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Root Admin
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Everything posted by george

  1. BREAKING: Very sad! A man from Nong Khai goes to drink alcohol at the Kathin ceremony in Sisaket. A pickup truck driver fell asleep and crashed into a motorcycle. 9 cars, 8 dead, 5 seriously injured. More info as we have it.
  2. The datacenter we were hosting at had issues so we have changed datacenter. The vendor is upgrading our templates this morning, so all looks good. There is no power struggle going on, please don't post crap like this. I'm closing this thread as its defamatory.
  3. We was NOT hacked, but we changed datacenter because we wanted a higher grade of hosting. During this weekend we are fine tuning everything. Sorry for the inconvenience!
  4. These are so called plugins, from external developers. It's not part of the core software package. As we have changed to latest version of forum software, we are waiting for these developers to release a version that we can use. Next week is my best guess 🙏🏼
  5. The forum will be down for maintenance from now and for a few hours, We will optimize our servers and speed up page load, which we are aware is slow right now. Sorry for the inconvenience! We hope to serve you much faster from midnight, or earlier we hope. Admin 🙏🏼
  6. Please try again now, we have upped the upload limit for pics and attachments. Thanks!
  7. Please test upload again, the file size limit has now been increased. 🙏🏼
  8. I will ask sysadmin to allow bigger file sizes. Thanks! 🙏
  9. We are aware of speed issues and the tech people are monitoring andfine tuning the system for us.
  10. Could you try to upload a smaller file, maybe half size or so? We have recently changed server, so maybe needs an adjustment.
  11. Hi, could you please try to upload same photos in this thread so we can tech investigate. How large size are the photos in MB?
  12. Here is our announcement: https://aseannow.com/topic/1312306-forum-back-online-after-cyber-attack/
  13. Good, now they can really beat True and other substandard ISP's.
  14. Unable to comment on security.
  15. Welcome back! See info on top of page
  16. Dear Members, The forum has been down for approx 6 days due to a cyber attack on the datacenter in USA where we were hosting parts of the forum, which is now mitigated. We have since migrated to another datacenter. No content or user data has been lost or compromised. We apologize for this downtime inconvenience. We are unable to explain the tech details due to security policy, and we are unable to answer questions about it. KNOWN ISSUES: You may find the forum slow loading the first days, especially after you have posted. If you get a 504 error, just refresh the page and you will see your post! This will resolve later as we are using a cache software that updates later. Also we have temporarily limited the amount of outgoing forum notifications emails temporarily. QUESTIONS? We are aware of some issues, but feel free to send a PM to Support if needed. Welcome back to ASEAN NOW!
  17. Thanks for pointing this out! Does the unit show up completely if you reload the page? Looks like a display unit that doesn’t load correctly. I have noticed our web developer.
  18. Important metrics. If you don't understand or have no idea who your website visitors are, or their general demographics, you can't grow. You are fcked. Simple.
  19. Yes, it's on a timer. Medical cannabis. Many cannabis shops will close next year as there is an oversupply now. Too many retail shops. Too many guys selling on Line app, Telegram, FB etc. The smart cannabis shops will employ a real MD Thai doctor, qualified by MOPH, and just have the Doc in the shop writing medical prescriptions, or tele-medicine (meet the cannabis doctor online). Webcam, headset and monitor in a corner in the shop. Talk with doctor, pay, get a prescription and smoke! Problem solved. Medical cannabis. Buds and the whole range. This is Thailand. The black market is always gonna be there, so don't worry! I believe cannabis is far more "healthy" to consume than alcohol.
  20. There was no clear guidelines for the mods. Now we have clear guidelines for the mods.
  21. We have a lot of old posters returning. Google Analytics tells me that. Welcome back, guys!
  22. Agree! Such old practice is not allowed anymore. Period. I'm proud of our Moderators! They are doing a fantastic task. Not paid. There is guidelines for the moderators as well: "The best way to remove toxic content, and content that HURT our Google indexing and ranking, is to simply delete any toxic post". We just delete inflammatory, toxic posts if a post gets too many hits on the report button. Algo. Mods don't need to warn the member, no need to suspend him, no need to make a moderator announcement "I have removed this naughty post as it's in breach of the community guidelines, blah blah"). No need. Just delete if it's not suitable for people and search engine crawlers. Let the discussion just flow with a minimum of moderation. But if you choose to behave like a serial a$$hole, you will be removed by manual action, or the algo will flag you for review. Is my ideas crazy or how should we handle toxic posts?
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