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Everything posted by terryq

  1. At the ATM s that I use when the page is full they return the passbook and instruct you to manually turn the page and re insert it, the outstanding transactions are then printed.
  2. AIS/3BB offer fibre to the home.
  3. He's only been appointer acting Police Chief. It could well be argued that all Thai police are in acting positions. That is acting as Police Officers.
  4. So what's the problem ? Sounds a perfectly reasonable excuse to me. (Maybe I've been here too long )
  5. Before deciding on treatment OP needs to get a second opinion. Suggest he go to a different gym and ask the owner there for a definitive answer.
  6. Not something I would be caught out doing. When I see somebody indicating a left turn I expect them to move to the right before executing the turn as I assume that they are making the turning radius larger. The pickup driver was in the wrong (IMHO) but she should have hung back or given more space on the right.
  7. per 100 millilitres of blood. Its one of the standard ways to express BAC (Blood Alcohol Content).
  8. You forgot the 'facilitators' fee. Think that makes it a round 2 mill.
  9. If the gift is between spouses a contract between them whilst legal is unenforceable (CCC1469)
  10. What section of the Thai Criminal Law are you being charged under?
  11. A while back, in the real world, they were called shills.
  12. After persistently slagging off his family for money and wants to return maybe he should look to Thailand and practise the graap.
  13. To the OP... A while ago you were looking for a liver transplant, last week it was heart disease, now it's pancreatic disease. There's a name for people like you.
  14. With a name like that he should be able to resist the urge to go.
  15. Yes it is plus extreme e for off roaders plus moto e for bikes.
  16. Have had 4 of these over the last month all +697 although different actual numbers, did not cancel them as that would indicates someone is operating the phone, just let them ring out.
  17. When the page has fully loaded they are in stock with prices
  18. Wonder how much they had to pay for a score like that.
  19. Applies even more to the Republican party.
  20. Disk pads are considered consumable items (like oils,0il filters, wiper blades and similar) disk rotors are not, and are only changed if seriously damaged. It is normal after long use for the rotors to be lightly scored, skimming , or grinding, to remove this scoring will give the new pads (which have a flat surface) more efficient grip on the rotors. Coming to the bill the 1200 is the total labour cost including the skimming which is a very quick job. If they were to replace the rotors this cost would hardly change, if at all. You would however have the additional cost of new rotors, which at Honda prices is likely to be several thousand Baht. Hope that helps.
  21. The story is copyright of The Phuket Express and there are rules when using other peoples copyright. The standard is the first three paragraphs followed by a link.
  22. Over the years I have left keys in a parked motorcycle and nothing untoward has happened However everyone is missing the more serious crime being committed here ... HE'S RIDING WITHOUT A SHIRT !
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