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Steely Dan

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Posts posted by Steely Dan

  1. Some very nasty radical Muslims in Luton hence it being the birth place of The EDL.

    It wouldn't surprise me if another load are arrested soon.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    Why are you so certain they are Muslims, when the Country is awash with White Christian fascists?

    Funny you should mention that, check out this news item below:


    Watch the video and notice a script extraordinarily familiar to readers of TV's World News forum. Perhaps EDL just regurgitates what they read on TV.

    RT News!, Russia's mouthpiece. And you have the cheek to criticize my sources. smile.png Just to give one example of how shoddy the standard of journalism is it mentions Paul Weston as the chairman of the EDL, when infact he is chairman of the British Freedom party. Incidentally when the European defense leagues met up in Denmark recently they behaved peacefully, but the rival Antifa demonstration resulted in scores of arrests.

  2. Some very nasty radical Muslims in Luton hence it being the birth place of The EDL.

    It wouldn't surprise me if another load are arrested soon.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    Why are you so certain they are Muslims, when the Country is awash with White Christian fascists?

    Well there is little information given, except the men were all from the Bury Park area, which was mentioned in the link I provided. Though of course there is a slim possibility they are Wiccan extremists planning a black magic hex on the Olympic games.

  3. Ok, just to wrap up, I think everyone thinks Breivik's actions were vile and he will likely escape any punishment which will satisfy the bereaved. What has been demonstrated is the tendency of some to tar by association people mentioned as influences by Breivik, even though many of them are explicitly against violence. If some find it distasteful to discuss the social backdrop to this crime I would point out that the Norwegian government and left wing press had little compunction in trying to make political capital by hanging those they disapprove of out to dry. This is particularly ironic when truthful, yet uncomfortable facts are labelled hate speech. Meanwhile there are those explicitly condoning and organizing violence among immigrant communities and indeed on a worldwide scale leading to carnage on a scale orders of magnitude greater than Breivik, yet we even struggle to deport the worst of then as the UK found when the European court blocked such a deportation order.

    • Like 1
  4. When the music stops everyone runs for a chair, elsewhere. It's not just the Poles who want to leave


    ALMOST half of all Britons are “seriously considering” moving overseas, an exclusive survey for The Sun has found.

    Polls from the Sun, jeez you really are scraping the barrel now.

    What will it be next, "editorials" from the Daily Mail on immigration and muslims?

    When you are reduced to source policing you really don't have much of an argument do you? Thanks for reminding me about the Mail though as Melanie Phillips has just penned an article about the witch hunt to prosecute the president of the Danish free press society. It truly is a repugnant alliance of the far left and Islamic religious far right to destroy free speech.

    In decadent Europe, freedom of speech is dying. Loudly trumpeted as a ‘human right’ for any attacks on America, Israel, Christians or on the core values of the west, it is swiftly transformed into ‘hate speech’ and the shutters are slammed down on the speaker whenever Islam is in the frame.

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  5. [Of course less resources are needed for a smaller population. What should we do - mass sterilization? Promote nuclear war? That would knock out a billion here or there. Unfortunately, it would mostly kill productive people on fertile land and we can't have that. Anyway, it all starts to sound too much like the plot of Moonraker.

    I mentioned earlier in the post you replied to, that global mass-education would be the only way. And that it is massive difficult project to undertake. I never said sterilization. I said education and even then it is not a guarantee.

    I think you can extrapolate forwards on the population increase curve, it is an inevitability of disaster.

    I like this website as a interesting site : http://www.breathingearth.net/

    but it doesn't offer any solution beyond the simple obvious one that we need to slow down. IMO racists including Breivik are probably frightened of being overwhelmed, but my point is it is not just european-immigration fear that people have, there is a species-fear of the human race becoming so big that there becomes only animalistic & territorial conflicts, with wars over basic farming and drinking rights.

