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Steely Dan

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Posts posted by Steely Dan

  1. The Israeli government has a history of not necessarily listening to anyone. Trying to hold the US hostage over some previous restraint is not going to cut it.

    If Israel wants to attack; go ahead.

    Of course you are right, Israel (imho) have no choice and would indeed be unwise to gamble their own survival on a promise from anyone and certainly not based on the timing of their elections. I would also observe that if Israel do indeed attack and are successful they will be publicly condemned by just about everyone, who almost to a man in private will say 'thank God for Israel'.

    Edit: But talks with Iran are a farce as everyone knows and they ARE developing military applications, as of now they are stalling for time before talks whilst cleaning up incriminating evidence.


  2. ^^ I don't consider myself to be an Obama supporter, but in relation to this topic, I think he did a pretty good job in the last week. He confirmed US support for Israel (unfortunately, a political reality), while at the same time letting them know that he wasn't going to fall for the same line that the previous administration did. And just yesterday he chastised certain Republicans for beating the drums of war as if it were just a game.

    I think if Israel felt it could successfully attack Iran it would have already done so. It's too risky for them, so they're trying to suck the US into it to do the fighting for them.

    You can't have it both ways; Israel was held back by the U.S from attacking the Iranian nuclear installations when it would have been far easier to do so, therefore the U.S has partly contributed to the Iranians getting so close. I'm not aware for sure but wouldn't be surprised if the U.S managed to stall Israel from attacking in exchange for the guarantee that they themselves would deal with Iran if Israel was no longer able.

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  3. It was Einstein who said the definition of insanity is to repeat the same behavior and expect different results. The Iranians are stalling for time, yet again. Indeed they have been playing the west for years now.


    The Iranians are already stalling about access to Parchin, no doubt to give themselves time to remove any incriminating evidence. This is the view of the IAEA.

    I expect that there is very little about Iran and its nuclear sites that the Israelis do not already know. I would not be surprised if an attack would occur before Parchin can be verified.

    Netanyahu played Obama like a fiddle and got him to all but guarantee an attack should sanctions fail. Now he just has to figure out a way to insure the sanctions fail. How do you prove a negative?

    Indeed, but the results of proving a positive don't bear thinking about.

  4. It was Einstein who said the definition of insanity is to repeat the same behavior and expect different results. The Iranians are stalling for time, yet again. Indeed they have been playing the west for years now.


    The Iranians are already stalling about access to Parchin, no doubt to give themselves time to remove any incriminating evidence. This is the view of the IAEA.

  5. I'll offer this piece, which comes out strongly against intervention. It is broader than just the Syrian situation as it applies to Libya, Egypt and Iraq for that matter. My apologies if it is viewed off topic, but I think the arguments it contained are central to western policy with regards to the middle east.


    After September 11 the reasonable thing to do would have been to take steps to save ourselves from Islamic terror, instead we went on a crusade to save Muslims from themselves. The latest stop on that crusade is Syria, where the foreign policy experts responsible for decades of horrifying misjudgements tell us that we are duty bound to save the Syrian people from their dictator.

    • Like 1
  6. Actually, if the channel which was closed down was one of the less extreme in it's content it actually then does lend credence to Israel's assertions that it is interfering with other frequencies in contravention of a prior agreement. There is an element of theatre here as the Palestinian authority is also known to censor any content critical of itself, which in the case of Israel would probably lead to Haaretz being closed down if a similar approach was taken.


    "A Ramadan TV series that became notorious for its criticism of Palestinian Authority officials has been discontinued on the PA-run Palestine TV, Attorney General Ahmad Al-Mughni said Tuesday evening.

  7. It's a difficult one this, Libya has shown how all we achieved was replacing a secular tyrant with Islamic militants proceeding to settle scores with whoever it wants to. Syria would likely go the same way. What I would approve of is replacing any Islamic theocracy with a puppet government because at least we get some return for our investment, hence I would not approve of causing regime change in Syria, unless of course it is seen as a natural precursor to dealing similarly with Iran.

  8. but what has that got to do with either of the two stations concerned??

    I'll write it slowly,.... If they can turn Mickey mouse into a suicide bomber who knows what they can manage with their local flavour of Sesame street? With the Palestinian media track record I think it's appropriate to prove any given program has no incitement to racial hatred, not the other way round.

