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Steely Dan

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Posts posted by Steely Dan

  1. Iran funding Hizbollah to the tune of an estimated 1 billion dollars a year whilst their own people endure hardship is another political stunt. :whistling:

    Hizbollah's threatening of the Commonwealth of Australia is the main reason for the additional new restrictions. the old restrictions remain in place because Hizbollah -financed by Iran- keeps on training saltwater crocodiles to attack Australian infidels.


    I wonder where they got the idea from, sounds pretty far fetched n'est pas?


    Still better jaw jaws than war wars.

    P.S Gene Rodenberry had it right with the Klingons did he not? :whistling:

  2. If it has escaped anyone's notice that the Saudi foreign minister was in Moscow at the same time! Coincidence? I rather doubt it and suspect the Israeli and Saudi authorities got together to discuss what to do about their mutual enemy Iran. I do read this as a clear sign that both Israel and Saudi Arabia are most unhappy at a perceived lack of resolve on Washington's part to reign in Iran.


    disasteremergencysupplies.com - PARANOIA tingtong boys who wanna tell you "apocalypse is tomorrow", so that you buy the survival stuff in their online shop.

    Is that your blog/shop? Wanna push the page rank? Or why you bring that always as "source"?

    What's wrong Eddy, Press TV having a quiet day or nothing new to moan about from the Hamas (ahem) peace website. :rolleyes:

  3. What is "Western Civilisation"?

    Pat Condell? :whistling:

    The hypocrites who get hissy fits when an UNHRC resolutions on a certain country have the approval of 45 members, with only the US voting against them?

    btw. this topic here is about a certain UN Human Rights Council resolution on Iran and not about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    Do you know how the UNHCR works?

    And don't equal the your "Western Civilisation" with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Its called Universal for a reason.

    If you don't like the immigrants to the UK, just say it. but it will be off topic like your other comments here.

    It's like trying to catch an eel in a barrel of oil debating with you. Did you read my last post? Yes exactly universal is called universal for a reason, which is exactly why Adama Dieng the Muslim secretary of the ICJ pointed out how Iran and other Muslim Countries preference to their own human rights declaration threatened the universal nature of the Universal human rights declaration, get it?

    As for suggesting I'm against immigrants to the UK that's yet another of your slanderous misrepresentations.

  4. If it has escaped anyone's notice that the Saudi foreign minister was in Moscow at the same time! Coincidence? I rather doubt it and suspect the Israeli and Saudi authorities got together to discuss what to do about their mutual enemy Iran. I do read this as a clear sign that both Israel and Saudi Arabia are most unhappy at a perceived lack of resolve on Washington's part to reign in Iran.


    Today, the picture comes into sharper focus, as Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu pays a visit to Russian Prime Minister Putin in Moscow while, in an unbelievably amazing coincidence, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal is in town at the same time.

    Israeli sources outside the government reported earlier that Putin was trying to finesse a ‘discrete meeting’ between his two visitors, which he hoped would also include the Saudi Chief of Intelligence, whom Al-Faisal brought with him to Moscow.

    This meeting is very likely to happen, whether we find out about or not. The odds against those four people being in the same place at the same time by chance is so miniscule that it beggars the imagination.

  5. Every army kills civilians by mistake. Hamas kills them on purpose. :bah:

    So how many Israeli civilians have been killed on purpose and how many Palestinian civilians have been killed by 'alleged' mistake?

    It would be a mistake to draw any conclusions from a simple body count due to the systematic use of human shields by Hamas. A Palestinian child is worth more dead to Hamas than live due to their cynical propaganda that some are guillible enough to be fooled by.

  6. Ok, Is this close enough for the obtuse?

    It's the document (20) attached to the wiki Universal rights entry referencing Islamic objections.


    It's a great read and shows the lengths some Islamic nations will go to to avoid censure over UDHR breaches by using the 56 nation Islamic block vote to threaten blasphemy charges against any UN raporteur who criticises the law in an Islamic Country as such law is based on the literal word of Allah :unsure:

    There was an Islamic human rights declaration from a meeting in Cairo, that bastion of tolerance and beacon of equal rights for women. Anyway I'll quote a little to show the reservations the UNHRC had concerning the Cairo declaration.