    Europe's multicultural "problem" doesn't include other Europeans (Poles, Estonians) moving around Europe

    You should read the UK tabloids for the last 15 years, its all about Poles coming over to steal UK plumbing & building jobs & how they undercut local workers rates. The irony now is that many East Europeans are moving back home because the Uk market is flatlining.

    When the music stops everyone runs for a chair, elsewhere. It's not just the Poles who want to leave


    ALMOST half of all Britons are “seriously considering” moving overseas, an exclusive survey for The Sun has found.

  6. Whether its the fallacious spectre of the alien defiler of womenfolk that played so well in segregationist USA, or the demographically/historically flawed threat of "Eurabia" the peddlers of provocative misinformation that will inspire further Brievik's, fit nicely into the Manson mould.

    Hate speech and truth rarely share the same bed, but the former has a distinct role to play. Sadly innocent people often have to pay the price for such an agenda of incitement.

    Fallacious. rolleyes.gif Let us just say the wall of silence is starting to show cracks. As I posted previously, even other ethnic minorities such as the Sikhs are enraged by the grooming of underage girls by Pakistani Muslim gangs. I gave a list and defy you to produce a similar list for any other group. I will grant you this is but circumstantial evidence, however also consider the fact that Muslims comprise some 12.6% of the prison population which is overwhelmingly greater than their 3% share of the UK population would suggest merely by chance. I can give similar figures for many European Countries, so the evidence is pretty compelling.

    I would add that I have no truck with vigilantism or violence of any sort, but do believe an honest airing of the issues and police protecting and prosecuting in a completely consistent way is not too much to ask for. Perhaps this is a lesson Norway should take on board.

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  7. Fortunately at the moment it is within the bounds of free speech to criticize a violent supremacist ideology. Though the OIC and their left wing allies are intent on eroding such rights. Seeing as you are appointing yourself as judge and jury for Fjordman I think you may like this.


    Particularly enjoyed the responses to Fjordman's grotesque ass-covering distraction exercise. Seems that the Manson simile has some mileage in the Brievik case.

    "It's the way Charles Manson excelled at committing murder. You simply vilify the target repeatedly, point out the target, explain how they are causing the sky to fall, publish all their information and then let your minions take up the cue. Then you can deny ever having given the order. Breivik is Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller and Peder Jensen's Tex Watson. These guys kept saying now is the time for Helter Skelter against the multiculturalists, then Breivik did their bidding."

    I note that the discussion of Norwegian rape statistics was ruled offside for this topic, though apparently discussion of multiculturalism is considered on topic. So I think it pertinent to examine whether or not any of Fjordman's observations hold water. Whether it is crime statistics, jail populations or sundry other criteria, the answer is a resounding 'YES', so I conclude it to be fair comment, whilst had he made similar comment about say Chinese immigrants it would not have been fair comment.

    But as Pam Geller stated (who is no doubt another of your favourites) - Truth is the new hate speech.

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  8. I absolutely and without reservation condemn and abhor any form of extremist, hate philosophy that inspires terroristic murders whether it be right-wing, left-wing; christian, muslim or atheist; black or white. Those who incite and feed nihilistic concepts into the minds of potential murderers are as culpable as those who actually commit the crimes. Are you prepared to condemn without equivocation all who inspire such terroristic murders?

    Yes. However if you choose to use Breiviks rambling manifesto of influences to determine who inspired him you have to take the lot, lock, stock and barrel as oppose to singling out a few to support an agenda, so both Thomas Jefferson and Gandhi would be included smile.png . Incidentally Baruch Goldstein, who you are so fond of mentioning led to one million Israelis marching in condemnation of his actions, I wonder how big a march there was in Saudi Arabia after the 9/11 bombings?

    Edit: As for Charles Manson, did he advocate violence to support his ideology? This is where your simile blows up. There are indeed religious texts which would attract criminal sanction if they were a person being tried for so called 'hate speech'.

