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Steely Dan

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Posts posted by Steely Dan

  1. The words water-tight lease and Thailand just don't compute. I also know from experience that when the wife wanted to buy land in her own name I had to sign a declaration that I had no claim on the land, I love my wife very much and trust her, but I wouldn't buy land here myself on principle as by doing so is condoning the discriminatory and frankly racist property laws that exist here.

  2. it is a shame no one has bothered to look into the students' backgrounds. These were a group that was very pro arab and sympathetic to Iran. They were active supporters of the anti war movement, supported various social "advancement" campaigns and were activists in the Palestine Solidarity Movement group. It is poetic justice that they are now held hostage by one of the groups they were sympathetic to. Perhaps this is why the Iranians think they are spies. In their eyes, how could any patriotic American support such groups?

    Sarah Shourd worked with Iraqi war refugees in Syria and was no big fan of the US government and Shane Bauer wrote pro arab articles for various alternative news media outlets. Personally, I don't care about these prioners. They loved Kurdistan and the locals so much and now they get to spend 8 years learning to love the locals even more. I don't know why the US government should wast too much time on this lot. Let them rot.

    Hmmm, And as a Brit I was always led to believe that Americans didn't do irony. ;) Still I guess from your description of the background of those detained they will readily develop Stockholm syndrome whilst incarcerated, whilst if I was a self-hating peacenik I would be tempted to conclude they were indeed spies to stop my own head exploding.

  3. Don't be surprised it it devolves to heists, looting and rapes. It appears there are no police or any other type of security on the streets. Tens of thousands of impoverished, reveling guys totting automatic weapons running around, with no apparent restrictions, except their moral compasses B)

    Whether we get anarchy as the rebels squabble amongst themselves or a protracted guerrilla war as Gaddafi's followers sabotage the new regime remains to be seen. One thing is plain for all to see though; the totally incoherent ad-hoc nature of the western intervention.

  4. And sure enough, here are your suspicions supported if not confirmed.


    Watching Obama kowtow to Iran in dealing with their vassal state, Syria, sickens me -- especially considering how he he supported the Muslim Brotherhood overthrow of our 30-year ally in Egypt.

    And here it is again. Now Obama is calling for Syrian President Assad to resign, finally, and only after it becomes clear that he can and will support the Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Syria.

    Obama ignored the true revolution for freedom, the real "people's movement" in Iran back in June 2009. It's what the free world was waiting for. That was the historical crossroads; that was the moment where the ensuing human events could have gone for good or for evil. Finally, we could behead the head of the snake of a decades-long Islamic war on the West led by Iran. Obama ........ sided with the enemy.

  5. Are you talking about Shale oil? The US has lots of it too and I do not think that Barry is going to go to war to support Israel. However, if Syria attacks Iran, he might be willing to jump in to save the Mullah's. :annoyed:

    I think Barry racked up the debt causing worldwide inflation resulting in the arab spring. Then he cut Mubarak loose, attacked Gaddafi all to ensure the U.S was preoccupied on multiple fronts and financially weakened. I get your point about the Mullahs though, the debate about Obama's passport missed the real issue - Islam recognizes no borders. :ph34r:

  6. Do you think that the US and company will attack Syria? I don't.

    Here is the big test. Militarily the U.S are the no.1 power, outside of them Israel and Turkey have notable military strength but the Libya debacle proved what I have long suspected - European armies are little more than ceremonial in function. Syria know this as do Iran and if Assad is allowed to stay in power the arab states will quickly draw the conclusion that a bankrupt and divided U.S is powerless to intervene and then an attack on Israel will follow pretty soon.

    There is of course on game changer, should the U.S wish it may yet consider circumstances require them to default on their external debt in order to fund military action.

    P.S Syria IS now of strategic importance seeing as Israel have massive oil reserves which will be exploitable with future technology.

  7. So the guy is traveling on a MonteNegrin passport ... and that is where the Visa will be found .. what's the fuzz about ...just another in a long string of poorly written pieces of low quality "news" coming from the Nation which is just made to smear the new government and to promote the newspapers own political view/agenda and that of their paymasters......