    The controversial Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (CDHRI) was adopted in Cairo on 5 August 1990 by the 19th Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers (session of Peace, Interdependence and Development) of the 45 Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), subsequent to the Report of the Meeting of the Committee of Legal Experts held in Teheran from 26-28 December 1989. The CDHRI establishes the shari'a law as "the only source of reference" for the protection of human rights in Islamic countries, thus giving it supremacy over the UDHR. The CDHRI was presented for approval at the OIC Summit Meeting of Heads of State and Government, held in Dakar, Senegal on 9 December 1991. This was averted following a press release from their Geneva-based International Commission of Jurists (ICJ). The dangers of the CDHRI were enumerated in the press release and again spelled out in a joint statement to the UN Commission on Human Rights by Adama Dieng, its Muslim secretary-general, a prominent Senegalese jurist, who alerted the international community to the grave negative implications that would result. Speaking for the ICJ and the Paris-based International Federation of Human Rights at the Commission on Human Rights in February 1992 (10), he declared, inter alia, that:

    1. It gravely threatens the inter-cultural consensus on which the international human rights instruments are based;

    2. It introduces, in the name of the defence of human rights an intolerable discrimination against both non-Muslims and women;

    3. It reveals a deliberately restrictive character in regard to certain fundamental rights and freedoms, to the point that certain essential provisions are below the legal standards in effect in a number of Muslim countries;

    4. It confirms, under cover of the "Islamic Shari'a (Law)", the legitimacy of practices, such as corporal punishment, which attack the integrity and dignity of the human being.

    So you see when we talk of Western Civilisation, that is exactly what we mean - Civilised as oppose to backwards and theocratic. :jap:

  7. Replace one rich power hungry thug for another. They'll cheer the replacement, and shout 'Allah-Akbar' like dogs mindlessly barking at a shadow, then thirty more years of oppression will painfully go by, then they'll demonstrate again, more people killed in the streets, and another thug will take the helm, and so on and so on.

    Meanwhile, girls and women will continue to be treated worse than dogs (at least dogs can go where they want, when they want). And men don't routinely beat their dogs in Arab countries, do they?

    The big fireworks will come when the sh*t hits the fan in Saudi Arabia.

    Looks like you know nothing, but are only full of hatred.

    Whereas deeply misogynistic Arab societies are merely showing their love for their women chattels :blink:

  8. This topic is not about Britain and the law over there.

    Not that you ever stray one inch from the topic in question, unless of course your case is taking a beating. :lol:

    I was merely underlining they hypocrisy of the Iranian objection to the UN human rights resolution in light of politically correct appeasement monkeys in western Countries bending over backwards to accomodate demands from certain Muslims. For instance, that they should be allowed to be treated as special cases with Sharia taking precedence over existing UK law to the clear detrement of universal human rights such as equality for women.

  9. The Iranian tantrum over human rights is also incredibly hypocritical. There are now around 90 Sharia courts in the UK the rulings they give are deemed binding under UK law :crazy: (<deleted>). So if you are female and Muslim you are again a second class citizen, so much for the suffrogette who got skittled by the King's horse. They could opt not to go through Sharia courts but would no doubt end up in a bin liner under some railway embankment if they dared try. Currently, (thank God) these Sharia courts are only allowed to practice civil law, but the instant they are granted leave to try criminal cases expect Soho to be abandoned over night and a white flag to be flying over Buckingham Palace. So the race is on imho, shove Universal human rights down the throats of insane theocracies before our liberal PC brigade succeed in getting Sharia law shoved down ours.

  10. Nice try to turn the topic on Israel and still failing to make any mud stick. :rolleyes: As for Iran, well they would complain wouldn't they seeing as Universal human rights is explicitly incompatible with Sharia law.


    Islamist criticismIslamist countries such as Sudan, Pakistan, Iran, and Saudi Arabia have criticized the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for its perceived failure to take into the account the cultural and religious context of Islamist countries.[citation needed] In 1982, the Iranian representative to the United Nations, Said Rajaie-Khorassani, articulated the position of his country regarding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, by saying that the UDHR was "a secular understanding of the Judeo-Christian tradition", which could not be implemented by Muslims without trespassing the Islamic law.[20] On 30 June 2000, Muslim nations that are members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference[21] officially resolved to support the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam,[22] an alternative document that says people have "freedom and right to a dignified life in accordance with the Islamic Shari’ah".[23] However, this document doesn't recognize the freedom to change religion, equate women as equals to men, or maintain neutrality when comparing religions.