  9. As can be seen by his testimony so far and the long term planning involved in these attacks (he appears to have started in 2006), this is not the work of a "nutter". While his actions and beliefs certainly would appear insane to any rational person capable of thought and reason, what we have is the "logical" endgame (at least to such people as Brievik) of extreme islamophobic, anti-immigration ideology.

    You can either accept Breiviks sanity or not, it's for the Courts and appointed experts to decide. However should you conclude rational premeditation in order to conflate his actions inaccurately with those who do not espouse violence then you are opening a Pandora's box when the misdeeds of their opponents get an airing too. As for the word Islamophobia, it is merely a cynical manipulative device to stifle free speech.


    Abdur-Rahman Muhammad, a former member of the IIIT who has renounced the group in disgust, was an eyewitness to the creation of the word. "This loathsome term," he writes,is nothing more than a thought-terminating cliche conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics.

    And perhaps in an environment less stifled by PC dogma Breivik might not have used violence the way he did.

    P.S Just for perspective Jews are 8 times more likely to suffer racist attacks than Muslims, and 70% of those attacks are indeed by Muslims, and it's not Islamophobic to state this.

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  10. Further to my post Brit1984 , yeah I agree, thankfully Brevik was indeed a crazed loner ,and now that threat has been removed from Society ,the big problem with Radical Islam is that there are tens of thousands no one really knows how many, never the less they do exist world wide who wish to destroy our religion and way of life through mass murder and intimidation (Jihad) ,that is the simple truth of the matter nothing more nothing less .

    Sadly Brievik is far from alone when it comes to believing in a dangerous, radical philosophy. The internet groans with devotees of the likes of Fjordman (Brievik's all time favourite and repeatedly quoted in his manifesto), Gates of Vienna, Vlad Tepes etc, and these devotees tend to be misfit, white, young males who can be "groomed" into terrorist actions by such dangerous philosophies.

    However the anti-multiculturalists have seldom harmed anyone, Breivik being the exception to the rule, whilst Islamic extremists have amassed over 18,500 terror attacks since 9/11. So tell me what the real dangerous radical philosophy is.

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  11. This sympathy for the shooter is nauseating. He pursued someone he had no business pursuing. Then he murdered him.

    I agree Zimmerman had no business following Martin after the dispatcher told him not to. I don't beleive that neighborhood WATCH people should be carrying guns. Some kind of pepper spray should be enough. However, I thought I heard that Zimmerman followed Martin, lost track of him, returned to his car, but before he reached his car Martin confronted him. If true, Zimmerman may have been wrong for continuing his pursuit after being told not to, but Martin made the tragic mistake of following and confronting Zimmerman.

    I agree neighborhood watch people should not be carrying guns, but I would extend this to everyone except the police and military. It is impossible as it is to determine whether Zimmweman continued his pursuit in the knowledge he had a gun, and as the law on firearms stands it is impossible to draw any conclusions just because he was armed.

  12. Breivik is clearly insane, and clearly a mass murderer and - IMO - it is a disgrace that he will live the rest of his life in the comfort of a Norwegian prison courtesy of taxpayers. He murdered scores of innocent people in cold blood. Put him on trial where he will be found guilty, learn why he did what he did and what can be done to stop it from happening again, dig a hole, throw his lifeless body into it, and move on.

    Insane, probably, but I suspect he will see the irony in being a beneficiary of the lenient Norwegian justice system.

  13. I believe the reason that they form thier own ghettos is a political one. City areas are divided into electoral boundaries the larger population they have then they can stand thier own candidate in elections thus giving themselves more power in the government to make changes to suit the islamic way of life. They will put pressure on the non muslim people in areas to vacate thier homes. A few years back my family and I were residing in a military house (married quarter) in Melbourne many times we had our windows broken and told by a group of men who constantly turned up telling us it was a muslim area and we were not welcome. We had to organise another home for my families safety.

