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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. Another thing I have leant about "Thainess", if you expose them as liars, cheats or thieves and prove to be correct they won't forget it. They will harbour the grudge like a school kid and do whatever they can to get back at you, in this case create some trumped up nonsense charge (because they can).

    It may be seen by all outside as unbelievable, completely unjust and potentially corrupt but whilst the corruption exists this will always happen and the elitist won't be in a hurry to let the situation change as they benefit the most from the "flexibility".

    I hope Dr Ellis is out today and he is left to get on with his life in peace..

    Now I know why they keep driving one after the other into a narrow traffic jammed Soi, until its completely locked up and they have to start backing out.


  2. "Longtime Southeast Asia security analyst Anthony Davis, who writes for the Jane’s group of publications, was probably the first to speculate, last week, that Turkish nationalists could have committed the shrine attack as retribution for Thailand’s deportation of over 100 Uighurs to China in July; the shrine was popular with Chinese tourists."

    No, I posted about the Uighur retaliation theory almost immediately after the attacks. I also located an article showing that 100,000 fake Turkish passports had been sent to Thailand and Malaysia by ISIL to assist Uighur militants to get from those countries to Istanbul, from where they would be allowed to travel to Syria to join ISIL. Later, we learned that immigration officers on the Cambodian border had been accepting bribes to allow Uighurs to pass through the border into Thailand without a passport. Sorry, Mr. Davis cannot be credited with any original thinking here. What still hasn't been publicized throughout the international media is that Thailand remains a hub for international trafficking of ISIL militants. More food for thought in Thailand trying to improve its Tier 3 relegation on the TIP report.

    I also , posted well before this guy although I have suggested links to grey wolfe Uighurs ,because of the Turkish embassy attack and deportation, it seems pretty obvious that it was Uighurs and the same lot involved in people smuggling and now Ya Ba as well.

    There is no doubt of a turkish connection and I would not discount ISIS being involved as you say.

    Also they investigated a media/ printing firm in Sukhomvit Rd after finding drums of precursers to amphetimine production the drums had been previously full of printing material, would they have been better off to investigate that firm for making passports/false documents than bomb material?

    There used to be a place in Khao son Rd where people could go and get a passport or fake driver license made to order, aparently been operating for years, just as the Sa Kaew border has been trafficking people through its gates for years. Mai Pben Rai.

    Oh but they fixed that problem and the Min Buri jail problem as well by transfering the officers in charge-- not charging the officers involved.

  3. Well, we can't ask the Turkish authorities to arrest her or husband and extrdite them because we not need help and we don't want another Embassy to be wrecked, we just say nicely you come home please and Thai airways will donate ticket for you, if you like bring husband as well we can give you 2 tickets.

    We already transfered prison boss from Min Buri, so don't worry you will have Adem and Yussuf to talk to because they can't get away now.

    Dont forget to bring DNA with you.thumbsup.gif

  4. The stripping of Thaksin's police rank is nothing more than a PR stunt by the current powers that be. They want everyone to know who's in charge. Personally though I wish the whole Thaksin issue would disappear from Thai politics. Too long has this issue been in the news, a new chapter need to be opened and the old one left in the past.

    This is hardly gratitude for the 7 million BHT that Thaksins son has put up for reward for the BK bombers.

    At least he cleared his name , and probably is more popular than ever for doing so.wai2.gif

  5. The length of beach between the police box on the bend up to soi 5 had pleanty of room for parking. It now appears that this has been taken up with a wide pavement.

    Where are cars going to park now ?

    They just stay home more room for Chinese tourist now and new vendors to take care for them.

  6. DNA did not match that found on a backpack! Which back pack are we talking about as the Erewan one was destroyed in the blast and police said they had no DNA from Erewan.

    The other presumed DNA from a week old Motorbike Taxi 20 BHT note is a joke, what did the Taxi driver suddenly remember after one week which 20 it was, and where it had been since he gave change to many other passengers in that week, are we supposed to believe that he put it into a plastic bag and saved it just in case the police might call on him. Not feasable!

    The second green and yellow cab is forensicly examined after haveing an unknown amount of passengers since dropping off the suspect!

    They must have all sat in the back and the suspect in the front, this is a polluted fairy tale, they dont know who,s DNA they have so it is 100% certain that the suspect will never match any of whatever DNA they collected.

    They still have not said if the second suspects passport is valid even though a stroll over to the chinese embassy would verify if the passport was false.

    They have not said if the Taxi drivers had been asked to ID the suspect who was in the area of Erewan at the time but claims he did not place the bomb.

    A case of you didn't see me didn't do it.!