    Put simply if you are a woman forget it, if you are a gay live your life in secret or be killed, try to leave Islam and you're dead. Discrimination against infidels is also written into Sharia law.

  11. Referring to the Abrahamic religions, radical extremist fundamentalists of all three (Muslim, Christian, and Jewish), are quite scary. You can find disturbing holy book passages in all three, and also Christianity includes the old and new testaments. You can also find messages of love, hope, and peace in all three.

    So it's not fair to single out the inflammatory texts in the Quran.

    Jingthing, I will grant you there are psychotic, violent and racist elements in the 'holy' books of all Abrahamic religions. What I find utterly repugnant is anybody attempting to usurp 21st century laws with their literal interpretation of scripture. Lets not beat around the bush though. If fundamentalist Christians were blowing up schools which taught evolution, murdering doctors who performed abortions on a weekly basis, desecrating the graveyards and blowing up worshippers of other faiths and murdering people working on the Christian sabbath then I would conclude Christian fundamentalism was a problem and we might be talking about someone burning the new testament.

  12. Yes I'm well aware of that. Perhaps we should kill Julian Assange because some US 'celebrities' have called for it.

    So what is your view on the burning of the Koran, do you agree with it or not?

    I certainly don't agree with burning the Koran but I certainly do agree with having an open discussion as to what may have motivated this action without taking the PC expedient of just dismissing it as an isolated act of a crackpot.

  13. I'll say one thing about the reaction to cartoon drawing and Quran burning - It's basically a control tantrum to get our liberal (ahem) intelligensia to act to curtail the freedoms we have. I doubt there is even 10% of the outrage shown by western Countries with respect to the murder of scores of Pakistani or Coptic Christians in their churches as was exhibited by Muslim Countries over a bit of book burning or cartoon drawing. :annoyed:

  14. This is very cynical, but if we had left them alone and Gaddafi had crushed the rebellion, there is a very good chance that other protesters in the region would have been too scared to carry on.

    As it is, we are involved in something that is none of our business, that is probably going to hurt our own interests and that no one will be grateful for.

    It might have made sense if we had done this in Iran during the popular uprising, but why Libya after the monster had been tamed? sad.gif

    Agreed. When it comes to killing Muslims tend to have a priority list - 1) Jews 2)Other infidels 3) Muslims of different sects 4) Moderates within their own sect. Why jump the queue?

  15. The same scenario is about to happen in Syria, which is 75% Sunni brotherhood of Islam and 15% ruling Alawite. Should Assad get outside help Iran and Hizbollah are about the only choice leaving them on a collision course with Saudi Arabia.

    If there is any consistency Nato should intervene to oust the despotic Assad. Tick tick tick... Armageddon calling.

  16. 2011 Has not been the year of the despot. Israel needs to keep a very low profile while this plays out. Last time there was a major uprising Assad senior crushed it killing tens of thousands.


    The protest against Bashar Assad’s regime is swelling. From its first epicenter in the southern town of Deraa it spread Friday, March 25, to new cities, Homs, Aleppo, Latakia and parts of Damascus. It has quickly attained the scale unforeseen by the regime of a popular uprising by the majority Sunni population (74 percent) against Allawite-dominated (15 percent) rule.

  17. Islam also complains about xmas and easter being celebrated in schools in places like Australia because they find it offensive so it has been removed from a lot of schools to keep the peace with them. Before long Christianity will go underground just to keep the peace.

    In a ludicrous bout of foot stamping they also complained about the logo for the London 2012 olympics claiming 2012 resembled the word Zion. :crazy:

  18. Sweden was co-sponor. How come Sweden is not being blamed for this?

    Maybe you spoke too soon. Could likely happen, that as soon as this item gets to the zillions of hot-head sexually-frustrated Muslims, their immans will be clamoring to be the first to issue a 'fatwa' - which is a Muslim declaration to kill a specific person or group. Muslims are great at revenge, anger, blame and killing innocents. I think they're good at other things also, but it slips my mind what they are.

    Exactly, Look what happened to Denmark over a few cartoons.

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