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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. coverage of several UK news outlets quotes that new CCTV footage has been viewed by them from hospital carpark cameras which police said did not work

    Police now have the footage which is from where the motorbike dropped the suspect off near Lumpini, it appears he went into the car park.

    Overseas media report that there still may be hundreds of camera's footage that police have not yet looked at.

    An in depth interview by foreign news journilists with the motorbike driver says that the suspect had a long chin and big nose the motorbike driver was adamant in the interview that the suspect was not Thai..

    Yet the suspects picture is still not corrected , he must be laughing his head off.

  2. ''Less than a year after Thailand’s last high-profile criminal investigation left observers scratching their heads, the competency and professionalism of its police are under a new level of scrutiny, only this time much more is at stake."

    Competence? Professionalism?

    ​How can you scrutinize what does not exist?

    Face saving, they are saving the face of the bomber all over town who looks nothing like the CCTV, they have not used computer enhancement tecnology even though they have been offered outside help to do this , so they save the wrong face of the suspect who must have ran away laughing at the image they posted so that they could save their face.

  3. ...I am amazed that no one has been publicly ridiculing the police chief for his statement the other day asking for software to sharpen images, as seen in TV series CSI. It is only found in Hollywood, yet it seems no one in Thailand is even aware of just how unbelievably dumb this comment was....

    There are tools available like SmartDeblur just to name one. I guess they could get a copy at Pantip Plaza for 100 Baht, free if they threaten to raid the shop. They probably don't have this or similar software because the manufacturer refused to issue an invoice of $980 per license.

    Web site offers free trial of deblur but could anyone use it?

  4. In other words, "I don't like these guys because they might nail me and my attempts to thwart them thus far have failed. Pull off your dogs, otherwise I might get into trouble"

    It suggests one thing though, and that is that the CSD are thus far incorruptible...at least as far as Banyin is concerned.

    I wonder if this will ever be called a murder infestigation.wai2.gif

  5. This has got nothing to do with anything other than a big dispute over the taxes Toyota think they should pay for imported parts used to assemble the Prius, and what the tax dept. want them to pay.

    The extra tax bill that's been given to Toyota Thailand for those 18,000 Prius's is 11,000,000,000 Baht - which is over 600,000 Baht per car.

    I wonder why it's taken them this long to stop the production line - it's not like this is a new dispute...

    They should be getting a tax incentive not overtaxed for cleaner technology.

  6. I've thought all along that the bomber was probably a Turk, but just a suspicion based on his appearance and the attack on the Thai embassy in Istanbul.

    RTP should have immediately investigated all entries from Muslim countries, and, not just the 15 days prior to the attack, but go back to Dec 2014. Why have they waited so long?

    Yes and the police sketch is so bad they have not modified that yet.

    Only going back 15 days also a worry, they should have nice pictures of everyone that enters the LOS or dont those cameras you stand in front of when getting a visa work?

  7. A large Gym Bag left unattended on the fourth floor of a CNX Shopping Centre last Saturday was of NO INTEREST to staff when we pointed it out.

    One staff member even laughed when my wife mentioned that Security should investigate.

    Nothing went "Bang" but if it had, the people in the vicinity of the Food Court may not have enjoyed the "Festival" of Fireworks it would have created.

    Have attached a photograph of the "Suspect" Bag.

    I remember when all the IRA bombs were going off you could leave your bag anywhere and it would not get stolen.

  8. The only people that learned something are future bombers.

    They learned how completely incompetent the RTP are, and just how easy, in the full glare of grainy CCTV cameras, multiple witnesses and drivers, just how easy it is to wear the most obvious clothing and blow up a target in the middle of downtown Bangkok, less than 5 minutes from police headquarters...and disappear into the night on a motorcycle taxi leaving no motive, no clue and no suspect.

    One could easily make the case that at some point in the future, this will all happen again...with the same result.

    If you wanted to wear less conspicuous clothing just dress like a ding tong actor and people will probably help you.

    Thais are not embaressed to wear anything so why should they take any notice of how people dress.

