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Everything posted by terryq

  1. If you think that you weigh 60 pounds then I suggest you change your diet as the one you are on is confusing your brain !
  2. Or they used a drone. Our local PEA office has a least one.
  3. Not unexpected. However other revelation from the blood sample is that he is pregnant !
  4. Reported...... Due to staff illness we are currently closed sorry for any inconvenience No further info
  5. It could be that the tester is not made for Thai sockets. Thai 3 pin socket outlets have the live on the left, neutral on the right and earth at the top when looking from the front. In the UK (and most of the world} the live and neutral are transposed. Live can easily be checked by neon screwdriver
  6. Maybe dressed as Bozo the Clown would be more appropriate.
  7. If you want to do it correctly... Visit your local DLT and hand in green book and number plate for them to cancel... Then leave it by the roadside !
  8. Not simple to just pay electric co as you are not being supplied directly by them but through a third party. In order to get your own supply the electric co would have to supply you directly from their lines outside of your compound to a new meter provided by them. Possibly the 'owner' would not allow them to use 'his' poles for running the cables + the expense for owners such as you. Do you not have an ownership committee for your compound or audits to check where your money is going?
  9. If the management owns the distribution infrastructure including the main supply transformer(s) then he will be paying more than the single residential rate for the electricity. Do you know how much the owner is paying for the electric? The law is that he can charge you the amount he is paying the PEA/MEA plus up to 5/10% (can't remember which). If you estimated your cost is based on the 'single residential rates' then + 25% is likely lawful.
  10. Move along the trough.... New trotters and snouts incoming !
  11. Of course they should check if you have a valid permission to stay. They do not want to be seen doing business with nasty foreign criminal over-stayers.
  12. For info... Frozen Brussel Sprouts available at Makro Imported Tomex brand 99 Baht per Kilo bag.
  13. Ideal thread for rhetoric from the anti Thai faction. Several of the posts I could have written myself on behalf of the posters as they are so predictable and repetitive. The key to a possible good outcome is not to go into overstay but to try and resolve in advance. One way would, of course, is to try the agent route. Another way is to approach Immigration in advance, the normal Thai way would be to use a third party initially. Years ago an old guy and his wife, who we had known for years , told us that due to his increasing medical costs and fixed pension for years he would not be able to make the financial requirements for his next extension. Offered to lend him the 400 thou for a couple of months but he refused the offer. Next time wife and I were going near Immigration we dropped in and wife asked to see the boss. Let wife go in on her own, as did not know if money would be discussed and have found Thai officialdom is sometimes reluctant to talk about money in front of foreigners. Outcome was that extension could be done using the clause giving IO's above a certain rank leeway to forego some requirements. Documents needed were standard plus doctors letter and bank book showing that some money was arriving each month. Couple of weeks later took him to Immigration and extension processed. Cost normal 1900 Baht, no additional payments. A year later same procedure for further 1 year ext. Unfortunately a further extension was not required. As stated before try to resolve before going into overstay as once on overstay its far more difficult.
  14. Probably not. From the press reports they are far too young to be parents.
  15. Of course it's a scam. For an investment like that I would not consider anything less than 20% per month return.
  16. On the positive side..... The parents should be congratulated for teaching their children to use renewable materials , the bamboo bong, instead of plastic.!
  17. Makro has Ham steaks 6 pieces per 1Kg pack approx 300 Baht. Last time I looked 2 Types 'Round' and 'Canadian Bacon'.
  18. The correct reply would be ... "I am willing to do that provided I am similarly informed of all staff movements 3 days in advance and the purpose of the trip' If they do not agree then the subsequent response has already been posted.
  19. Wrong. True4U is a free to air channel on satellite and terrestrial transmissions and can be received free on a tv via aerial or set top box. All FTA channels have to be carried on all local cable systems. Edit.. writing at same time as above.
  20. But they are free. All the matches are being shown free to air on satellite and terrestrial systems. The True matches are on True4U which again is FTA
  21. Just a note for the OP.. Depends where you live, the PWA rate in our area is almost 20 Baht per unit.
  22. Sour grapes from the ex-mayor because he was not invited to the publicity event.
  23. Sure you haven't installed the Malaysian app by mistake. RM is the Malaysian Ringgit. Add... Would explain why email and password are rejected as you do not have an account with Malaysian Lazada.
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