    This is perfectly true and can be corroborated by supporting evidence from around the world, I'm quite shocked to think that it is already a problem in Melbourne, which seemed like Sydney a lively and cosmopolitan city on my visit last year. Coming to think of it 'cosmopolitan' used to have positive connotations of varied food and cultural festivals, as oppose to no go crime ridden ghettos, ethnically cleansing themselves of the original inhabitants.

  14. In closeing do you really believe I am the only person who believe that the Multicultural experiment has proved to be a disaster, there are millions out there, many I am afraid will not say so just in case some one is "offended" (The usual left wing appeasers).

    Well, it's the Emperor's new clothes is it not, which I believe was actually written by a Dane as oppose to a Norwegian. I'm sure the trial will be used by the Norwegian establishment to try and discredit the right wing opponents to their failed policy so we can all admire the Emperor's attire for a while longer.

  15. He's against multiculturalism, so he targets and eliminates his own culture?

    Oh dear, at the risk of treading on eggshells. perhaps he would argue that those in charge of Norwegian government were responsible for destroying Norwegian culture. Utoya Island was actually used as an activity camp by the ruling party where their politics were a major part of the activities. Again playing devil's advocate, perhaps Breivik would argue he was fighting against those enabling the destruction of Norwegian culture, indeed this does by method echo Al Qaeda who influenced him.

  16. And that is what I do not understand, If they want sharia law then why on earth do they head to christian countries simply just stop at one of the islamic countries that they pass through where they alreadyhave everything they want. I think it is more about instilling change in the cultures of other countries until they resemble that of which they alledgedly fled. In Australia they have even lobbied for a small mosque to be build within the grounds of the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) the home of Australian Rules Football and cricket in Australia. An Aussie Icon. They are going to get but no chapel for the majority. They say they need to pray during games. 99% of those that go to the Aussie footy games are christians. Next it will be segregated areas for male/female supporters. Next it will be pray rooms in Hotels and bars they won't use them but want them.

    The answer is they see their own culture as superior and possessing a divine right to replace other cultures it encounters. No need to attack preach to the converted, hence the quest for new victims.

    This is a good article covering the current madness that passes as policy from western governments.


    Islamic countries have become more Islamic because of a deliberate policy that drives non-Muslims out; non-Islamic countries have become more Islamic because of a deliberate policy that invites Muslims in and ensures that they feel in no way hindered or upset.

  17. Sure, lets address facts. For accuracies sake i didn't say Muslims were a race, don't know where that came from. There are a few on this forum who clearly have an unhealthy, paranoid obsession with Muslims, but certainly not me. I was responding to a poster who stated as a FACT that The UK now has "rivers of blood". This is clearly scaremongering racist nonsense. As for Enoch Powell, it is interesting that as Minister of Health in the early 1960s, he was responsible for the recruitment of people from the Commonwealth to work in The UK public services. Indeed he appeared in advertisements in cinemas all over the Commonwealth imploring our "coloured cousins' to come to the UK, which they then did in their thousands. A fact that he conveniently never mentioned during his subsequent rants about immigration. I remember him being tackled on the subject by the late Sir Robin Day on a BBC Panorama programme, he squirmed and prevaricated, and got very flustered. He was a hypocrite and a racist, albeit a very clever and erudite one. A fact that was even recognised by his own Conservative Party, who withdrew the whip. He was of course a very powerful and mesmerising orator. But then again so was Adolph Hitler.

    It is possible as you have to make a case against Enoch Powell, less so Samuel Huntington, whose 'clash of civilizations' is indeed looking prophetic; but in terms of the OP discrediting Enoch is a straw man argument, which deflects from the fact that immigrants from many Muslim Countries prove to be very problematic for western cultures, this is beyond dispute even citing Muslim sources as I did. With respect to Australia there was the recent burning down of an asylum hostel by it's residents not to mention a jihadist plot to attack an Australian army barracks. I can see how the Australian public might view yet more of the same, let's hope their government reflects their wishes.

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