  9. Have you seen what they show on them? They teach children to hate.

    Sesame Street apparently

    “We are an educational television station, which puts on ‘Sesame Street,’ antismoking programs and broadcasts to help integrate handicapped children into the community,” said Lucy Nusseibeh, director of the Institute of Modern Media at Al-Quds University, which operates the station.


    Sesame street, how nice for the kids, they also have a local version of Mickey mouse


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  10. The way I see it the Israelis are perfectly within their rights to shut down broadcasts which in their view is spreading daily poisonous propaganda which in essence amount's to brainwashing people into violence against the ordinary Jewish citizen,to say it is anti free speech is quite frankly delving into the realms of fantasy.

    Actually, it would probably be a smart move for the Israelis to come right out and cite this hate propaganda as a reason, at least in the case of the worst Palestinian broadcasts. So doing would at least invite people to consider the content of said broadcasts whilst giving the reasons that Israel gave allows the usual whining from the usual suspects.

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  11. Why get hung up on whether his birth certificate is a fraud when the man himself clearly is if he purports to champion the best interests of the United States.

    " Why get hung up on whether his birth certificate is a fraud "

    i believe the Sheriif answers that question in his interview

    I hope the Sheriff has no preexisting medical conditions.

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  12. http://blogs.telegra.../#disqus_thread

    Truly disgusting footage of our new " Friends' in Libya desecrating war graves in a Christian cemetary. Yesterday more footage doing the rounds of black Libyans in zoo cages, with their hands tied behind their backs, being force fed the Libyan flag by these monsters who Nato installed, and who are now in charge. All of them shouting, ' Allah Akbar". Daily reports of black Libyans being raped or strung up on a daily basis. Thousands of Ghaddafi supporters being locked up and tortured. Of course not a peep out of Cameron, Sarkozy or Hillary Clinton. Mission accomplished! Time to move on to the next adventure!

    There is no escaping this, to intervene to stop a humanitarian crisis is one thing, and collateral damage can unfortunately result from that. However, we knowingly put Islamic totalitarians in charge, many who were fresh from fighting against Nato in Iraq and Afghanistan. These actions amount to criminal negligence and treason to our own culture being the lapdog of the Muslim brotherhood in order to keep our Saudi friends sweet and maintain the phony dialog that you can get Islamists to moderate and embrace democracy if we do their fighting for them.

    As should be clear now they despise us for our weakness and gullibility and always have done, shame on the idiots who allowed this to happen.

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  13. Maybe didn't kill anyone, but manipulated video tapes to misrepresent the truth...that's kind of like spinning lies...err, that is spinning lies. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Wasn't that the quote Bush couldn't get straight?

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    Not knowing much about the man I'll have to take your word on that, but would suggest that is exactly what the mainstream press does all the time, so I revert; If Michael Moore were to have died I wonder whether he would get a more sympathetic obituary from both the mainstream press and some posters here.


  14. Three pages of posts and all we have from his detractors is ad hominem attacks on the man, he didn't kill anyone and couldn't be given that wonderful euphemism 'freedom fighter', though I do believe it was freedom from oppression and the protection of freedom of speech that the man stood up for. Still in the absence of any defensible argument the far left chooses to resort to profaning the dead.

    At least we still have Pat Condell. to point out some home truths the lib-left don't want to hear.

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  15. I'm sorry for his family, but clips that have been shown on Fox News of his speaking makes it clear he was a horrible, obnoxious, superficial man. Apparently, he lost many of the liberal friends he grew up with. Understandably. Not saying liberals and conservatives can't be friends, but his actions were massively sleazy.

    Founder of the tea party? Fitting perhaps because the tea party is dead.

    " horrible, obnoxious, superficial man."

    you could say exactly the same thing about Bill Ayers ... you know Obama's " mate "

    Except that Ayers was actually involved in bombings that killed people. He also advocated killing mass numbers of Americans who could not be reformed to a new way of thinking in his post-revolution America. Sounds a lot like Stalin.

    One day the world will wake up to the fact that the Left in America is at its core, mean-spirited at best, anti-freedom racists at semi-worst. Every country in the past 100 years where the Left was in 100% control, they killed millions of their own people and their leaders were some of the worst monsters the world has ever seen.