    They still do not claim that both suspects are Uighurs although Adem has been singing in the Uighur language.

    We still have not heard of the TP asking the Turkish police to look for and arrest the suspects in Turkey.

    Maybe they have asked turkey and don't say nothing this would be wise but they are very slow and vague over the whole scenario and my guess is that sooner than later they will have to admit that this was an Uighur act of revenge, and that in most books is called international terorism. wai2.gif

  7. And how, pray tell, can they be so sure the taxi and 20 baht note ARE from the bomber? Both of those are not exactly pristine.... besides wasn't it a week after the fact that taxi driver came forward with his "evidence'? Could be from anyone.....

    Exactly! the Dna of a bank note stuffed into a motirbike taxis wod, then a week later after buying whyskey and shopping at the markets the Taxi bike driver goes to police with a 20 bht note that he had the presence of mind to place into a seprate plastic bag as he was suspicious and might get a reward for this.

    Then the green and yellow cab after haveing a heap of passengers through it after the suspect is forensicly examined and bingo we have DNA of the bomber.

    I wonder if the 20 BHt and the Taxi cab are the same DNA.

    Maybe they collected two different samples and the suspect does not match either.

    I dont think they know who's DNA they have from both Taxis and the whole thing is Keystone cops face saving exercise to cover up a revenge UIghur attack and blame it as something else.

    Why cant they check the chinese passport at the Chinese embassy?? maybe chinese embassy cant recieve the passport same as BBC forensic evidence as no-one there to handle this job.

    The failure to just do that is diabolical, and they have also not done a personal ID from the cab drivers which is a suspect worry.

    Imagine putting the suspect on trial and defense asks him where were you arrested ?, and he says Phnom Phen Airport.

    How did you pay motorbike Taxi, ? I gave him 100 Bht and said keep the change.whistling.gif

  8. DNA of suspect arrested in Sa Kaew not match with bomber's

    The Nation

    BANGKOK: -- Police spokesman Pol Lt Gen Prawut Thawornsiri said the DNA test has eliminated a suspect who was arrested in Sa Kaew as the Erawan Shrine bomber but he is still suspected of being involved.

    Prawut said the test showed that the Sa Kaew suspect's DNA did not match that extracted from the taxi the bomber took the day he made the attack and did not match that extracted from a Bt20 note the bomber gave to a motorcycle taxi driver.

    But, Prawut said, the foreign man, who carries a Chinese passport, was still suspected of getting involved in the attack because his fingerprints matched with those found on a bottled used for storing bomb materials from on an apartment room in Bangkok's Nong Chok district. The first suspect in the case, whose nationality has yet to be confirmed, was arrested at the apartment.

    Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/DNA-of-suspect-arrested-in-Sa-Kaew-not-match-with--30268119.html


    -- The Nation 2015-09-04

    Could someone please explain how DNA can be separated/extracted for a match from a public vehicle and from a circulating 20 baht note? Assuming we are talking about touch and not blood/fluid samples.

    I know technology has progressed in leaps and bounds, but this is mind-boggling to me.

    The explanation is that this is a pathetic attempt to convince you that this is not the bomber.

    DNA from a motorcycle taxi 20 BHT note that surprisingly the driver stuffed in his pocket and remembered which one it was a few days later.

    Then a Taxi that dropped the guy is checked for prints and DNA after it has carried how many othe passengers around BK?

    If blame were to be on the Uighurs then the jaunta have to assume some responsibility and loose face big time.

    Note! have we heard of any attempt for an ID from the Taxi drivers.

    Note! the passport could be verified as legit in five minutes by the Chinese embassy, Thai police were quick to match prints but can't check a passport.

    They are covering up for their blunder and saving face for China as well.

    No doubt the guy will be silenced or commit suicide in his cell before he can say more.

    He will get the death penalty if he does not have a nasty accident but I don't think you will hear much from this guy in the future.

    Another point is that they do not know the DNA of the bomber they have no DNA from the bomb site and only poluted if that at all DNA form persons unknown.

    A farcical situation getting more like the three stooges every day.

  9. funny, fingerprints match in a day, but no taxi driver ID yet of the two in custody.

    How long would it take to run over to the Chinese embassy and check Yussufs passport?

    Can't do that, as might confirm he is a Uighur.

    Foreigners let a bomb off that kills twenty and it is not terrorism???

    Lots of read between the line here from police, my guess is pressure from China as they executed some deported Uighurs and who deported them?

    And wait there is more, top immigration police transfered from Sa Kaew for letting Uighurs into Thailand.

    Police deny suspect was aprehended in Cambodia even though international media claim this as well as Phnom Phen Post, why deny??

