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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. Please read this foreign press it gives a bit more detail than the Thai press it seems this guy as a large scare on his arms

    Quote " Some of the evidence comes from CCTV footage shot in Lumpini Park showing a yellow-shirted man suspected of planting the bomb at the shrine going into a toilet in the park, where he changed his shirt to a grey one.

    The man seen in the footage leaving the toilet resembles Karadag, the sources said, adding after leaving the park, he took a public bus to the apartment in Nong Chok.

    Karadag has a long scar on his arm, while the yellow-shirted suspect seen in the footage had straps around both of his arms, the sources added.


    Any sign of burning in the toilet? I would not just throw items in the bin but I'd want to ensure they were destroyed.

    Although doing this would also attract attention I would not want leave the toilet with those items still on me.

    Don't know that are details the police should know remember he had a plastic bag must be for the clothes that he changes into. He could have taken it back with him and destroyed it somewhere else i guess

    He could have had a neatly folded T shirt in the bag, also when he changed he had to get rid of the wig , Tee shirt and glasses- so I wonder if any of these items will show up, unless some one was in the dunny that was helping him, like Mr Snake, AKA Emariaili who has admitted handing the bomb to the bomber!!

  2. So this guy has completed changed his story now? There were long reports in the major English newspapers in which he detailed his entire trip...basically he was using smugglers to try to get to Malaysia for a truck driving job and happened to just be in the wrong place (the smugglers apt) at the wrong time (police acted on a tip and raided it). It was pretty convincing IMO. Then you have the fact the DNA doesn't match him...anywhere. But now there is an "unconfirmed report" that he has confessed?? Ho hum, another day in Thailand.

    What DNA?? they dont have any accurate DNA of anyone, that is a circus joke.

    But I believe he could be the bomber, hes been 2 squeaky clean and his alibi about not being in Thailand at the time is a crock fullof it.

    The maths never worked out between his trafficking buddy mastermind and when they both entered Thailand.

    Clean him up and put a wig and kit on him and lets have a look, also would not mind seeing the pictures of the second confessed bomber in Malaysia because media outlets are still reporting on his confession.

  3. Oh dear ...

    Befuddled, as the two bangkok suspects said the ones arrested in malaysia were not the bombers, so better believe them as they were friends with them.

    Reports of confession and how they were helped across the border?, must have been fabricated by the media.

    I did not go to malaysia, oh sorry I did but my boss did not know nothing, boy I took a risk there, but anyway dont worry -- come to Thailand because these bombers nice men not terrorists and soon we start up smuggling ring again and no more worrry about bomb. wai2.gif

  4. 300,000bht divided by 25years = 12000bht

    Considering she's going to get a large bowl of rice porridge 25 yrs. seems about right.

    12,000 bht a year, triple it to take into consideration her extra haulage dividends, she is going to be a 75 yr old woman before she gets out. By which time her 900,000 bht will just about buy her a bowl of rice porridge.

    The irony is staggering.

    Som Nom Na

    Dont forget time off for good brown envelope, and reward from hat yai drug dealers fro returning merchandise

  5. Mc Cully is a political twerp, he could never get a job outside parliament except maybe at the circus as a clown.

    Blackwoods biggest hope is to get some oposition MP to embaress John Key into action, however Mc Cully did sweet f all in having a go at the Thai Police over the New Zealanders poisened to death in the Chiang Mai guest house.

    Don,t hold your breath as Britain has been as weak as peev over the KOh Tao 2 as well.

  6. very confusing, he confessed and he has not been identified by thai police with their grainy CCTV, we will rely on another suspect to verify him.

    Media reports Malaysian police having arrested 2 ,possibly the blue man and the yellow - now blue is at large it seems.

    Malaysian police suspected to have helped bombers, the plot -- the people smuggling one seems to be very nasty-- thai police, mlaysian police, turkish immigration/police, pakastanis, Uighur chinese nationals, thai moselim, and turkish nationals. lao border immigration, Vietnam immigration and on and on.

  7. Looks like Malaysia leading the way in this investigation: suspects/informants in custody, good leads and info.

    Didn't RTP recently announce they were cancelling their fact-finding trip to KL on account Malaysian authorities were barking up the wrong tree and had no substantive info regarding the case?

    This is called " The Somyot Curved Ball" got you all off track while they secretly went about the mission to arrest the bombers.

    Pity they did not get them at the official people smuggling river crossing b4 they were ferried across the river.whistling.gif

    I wonder if they will stop Malaysians walking freely across the border to Sungai Kolok to have a night out? no surely not this could wreck the night life trade better shelve that one cheesy.gif

  8. What i cannot get my head around is that they are relying on sending pictures to Thailand for further identification, instead of Thailand sending at least one person to Malaysia to assist the police there.

    If it was happening in somewhere like Bolivia i could nearly understand, but a bordering country?

    Mind blown.........................sad.png

    If Mieraili says he does not know them then case over, everyone back to work people smugling, it's a freeging joke Thai Police get of your arse and get down there.


  9. I think it's now blatantly obvious, that they don't have much idea where to go next......a month on, 2 arrests, both of whom may be innocent.......

    On the contrary, it appears they are following all possible leads to ensure they find the real guys who are responsible. Or would it hurt TV readers to give any credit to anyone?

    Well letting these suspects go with the history in the article is insane, they won,t be seen again, then not going to Malaysia more stupid.

    wonders never cease.

  10. Given the context of this op one has to wonder if the police are unaware of the humor part. They probably think it is a real award for their idea. Meanwhile, the rest of the world can read about idiocies and laugh at them. I personally would have thought the un-boiled egg would be the winner for this prize.

    I thought they would recieve an award for giving themselves a reward! cheesy.gif

  11. Rudd, Julie, Abbott, Turnbull, Libs, Labour - what's the Fk Diff ?

    They all may look different. But life feels the same.

    Another Bankster and character assasin good mate for his NZ counterpart the silent assasin and ex merchant bankster John Key.

    Now they have both countrys in asset stripping sell everything and smash you into the ground mode..

    By the time they are finished both countrys will be knackered and in severe debt.

  12. Go on then I will be the first to say it. Why is his face blanked out when Foreigners faces are not on these photos. If he is guilty his picture should be all everywhere no matter what nationality.

    well he didn't blow up Bangkok, his brother is a VIP, he is camera shy, if they show his face some locals angry as they did not recieve tea money and some did.

    Maybe more abused will come forward and he run out of tea money giggle.gif

  13. Outsiders do not understand what's going on in our country," he said.

    Your problem dear PM is that they understand all too well.

    • They understand what happened to bring about the coup - and why
    • They understand that there will be no elections any time soon - and why
    • They understand that regarding people-trafficking, the military is more a part of the problem rather than the solution
    • They understand that instead of corruption being curtailed, it is now on steroids - and that given tight military control of everything, there are therefore questions to ask of the military

    Well spoken intelligent postthumbsup.gif

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