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Everything posted by terryq

  1. Buy a second remote. As soon as she changes the temp you surreptitiously change it back again. She changes again ..you repeat, as often as needed. Will drive her round the bend.
  2. You will also need proof of address. acceptable by the bank you wish to open the account.
  3. Agree the 'walking' video could be a different day, for me the time seems ok streetlights were,on. The combined 'Reddit Thai tourism' video shows the aftermath of the assault from the cctv outside the bar. It shows all three Brits on their feet, also shows many people milling around and the girls still fending off the 'security' so would appear to be real and at the right time. What surprises me is none of the 3 Brits have made a complaint. Wonder what reason they have for that ?
  4. Just to add... although the video of them walking has no time stamp it does show that the street lights were on at the time. Should be easy to check what time they do come on so to determine the earliest time the cctv was captured and relate that to the time of the 'incident'.
  5. Here it is the vehicle that has the insurance not the driver so you would not be covered to drive other cars. .
  6. Sorry but you are incorrect in the 90 stay part. (but correct in the property bit) I arrived to live here in the late 1980 s on a 90 day non -o marriage and have had one year extensions of stay ever since. They were initially based on marriage and later retirement. I have never held a work permit here. Knowing that, due to age, my memory is crap I even checked with a passport of that age to verify. To add... Only had to show 200,000 Baht in the bank for marriage then.
  7. Agreed. Strapped to the wing would be a good place for it.
  8. Assume it was a standard TM13 form. If so I do not see a space for a return date. At the bottom of the form where it asks for the departure date and 'by (type of transportation') etc the 'TO' that appears after that is for the is the destination not the return date.
  9. Amazing how fast the whole bridge went down. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68663488
  10. If using money in the bank method the statement letter only needs to show the account name and the balance at that time. Copies of the bank book deposits and withdrawals shows how long the money has been in the account. Personally have never been asked for the bank letter to contain verification of how long the money has been deposited.
  11. Macrium Reflect Free edition can image or clone a disk. Have used it for years. (Yes, I know the free edition is not going to be further updated, but do not see that as a problem at this time)
  12. Did I miss something ? Where does it say it was a Brit ? Yes, likely , but not confirmed.
  13. Agreed, no idea how I came across them, was quite a while ago. If I do find something that appears rare or odd and think I might need in the future I save to a Speed Dial page , very rarely have i needed to buy anything on the page but have about 50 items there now. If I delete something I'm going to be in desperate need of the item the day after and I wont be able to find it.
  14. For info... Although these have weird description they look similar to the Haco (but appear to be without the neon) Came across them quite a while ago when the Haco s were becoming extinct. Never bought any of these as noticed Tesco (as they were at the time ) were getting rid of the Haco 2 and 3 pin at around half price. Grabbed the lot so still have a few left. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/lang-ac-power-travel-adapter-converter-plug-us-plug-5-15p-ac-power-3-pin-plug-i3982102187.html NOTE The orientation of the cable versus the pin positions is NOT the same as the Haco. The earth is at the top so check if suitable.
  15. Could have been a bit of painsgivingly as well.
  16. In response I suggest customers start 'surge boycotting'.
  17. To check if the switch is leaky just remove the 'on' side wire on the switch, that is the one that goes directly to the light fitting. If the glow disappears then it is the switch . If it remains then it is not the switch.If it is the switch usually caused by ant crud inside
  18. According to PEA website (think MEA is about same) the use of 1430 units results in total bill of 7174 Baht. So cost is about right BUT cannot believe you actually used 1430 units from your description.
  19. You receive a normal receipt. In the future when you do have the blue book you present it to the car tax office and it is fully updated. People with cars on finance do it this way all the time. Also if done online you do not get your blue book updated 'till you present the book to the reg office at a later date.
  20. A copy of the car blue book CAN be used to renew car tax. As said if car is on finance you only have a copy.
  21. I don't think so. A square wah is 4 square metres , so 4 mill a sq wah is 1 mill a sq m.
  22. So you have a will. How would the bank determine if it was your LAST will ?
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