  9. This is looking more and more like Banyin orchestrated everything, including Chuwong's murder. I wonder how much the girls were told they could keep and how much they had to kick back to Banyin? I also wonder if Kanthana is carrying Chuwong's baby, and if they used her pregnancy as part of the share transfer scheme? I am hoping one of the pretties will spill her guts eventually for a lighter sentence and pin this whole thing on him.

    Your post assumes there is a police force that wishes to nail Banyin. The police have agendas but nailing the bad guys is not one of them.

    Just investigate and release even if their passport is false.

  10. ...a hopelessly thought out idea by the powers that be.....

    1. Told by them you can register your sim at any 7/11........BS....7/11 staff don't have a clue about this even when you speak Thai to them.

    2. (As a poster has already mentioned.....)....people coming in from overseas with a mobile setup for international roaming... what then...??

    3. (As another poster mentioned a month ago....)....the security guard as his building was doing a roaring trade at 100b a phone and taking apartment dwellers phones to be registered...using his Thai id card to provide the details for the registration process...????!!!

    ...and no doubt there will have been/are a lot of other dubious "registrations"

    Exactly what is the NBTC trying to achieve...??

    "BS" I have done so and I know others that have registered at 7/11 so please don't generalise. Also, whilst there will always be a way around these things I.e 'pay as you go', in general people have a phone that is registered in their home country and the network 'links' mean they can be traced. Thinking about it, maybe this PAYG system should be scrapped altogether? Hmmmm... A contentious issue perhaps, what do you think? As for the guy registering other people's number with his ID card, a good way to earn a few $$ but if the shit hits the fan he'll be in trubs. Well he should be, but then this is Thailand 5555

    Oh no sorry I lost that phone, no trouble!

  11. From the multiplicity of drivers of all types of vehicles who are emerging from the woodwork at timely intervals claiming that they carried the bomber I am coming around to the belief that it was in fact a "bombing team" of maybe one real bomber plus nine look-alikes carrying different bags who spread themselves around the scene of the crime to confuse the police and lay false trails. Why would I not believe that all these reward seekers are telling the absolute truth? Why would I not believe the police when they said was a team of ten? Why would I not believe that the discovery of an old hand grenade in some obscure place on the other side of the city was linked to the bombing? Why would I not believe the person who said all ten of the bomber gang left the country together at the same time? Why would I not believe the next person who might say they saw all ten of them checking-in at Suvarnabhumi at the group counter and all wearing the same yellow shirts? The search and investigation for the perpetrators of this evil crime is getting more farcical as every day goes by. What is needed is a rich benefactor to come forward and offer a reward (incentive) to the RTP themselves for the successful capture of the mastermind and bomber. Only then might we see some real and purposeful action.

    Thaksins son already has put up 7 million bht some of which is for the police who catch him and some for informant info that catches him

  12. "all Thais will be rich after six months", pity it wasn't true, just "an election promise". wink.png

    My wife reports that she's being approached for loans by local university-students, within weeks of their starting to study away from home, not a good sign. sad.png

    When I went to imigration office the other day I had to wait 1 hour while 200 burmese got a 20 BHT visa renewal all guma gones on building sites, so if your Thai it is below u 2 work for 200 BHt a day.wai2.gif

  13. We live in the 21st century, you would think that someone in charge, would have the common sense to see this was just plain stupid. Instead they then compound the mistake, and make an issue which is going to have repucussions far and beyond Thailand. The sad thing is they just can't see it.

    Waiting for that glorious day when the light bulb over their heads...finally illuminates!

    exakory, only an offence if premeditated bombing/ news is suspected, however, given that they have let one suspect go on a false passport speaks volumes for forensic investigators.

    Fix the cameras

  14. It's sad Thailand has to see an act of terrorism like this before it makes sense to them to have a quality, working CCTV system.

    I agree totally, but encouragement from the article they are going to purchase new technology.

    A good start would be getting the CCTV upgraded and running as well.

    I would not mind paying an airport tax of 500 Bht every time I enter the country if it all went to security and CCTV would soon amount a lot of money.

    Better that police/ government do this and start work immediately than charge horses down the street.

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