    My theory is Cambodia dont want to sour relations with China and if this guy was handed over to China instead maybe he dissapear for ever.

    Cambodia deported a lot of Uighurs in 2009 from SA Kaew area against apeals from United Nations and other human rights organisations, some of these were executed some recieved Jail terms one of them was named Yussuf.

    After Cambodia did what they were told by China and deported these people in a chartered jet Chinese officials went to Cambodia and signed up contracts and loans for them.

    There is a lot of reason for this to be a Uigher revenge attack and both sides China and Thailand are players in that theory.

    There were two targets in the bomb attack, China and guess who?

    There were two countrys who hurt a lot of Uighurs.wai2.gif

    This Theory is absolutely nuts.

    Uighur have a problem with China, Not Thailand.

    So what if they were deported from Thailand to China and persecuted there. You don't start another war with another country when you already have one going with one of the most powerful countries on Earth.


    In what way is planting a bomb in Thailand assured of killing Chinese citizens?

    Its a bomb, planted in a public place. How is the any guarantee of killing any Chinese..

    So the riots at the Thai embasssy in Turkey did not happen after Thailand deported Uighurs to China.

    The Uighurs were not angry that this resulted in some executions.

    So the Uighurs were not angry at China for executing some of there kind, they did not smash the Thai embassy to bits in Turkey and they were not angry that Thailand Jaunta deprorted them to China to be executed and imprisoned.

    The bomb was place at a shrine where Chinese worship not in Nana plaza.

    The suspects are more than likely highly probably Uighurs.

    Most international media including Reuters, Times, CNN , BBC, tout this as being a revenge attack against China and Thailand for the treatment handed out to them.

    So go figure shill.

    I never said the riots didn't happen, but they were demonstrations not bombings.

    Its politically expedient for the current administration to find an international rather than domestic enemy.

    The spin is already being put on the act as a personal rather than terrorist action.

    News agencies have provided multiple theories, not just one, it seems you are spinning your own preference in that regard.

    So go figure shill?

    Not really sure that's meaning much to me.

    Is that some NZ code about the benefits of sheep love?

    It's a paid idiot to misinform and denegrate by making low comments because their IQ is to low to assemble reality.

  10. funny, fingerprints match in a day, but no taxi driver ID yet of the two in custody.

    How long would it take to run over to the Chinese embassy and check Yussufs passport?

    Can't do that, as might confirm he is a Uighur.

    Foreigners let a bomb off that kills twenty and it is not terrorism???

    Lots of read between the line here from police, my guess is pressure from China as they executed some deported Uighurs and who deported them?

    And wait there is more, top immigration police transfered from Sa Kaew for letting Uighurs into Thailand.

    Police deny suspect was aprehended in Cambodia even though international media claim this as well as Phnom Phen Post, why deny??

    My theory is Cambodia dont want to sour relations with China and if this guy was handed over to China instead maybe he dissapear for ever.

    Cambodia deported a lot of Uighurs in 2009 from SA Kaew area against apeals from United Nations and other human rights organisations, some of these were executed some recieved Jail terms one of them was named Yussuf.

    After Cambodia did what they were told by China and deported these people in a chartered jet Chinese officials went to Cambodia and signed up contracts and loans for them.

    There is a lot of reason for this to be a Uigher revenge attack and both sides China and Thailand are players in that theory.

    There were two targets in the bomb attack, China and guess who?

    There were two countrys who hurt a lot of Uighurs.wai2.gif

    This Theory is absolutely nuts.

    Uighur have a problem with China, Not Thailand.

    So what if they were deported from Thailand to China and persecuted there. You don't start another war with another country when you already have one going with one of the most powerful countries on Earth.


    In what way is planting a bomb in Thailand assured of killing Chinese citizens?

    Its a bomb, planted in a public place. How is the any guarantee of killing any Chinese..

    So the riots at the Thai embasssy in Turkey did not happen after Thailand deported Uighurs to China.

    The Uighurs were not angry that this resulted in some executions.

    So the Uighurs were not angry at China for executing some of there kind, they did not smash the Thai embassy to bits in Turkey and they were not angry that Thailand Jaunta deprorted them to China to be executed and imprisoned.

    The bomb was place at a shrine where Chinese worship not in Nana plaza.

    The suspects are more than likely highly probably Uighurs.

    Most international media including Reuters, Times, CNN , BBC, tout this as being a revenge attack against China and Thailand for the treatment handed out to them.

    So go figure shill.

  11. funny, fingerprints match in a day, but no taxi driver ID yet of the two in custody.