    The fuzz is about the new Minister of Foreign Affairs moving from full denial to being caught lying about this issue. Newspapers report on things like that, they're supposed to do that. I would assume that in your country of origin the newspapers also report on government failures, lies, etc. In Europe that's really normal. Has something to do with democracy and freedom of speech, I think :rolleyes:

    But usually it takes until about mid-term for the lies to become apparent. B)

  8. Yes Philly, sadly, in some places is that bad. I'm not gonna get into the whole "Woe is me I came from a F'ed up area, listen to my war stories" type litany. However I will say that even as a kid guns and drugs in school were as common as detention would be anywhere else. Crack is community Xyclon B, it kills neighborhoods like poison kills men. And Philly is over half dead because of it.

    As for some commentors;

    Steely, I hope you weren't talking about me when you said;

    "It's amazing how some who are liberal to the extreme when it comes to maintaining law and order in other Countries suddenly swing violently to the right when it's on their own patch. :whistling: Time for a musical interlude"

    Because while on most things I'm Liberal, I was all about the govt crushing the red shirt terrorists here. The PM was too soft in my opinion and the nation here is worse off for it. In the US and in England the causes are different. No one paid the people in Watts or Tottenham to go rebel against the govt. There it was the natural organic result of oppression. Still bad, still needs a military presence, still the looters need to be shot. But much less abhorrent than having some criminal absconded thug pay people to do it.

    And as for Freedom of Speech. Yes Freedom is not free, you still need to be responsible for your words and actions. For though our govt will not punish you for your words, those that disagree may attempt too. But our govt stays out of it, and in this way I find ours to be superior to many others (including England) and don't get me started about the right to bear arms.

    But yeah back to the OP, I'm a parent my self, I got 2 kids a 12yrd old and a infant. My kids won't be out on the street that late and its the fault of the parents for the ones that are. I agree with the mayor. Nobody wants to see the crack of your ass, get off the dam street causing problems.


    I guess we are all a bit 'a la carte' in our attitudes. I disagree with your hyper-critical stance on Israel and I certainly don't have the UK violence down as anything other than shopping with violence. As it stands I agree with you 100% about the redshirts and also about the Philly curfew, I was just pointing out the inconsistencies in your stance on these issues as I understand them.

  9. Here the E.U are demonstrating the same old mistake western liberals make due to maybe their post colonial guilt. There can never be a two state solution for Islam (and it is Islam as a whole that decides this) regardless of whether any Palestinian leader agreed to it or not. Israeli settlement building only threatens a mirage seen by many western leaders. Here is a good article explaining this.


  10. I guess it's time for someone from the Loony Left to weigh in on this topic. I am not from the UK, so I don't have any particular insight on the riots.

    The duty of the government of any country is to provide for it's citizens. The government's job is to levels the playing field, giving everyone an opportunity to perform a useful function in society. For some, that means housing, medical care, food and education. The government also has a responsibility to provide safety and security for all citizens.

    The duty of citizens is to be a productive member of society, to the best of their ability. At the end of the day, individuals are responsible for their behavior. Those who have a history of irresponsible legal behavior need to be removed from society.

    Lots of comments about 'useful function in society' from people who probably

    1) Have absented themselves from that society.

    2) No longer play any useful part in that society.

    One wonders if these people were ever to return to their home countries, who would be considered the worse citizen, a looter/rioter, or a male who lived in Thailand.

    I know the answer from 50% of the western population (the female part)

    Yes, I see at a stroke you have stereotyped the entire male expat population living in Thailand. Of course I see how someone who worked all their lives and retired overseas for a bit of sun and relaxation would invariably be looked down on as a sex tourist, whilst hooded youths with a chip on their shoulder who never worked a day in their lives would be held in higher esteem.

    Congratulations on your first troll post by the way.

  11. The kid obviously has an alcohol problem. Too bad, no mention is made of helping the kid. Urine is sterile and coming from a physically healthy person does not present a health problem. It was a wrongful act, but I don't think it was intentional.

    Amazing how many Thai women don't know this.

    Here you are Kerryk

    URINE is good for snake bite.

    Urine has also been found to be useful in treating diseases like cancer, gout, osteoporosis, impotence, obesity, asthma, bums, tuberculosis, blisters, cuts, wounds, cataract, coughs and colds, constipation, diabetes, eczema, gangrene, heart disease, hyperacidity, diseases of the stomach and intestines, pulmonary tuberculosis, psoriasis, piles and ringworm, uterus inflammation and stiffness of the vertebral column.

    My link

    Wow! He should be giving her an invoice rather than an apology.

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