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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. 3 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    Deport the lot of them scum bags,  there are enough Thai thieves in the country and Thailand does not

    need any more out of country thieves competing for the Tourist dollar



    You pay peanuts you get, pick pockets!!

    Certainly LOS does not need imported thieves, or imported labour, there are plenty unemployed here, however exploiting workers for poor conditions and pay wins the argument, by a brown envelope mile.

  2. 20 hours ago, tracker1 said:

    Apparently she resolved herself to only 3 pelvic thrusts ! but the cover up job on the breasts the General never mentioned that before ! I can see the young lady heading for a Section 44 and a bit of reeducating


    I wonder why the people at the front of the stage steering up are looking at, surely long pants needed here.

  3. On ‎6‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 1:13 PM, petesc55 said:

    The truck is at fault for hitting the stopped car.   The driver of the MB has other 'problems'.....like road rage.


    I think the other problem your referring to is now to be known as, RED BULL SYNDROME.


    Me first !, by the previous poster is what I have always said, it is the only road rule the majority of Thais know , sorry not a road rule a mental condition that they all seem to do, that means they know not even one road rule, just rude rules--------:shock1:

  4. 23 hours ago, Crash999 said:

    Wasn't there CCTV footage on this one? 




    The guy went back to the night spot or whatever it was, climbed up the disco tower and dived into a pool that was 4 feet deep.

    This all happened when there was no-one there to impress, so he just did this for practice for the next evening.

    CCTV footage???? where is it??? have a guess!

    Highly provable that this poor sole was murdered and thrown in the pool.


    Very sad, and another huge blot on the face of the corrupted officialdom of LOS.

    It is very sad that the B2 are rotting in a prison cell while Millers brother, the bigot -- fails to get behind them, I personally feal he is a weak and sad character, if the B2 are executed I hope it haunts his mind for ever.


  5. 3 hours ago, Prbkk said:

    But of course it doesn't act as a deterrent, proven time after time around the world. It might meet the need for vengeance, might make people feel safer...but it will not serve any useful purpose .

    true, sadly, the state off the world is shocking, no money for the poor, plenty for the rich.

    Only this evening the NZ government is being blamed for the massive increase in small shop robberies which are rife.

    The massive increase in tobacco prises being one factor, since the government did this the crime rate has gone through the roof.


    Low paid workers, workers exploited by the rich importing Burmese labour, only will raise crime levels and murder.

    When there is no jobs or pathetic pay and conditions workers will decide not to work as it does not reap any benefit other than poverty which they already have, then choose to steal and end up on drugs = I need a fix, more stealing , a viscous circle created by the sick world.

  6. 20 hours ago, z42 said:

    Utterly ridiculous and unnecessary. The same standards are not applied across the board (Red bull a-hole, Praewa, Anna Reese,drunken ChMai cyclist killer, and the pickup driver fined1000 baht for mowing down 2 cyclists while leaning down to get his hat off the floor).

    All I see here is a pathetic flexing of muscles and abuse of power.

    I wonder what investigation was undertaken to reach a conclusion of reckless driving. I suspect minimal at best.


    An utter disgrace imo (the singling out of certain people i mean)

    I agree totally, , they can not arrest the red bull brat, but want to incriminate this poor man for an accident.

  7. 6 hours ago, jaiyen said:

    Nurses are essential in every country, every city and town.  They have always been over worked and under paid, because they care about people. Not like the government who tells them to stop complaining and carry on being poor with no benefits.  But its different for the PM and his mates. He goes to a nice private hospital at the tax payers expense.


    Yes world wide nurses are underpaid and overworked , they do a good job, doing most of the Dr's work and should be paid properly.

  8. On ‎15‎/‎5‎/‎2560 at 11:18 AM, worgeordie said:

    "the car racing behind the leading black vehicle blamed the one in front for braking"

    you are supposed to leave enough space between vehicles to be able to brake safely,

    maybe a novel idea for drivers here.

    regards worgeordie

    The car behind was at fault 100% and should be banned for life for driving like a maniac.

    He hit the black car then the other car while trying to find a space to overtake. Idiot.

  9. On ‎15‎/‎5‎/‎2560 at 8:59 AM, robblok said:

    Looks like the old guy made an illegal crossover. The poor guy on the fast bike could have gone slower but the guy doing the illegal crossing was wrong. I hate it when people go against the flow of traffic.. do U turns the other way around and just cross roads where they cant cross roads.


    Just crazy of locals crossing on a spot like that just to save a bit of money on fuel. We got a spot like that here too.. if they use the normal U turn it would be just 200 meter further up.. but that would mean an extra 400 meter.. and no that is too much so going against traffic is a better option.


    I learn to adapt.. but its quite unsafe.


    Last night a Thai dressed in black on a black bike with no lights went past me, only time before something happens..


    Speed and stupidity at cause here.

  10. On ‎12‎/‎5‎/‎2560 at 6:40 AM, lemonjelly said:

    Money finished...... wife not happy.... dies in mysterious circumstances..... I see a pattern.

    Keys of car in pocket, no sign of car nearby, went out in car, car missing, spare car key? Bruise on arm, not believing that the pound has devalued, not change in pension , change in exchange rate.

    My friend has problem with his wife also, she is very angry as he tries to explain to her that he can not give her as much now as pound has gone down, not change in pension.


    Very bad reporting, case closed now.



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