    Brietbart was great at pointing out the less than nice ways of the Left. Hopefully his colleagues will keep it going.

    The worst of it is that the far left has infiltrated the once reasonable liberal left and is now trying everything it can to undermine the western capitalist culture it despises, hence the repugnant marriage of convenience with militant Islam, which shares the same ideals being totalitarian, having contempt for human rights and individual freedoms.

  16. Does anyone believe natural causes?... He had just announced that he has video and documents that will sink Obama's ship during the campaign... evidently, he was taken seriously.

    sad to see such a freedom loving person meet an early death

    Seems plausible to me, but then...................my tinfoil hat's at the drycleaners.

    mine isn' t cool.png and i dont believe it was natural causes because its too much of a coincidence


    I go by the guideline, once is happenstance, twice coincidence and three times is enemy action. Unless more right wing bloggers who threaten to embarrass Obama disappear then I will keep my hat off.

    P.S Rejoicing at the death of mass murderers is one thing, but to do so because you dislike someone's politics does some people little credit.

  17. I doubt they would be too happy if their plane's attempts to communicate with ground control were interrupted by debates about how best to kill Jews or how to make a bomb in mom's kitchen.

    Always a flair for the dramatic eh ?.......

    Yet it would be interesting if the Israelis doing the raiding......would make clear the claim as to which of the airline frequencies were infringed

    Also have to wonder why they ....would seize administrative files ?

    Airline VHF frequencies are well known & not used for ground/commercial radio use for a number of reasons...Obviously it would be dangerous but also useless to the ground station to have their broadcast cut every time a mic button was pushed in a plane.... .But that will surely not be addressed.

    Anyway carry on with the usual.....

    I will admit your flair for the dramatic was pretty funny this time....Bombs in moms kitchen laugh.png thanks

    Hmmm, I guess you may have a point about air traffic control frequencies, perhaps there are other more mundane terrestrial frequencies that are being interrupted, though I'm glad to see they don't seem to have penetrated your metallic head apparel as of yet. cowboy.gif .

  18. if memory serves me correctly he headed up the Arab league observer mission to Syria

    Different guy:



    Thanks for the correction, I see they are indeed different men, however their C.V's make it highly unlikely they were not both fully aware and very possibly complicit to the atrocities committed by the Ganjaweed militia.

  19. Please be civil and do not accuse other posters of saying things they didn't say.

    "...the television stations had been repeatedly asked by the ministry to stop using frequencies that interfere with legal broadcasters and air traffic control bands, Israeli media reported."

    This is a good point. What if for the sake of argument any of our esteemed posters decided to visit the holy land to see any of the UNESCO sites of ancient Palestinian culture or perhaps sun themselves on the pristine beaches attached to a Gaza 5 star hotel? I doubt they would be too happy if their plane's attempts to communicate with ground control were interrupted by debates about how best to kill Jews or how to make a bomb in mom's kitchen.

    Of course from the safety and detachment of their Thai abodes they do have the luxury to pontificate on such matters.

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  20. It's a shame they were not quicker off the mark, if memory serves me correctly he headed up the Arab league observer mission to Syria, he could have been arrested in transit. I'm sure the OIC member states will make strenuous efforts to prevent him ever standing trial as they did with Omar Bashir, after all they are far too busy trying to ram their blasphemy laws past the incompetent appeasers who pass for western leaders.

  21. Here is the sad reality of the Palestinian media, Fatah channels censor anything pro-Hamas and Hamas channels do the same with Fatah, needless to say any voices sympathetic to Israel or the west are completely off limits.


    Palestinian Affairs correspondent Khaled Abu Toameh is practically mournful on this topic. "You are funding Palestinian television, radio stations and newspapers with millions of dollars so that they can incite people to kill Jews. If anyone watches Palestinian television for just five minutes, they'll want to go out and stab Jews immediately. Palestinians have been fed a steady stream of this hate for years and your taxpayer dollars are funding it."

  22. I agree with sanctions, but intervention is a whole different ballgame. Here is a good article on the futility of such intervention.


    After September 11 the reasonable thing to do would have been to take steps to save ourselves from Islamic terror, instead we went on a crusade to save Muslims from themselves. The latest stop on that crusade is Syria, where the foreign policy experts responsible for decades of horrifying misjudgements tell us that we are duty bound to save the Syrian people from their dictator.

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