    How long would it take to run over to the Chinese embassy and check Yussufs passport?

    Can't do that, as might confirm he is a Uighur.

    Foreigners let a bomb off that kills twenty and it is not terrorism???

    Lots of read between the line here from police, my guess is pressure from China as they executed some deported Uighurs and who deported them?

    And wait there is more, top immigration police transfered from Sa Kaew for letting Uighurs into Thailand.

    Police deny suspect was aprehended in Cambodia even though international media claim this as well as Phnom Phen Post, why deny??

    My theory is Cambodia dont want to sour relations with China and if this guy was handed over to China instead maybe he dissapear for ever.

    Cambodia deported a lot of Uighurs in 2009 from SA Kaew area against apeals from United Nations and other human rights organisations, some of these were executed some recieved Jail terms one of them was named Yussuf.

    After Cambodia did what they were told by China and deported these people in a chartered jet Chinese officials went to Cambodia and signed up contracts and loans for them.

    There is a lot of reason for this to be a Uigher revenge attack and both sides China and Thailand are players in that theory.

    There were two targets in the bomb attack, China and guess who?

    There were two countrys who hurt a lot of Uighurs.wai2.gif

  12. Oh the humanity! The police said Thais were incapable of being involved.

    It wasn't just the police, a few posters on here have claimed the same thing!

    That being said, I'm curious to find out if it was more than a phone call to Wanna that put him in the spotlight. Either way, it adds a whole new dimension to the case.

    Might have been a intrecepted/ tapped phone call, anyhow good on the police for arresting this guy he might well be involved and he might well know where the Thai lady and her husband are, Im surprised that the Turkish police have not aprehended them by now.

    Guilt by association is always investigated by overseas police

    The only problem I see here is that Thai police might be trying to set this up as a southern Muslem attack as China and Thailand sure don't want to be blamed for a revenge attack caused by deporting and executing Uighurs and people smuggling/ pathetic border control at Sa Kaew.

  13. Comment from James hookway ,Wall St Journal " we are trying to find out more, but like you suggest - China seems to be constraining the Thai's willingness to discuss many of the details.

    The man is a Uighur.

    He was possibly deported from Cambodia with other Uighurs in 2009 some were executed and some recieved 4/5 year jail terms.

    He has a Valid Chinese passport and a bank book.

    The gang were most likely involved in people smuggling as well.

    The Thai woman and her Husband is now a prime suspect and Turkish citizen.

    The 2 arrested so far speak Turkish.

    The chief of Sa Kaew immigration transfered along with 5 others over alleged smuggling of Uighurs.

    This has been going on at this border crossing for some time.

    The denial that Cambodia arrested the suspect at Phnom Phem airport---- cambodia want to save face as dont want to upset China.

    If this guy had of been handed over to China he probably would have disapeared.

    There is egg all over Chinas face for the treatment and execution of Uighurs some of which were executed after being deported.

    There is egg all over Thailands face over the deportation that allowed the executions to happen.

    There ie egg all over Thailands faces over the Sa Kaew border corruption.

    The bombing most plausible motive was a message to China about the cruelty and treatment of Uighurs/ part one.

    A message to Thailand for deporting them and letting the Chinese execute and torture Uighurs/ part two.

    This does not detur from the fact that these people have teemed up with terror organisations and are now terrorist murderers and people smugglers.

    Thailand -- believe it or not this was more than likely an Uighur revenge terrorist attack.

  14. I might have missed something, he's wanted in China for something else, that is, before the bombing?

    Just google Phnom Phen Press and read about arrest claimed to be made by Cambodian police at airport.

    Says he was wanted in China, apparently Cambodia did not want to peev China off and Thailand wanted this guy bad.

    So a bit of miss-information being spread around here by Thai authorities.

    My money is on the cambodians arresting him and handing back at the Sa Kaet border.

    He is more than likely an Uighur his Chinese passport states he comes from the Uighur area of China.

    As for motive to bombing , Uighurs peeved off about being deported and some executed by Chinese.

    Part A, a message to China about that.

    Part B a message to Thailand about that

    This can be blamed on both, Chinese for executing Uighurs and Thailand for deporting them, however Thai police don,t want to admit this neither do Chinese want to claim any responsibility.

    I would like to know if this guy arrested at the border who's name is Yussuf is the same Yussuf who had been held by Cambodian authorities and deported to China in 2009 illegally.

    Sooner or later the Nationalities will surface and the Uighur picture will be very clear as will be the Turkish connection with Uighurs and people trafficking through the port of Sa Kaet.

    Thai police transferred from this port for letting Uighurs through into Thailand on bogus paperwork.

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