundred fake passports and bomb equipment at his apartment. Good enough for me to lock him up for a long time. And if he doesn't cooperate, fly in few US experts to make him talk. I'm almost certain a foreign intelligence service tipped Thais off with regard to phone calls. They record everything. It takes time to comb through the data.

    How are you almost certain of that?

    Thais don't have the means and sophisticated technology to collect and analyse all electronic and phone communications.

    Oh yes they do the networks have records of every phone call made, and have done so for a long time, although I don't think they record conversation just caller ID numbers from caller A to caller B.

    Another foreign news report reuters I think quotes an interview with the nieghbour who said there was another man going to the apartment and he looked similar but was much taller, now that dont sound like scapegoat to me, to me this sounds like genuine.

  15. Come on guys, give them some credit. Whether this guy was involved or not, he was caught with over 200 hundred fake passports and bomb equipment at his apartment. Good enough for me to lock him up for a long time. And if he doesn't cooperate, fly in few US experts to make him talk. I'm almost certain a foreign intelligence service tipped Thais off with regard to phone calls. They record everything. It takes time to comb through the data.

    How are you almost certain of that?

    Thais don't have the means and sophisticated technology to collect and analyse all electronic and phone communications.

    Oh yes they do the networks have records of every phone call made, and have done so for a long time, although I don't think they record conversation just caller ID numbers from caller A to caller B.

  16. The only thing those investigation operatives would ask that lad is where the cheapest beer in town is.

    You stated in a post at the beginning of this thread only two types of Turks live/come to Thailand sex tourists and kebab makers/shop owners.

    Which bracket do you fit into then?

    No he said sex tourists and suspicious troublemakers............but has since cleared himself of suspicious troublemaking by giving a good soapie recommendation thumbsup.gif

    I dont think this guy looks like a falang, nor is he a idiot, he's a dangerous cunning terrorist, why not rent in an outside suburb and not attract interest.

    Wait fir the 6 pm police report and then we might know what his native language is and maybe his real name.

  17. Message to the BIB. Please don't jerk Thailand around over this because after the Koh Tau murders, this is not just about Thailand anymore. The whole world is watching you. It is not just a matter of finding some fall-guy sucker to blame, this has to be for real.

    Tell them directly, not via TV.

    I think the police are on to this now from a tipp off and some cell phone surveilance, a police report to come out at 6pm, maybe then we will know the suspects native tongue.

    Maybe they will give him a shave put a wig on and some dark glasses a yellow shirt and backpack, then we could see if he looks like the cctv.

    I think they have discovered the source though and if this guy opens up a bit they might get a few more arrests.

    As for the grey wolves they are active very active and were active at the Thai embassy protest in Turkey.

    Just google them and have a read it is well sourced and reported on the net.

  18. CNN UPDATE: Thai police now say the man they have arrested is not the main suspect -- seen here in the sketch -- but they believe he was involved: CNN - 16 hours ago, report he's not the bomber, but involved.

    Also, the police said Nationality cannot be determined, because the passport were all fake ones.

    The independent UK say BK Police have named the suspect as Adem Karadag, to me he looks more like the CCTV than the police sketch just on his body shape alone and he has a long face, when will the Taxi drivers ID him?

    I would put money on the grey wolves at present, and hes is not a scape goat this is for real probably a tip off from the apartment owner.

    Police trying to downplay this as non terrorist, it is a terrorist attack comitted by foreigners in revenge for the UIghors treatment which ever way the police want to look at it.

    I hope they catch a few more of them shortly and would have to say good work at last.wai2.gif

    You guys have no clue about the grey wolves, they disbanded in the 90's. They aren't active anymore. And the grey wolves are a far right turkish nationalist organization albeit not a mongol one.

    This was the head of the grey wolves


    Typical mediterrenan, the guy captured is south asian. He might be an uyghur, but he's not a turk for sure.

    According to wikipedia the grey wolves are alive and well and responsible for acts of terror up to 2014, plus other news sources say the same.

    If he,s not turkish what is he??, the apartment was rented by another turk back in January last year also named in latest udate today.

    Todays update says police went through thousands of phone calls and traced 3 turkish phones on international roaming.

    They say they traced the phone to the area, the report also says there was a tip off as well from the apartments owner who was scarred.

    Source Bangkok post sunday update.

  19. CNN UPDATE: Thai police now say the man they have arrested is not the main suspect -- seen here in the sketch -- but they believe he was involved: CNN - 16 hours ago, report he's not the bomber, but involved.

    Also, the police said Nationality cannot be determined, because the passport were all fake ones.

    The independent UK say BK Police have named the suspect as Adem Karadag, to me he looks more like the CCTV than the police sketch just on his body shape alone and he has a long face, when will the Taxi drivers ID him?

    I would put money on the grey wolves at present, and hes is not a scape goat this is for real probably a tip off from the apartment owner.

    Police trying to downplay this as non terrorist, it is a terrorist attack comitted by foreigners in revenge for the UIghors treatment which ever way the police want to look at it.

    I hope they catch a few more of them shortly and would have to say good work at last.wai2.gif

  20. Well done RTP, after unprecedented criticism, it looks like they have actually done a very good job. We all wanted this guy caught.

    I always thought the police picture was miles off from what i could make of the CCTV images and to me the body profile of this guy looks similar to the suspect in the cctv especially the leg shape so I hope they got their man and my guess is Grey Wolf.

  21. The CSD are already trying to delay this case......going back to Toyota for information on crashes is so clearly not relevant any longer and simply a delay tactic.

    The accused and his 2/3 lady friends.............??......

    That Chuwong was cremated so quickly after his death, (within 2 days as I remember) and with so many unanswered questions speaks heaps!

    Exactly, I thought I read he had injuries that did bot associate with the vehicle crash? now no body in the mourge for forensics.

  22. I believe they know it was the Uighurs but haven't a clue as to how to deal with international terrorism. It also severely damages their tourism.

    Why bother coming to Thailand to bomb the Chinese?

    Better off going to China I'd have thought.

    Besides when have they ever bombed anywhere?

    If they 'knew' why not release details?

    If you read the history of the Grey Wolves right up to the protests at the Thai embasy in Turkey over the turk/ chinese uighurs you will see that they have highly trained military factions they have carried out many terorist attacks in many countries, including trying to assasinate the pope, they have highly trained personel.

    Wikipedia gives a detailed account of their activity.

    Seeing this could be aimed at Chinese and tourism in Thailand it looks more and more plausible than any other theory I would say highly probable that this was in retaliation for the deporting of the Uighurs.

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