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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. On 1/15/2018 at 7:25 AM, dinsdale said:

    There's plenty to say on this article but I like this one. Very difficult if the resources do not exist. Sometimes I'll go into a blackboard classroom and there isn't even chalk.


    Kids these days just want to play games on phones the same as adults do.  On the underground today in BK it was almost 100% people playing with phones and selfies.  My kid went to school here and even though private , he learnt nothing.

    Now I commute back and forth to NZ to save his education.  Kids all over the world now just want a phone to play games on, very sad state of affairs.

  2. On ‎1‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 9:38 PM, toughlove said:

    That's what happens when you don't have no smoking signs in Chinese.

    Exactly, what I first thought of, then I used to work on speed boats years ago in Aussie and they had a bilge fan and sniffer sensor that would not allow the engine to start if fumes were in the bilge, otherwise the boat goes BANG, when you hit the starter.

  3. On ‎1‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 2:33 PM, AGareth2 said:

    the police

    he is on a drugs charge

    needs bail money

    I had a friend who disappeared and was found 2 years later in the Hilton BK after a social worker talked to him and got a message out to his mother in NZ.

    He was a bad boy who was told to stay away from his Thai GF who was only 17 at the time and he would not listen.

    The GF's father was the local headman and he got warned twice , 3rd time looked up in BK and key thrown away.

  4. 4 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


    What a stupid question!


    It isn't hard to know where Yingluck has been for the last several months, I have read it in the newspaper! And if I can read where she is "hiding" in the Nation and/or the Newspaper that shall not be named, then it ain't hiding.


    Do they want her back? No.


    She was put on trial by the military regime that supplanted her government; no right thinking person on the planet would claim that she got a fair trial (regardless of whether you think she was innocent or guilty).


    If the Junta believed that she was treated fairly, they would try to extradite her. And no country on the planet would ever extradite a former PM to the coup-makers who supplanted her. It just ain't done. Don't believe me? Let me ask; why hasn't there been an extradition request made for Thaksin? Its not like no one knows where he is? It wouldn't be honoured- that is why it doesn't happen. 


    And it would be the same for Yingluck- no government would ever extradite her back to the Junta.


    If Yingluck ever comes back, it'll be because she chose to do so and for no other reason.


    The status quo will prevail, the Red Bull Brat rules, if Thaksin came back and was jailed or Ying luck there may well be riots.

    Many people especially the North east people love them.

    I never speak of them to Thai people.

    If the government was serious they would go after the Bull Brat and Ying Luck /Thaksin, however high so rules the roost, corruption is rife and healthy amongst whoever rules, the argument is over I suspect who cuts the cake up.


    And if the Jaunta had a conscience they would release the B2, the most disgusting scape goat cover up ever seen in LOS.


  5. 11 hours ago, martin.agren said:

    He was 39 years old, not 56. Google his name and a photo of his passport shows up (at least on Thai language pages on Facebook), and I've also seen the passport first hand. Was on the scene when two other guys found him dead. The passport was by the bag in the stairs.


    The key to this is ,was the wallet full or empty?? if empty then a murder is highly likely. Police have not said.

  6. 2 hours ago, Artisi said:

    And if these idiots do happen to stumble onto YL o/seas, how can they arrest her and bring her back. April fool's day everyday. 

    Maybe a Thai tourist could make a citizens arrest, arrest her then Thaksin and then the red bull brat.

    It is just a bunch of yada yada yada.

    The Red Bull Brat will never face justice, to much money involved as with the others, the B2 also have no hope as the powerful murdering mafia are to rich and powerful.


  7. 4 hours ago, ezzra said:

    That's 423 dead too many, but the authorities are boasting about 2%

    reduction, tell that to the grieving families.....

    I drove to Ratchaburi and back yesterday and it was  highway madness as usual a lot of weaving wondering vehicles and high speed overtaking, defensive driving by us all the time, the maniacs will never learn until some serious enforcement prevails.

  8. 19 hours ago, robblok said:

    Wonder if it was more people breaking the law or more people  being checked. 


    I would go with being checked.

    If they are serious then bring in harsh  penalty's for drunk driving as other countries, NZ has zero tolerance at Xmas and holidays for alcohol and stiff penalties which scare people out of risking driving drunk.


    As for helmets I don't notice many Thais wearing them and children still 3 and one adult on bike with no protection, many falangs ignore helmets as well so enforcement is not happening where I live. Only enforcement is when they need tea money.

  9. 20 hours ago, grego49 said:

    Tell em their dreaming....


    I would think so.

    Tired drivers should pull over and rest, yes.

    No! be encouraged to drink chicken extract then go on their way and fall asleep and kill and maim.

    This is insanity prevailing, if your tired and continue to  drive you  are a loaded gun , an idiot and should have your keys taken from you and fined and suspended from driving , not given chicken drink.


    I wonder if someone got commission for this deal, they should be transferred to a southern post.

  10. 3 hours ago, Get Real said:

    I guess it had been easier to just break up regarding to coming marriage. On the other hand, that´s at a totally different level of psyschology and understanding.

    He found a younger and richer women, so why not break it off rather than shoot  her to death , I can not believe this was a quiet man, I would suspect that he was a spoilt brat , with a very low mentality, these love / jealousy shootings are pathetic .

    Attitude will never be changed as long as the soap opera minded brats can get guns, and get spoilt from birth

  11. 23 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

    This is indicative of selective law enforcement in Thailand.


    If it is on the statute, enforce it 24/7/365. But oh no, lets enforce it (or not) at selective times of the year, in some areas, excluding rural areas.


    DPM Prawit and other government ministers want to know what has happened about the "ban" since last Songkran. Easy, absolutely nothing. Someone must be guilty of deriliction of duty, or is that regulation not being enforced, unless it involves "the other side?


    Most Thais will not read about this or know about it , let alone take any notice of it.

  12. 3 hours ago, ezzra said:

    The problem is that, should  Prawit, who's as in high position as you can  get, be found guilty of unexplained wealth, it will bode not well on his close mates, who are themselves very big wigs in the Thai government and society, 

    with the adage that goes 'tell me who's your friend and i'll tell you who

    you are' might put his close buddies in a negative light as well....


    I flat tell you boy, no-one will ever know.

  13. 1 minute ago, bluesofa said:

    I read that in the UK now they're using the car crushing option, which is good. I don't think it's listed as a spectator sport there, although I like the idea of forcing the guilty having to watch the operation.

    Sadly it falls down with your phrase "a government with the the balls to do it."

    There is Millions of reposed  cars just waiting to be put back on the never never

  14. 14 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    What about adding Mental illness,if it was enforced ,i think 

    quite a few drivers already on the roads would lose their

    licenses,the one's that loose it when you sound your horn 

    at them ,when they have nearly taken the front off your vehicle

     by cutting you off.

    regards worgeordie

    Do they understand mental illness as it hides behind blocks of  superiority confidence ,intelligence, self importance , lack of empathy , ect ect


    Let alone driving drunk,

    Lower the speed limit , get speed cameras enforce helmets would be a good start.

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