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Posts posted by eljeque

  1. If the shares were worth x amount before thaksin got into power and after he start fiddling with the laws, the value increased by y amount, then surely the fair result would be to take y leaving her with x.

    Try looking at it this way instead.

    If he uses something that is legally his, and does something illegal to make a lot more, then I believe that he should loose the lot.

    It is like gambling. He took a risk, made a gamble, cheated, and now got caught. He should not lose only what he made illegally, but also what he gambled with to make it. That is hte risk he took.

    And, the idea that this man actually made money legally and honorably is a joke. He received government contracts for computers, software, netwoks, etc., from the beginning. He then moved on to being granted a concession for mobile phone networks, a concession for 10 years. What a great deal. Your own monopoly. He and his pals also tried to take over EGAT.

    It is rare when an actual big time theif gets caught. Even though all of them are the same, isn't it nice to see at least one get caught. It is not that the laws are being applied unfairly, but that they are actually being applied. Maybe they will be applied more often? ...maybe not? :-)

  2. You do not yet know what rent you will receive or how many months of the year the property will be rented out for your income.

    You do not yet know what percentage the agent will expect for renting the property for you, and you do not yet know the cost of repairs, or created repairs the agent will generate to improve his income.

    Also, when renting out property, most renters want long-term. It will not be easy to find people who wnat to jump in for a couple or few months per year during the months that you are not here. Renters move in and stay for a year or longer. If you really want to buy a condo, then do not make plans to stay in it. Make plans to rent it out full time.

    Best of luck

  3. Is there anyone on T.V that actually likes Mr. Thaksin. It seems like all the farangs on here feel personally wronged by this man. What has he actually done to the farangs? and he has only upset the thai elite not the common thai.

    as a side note, he increased the immigration fees for visa extentions from 500 to 1900 baht.

    He is one of the many slimy businessmen who got into politics. He just happened to be too greedy and not share with the others who run the country. For not sharing, and for trying to take control (he is new super-rich) not like them, the other super rich decided that they would actually use some of the laws in the country which usually do not apply to them.

    How many countries in the world have ever held $2 billion of any businessman's or politician's money. I cannot think of anytime in any place that it has happened before. Yes, we know why, because he was trying to upset the balance, but it is still a rarity for this much money to be held by any government.

    His concern for the people of poverty in this country goes no further than their votes.

  4. As one girl whom I know says "blood is heavier than water".

    Yes, that is what she says.

    So, very simply, if your to-be-wife cannot tell her mother off now, she never will, and the 200,000 will be gone. The mother will then tell her daughter to get another 100,000 for something else, and then there will be something else. It will not end.

    SinSod is only a deposit, a down payment. Wait until the monthly payments and the maintenance start rolling in.

    The mother does not care about her daughter. She cares about getting every last cent that she can from you, and when you stop paying, she will push her daughter with guilt trips, to replace you. And, I am sorry to say, she will. She is showing that she will not stand up to her mother.

    I know three sisters. One of them will do anything to give and give to her mother. Astupid and weak girl.

    The other two tell their mother and brother off.

    Find a woman like the later two.

  5. About 100 police and soldiers showed up

    Why would 100 show up? That is an awful lot.

    at the plantation to identify the bodies of Jaemae Hayae, 50, and her daughter Barati Labo, 25, after reports of a homicide. Inquiries showed the two were tapping rubber trees when they were ambushed and shot by an unknown group of gunmen, who fled with the victims' pistols.

    How would it be known that the killers fled with their pistols. There is no mention of a family member stating that the were armed? Maybe there is more info in the Thai edition.

  6. You call that damaged?

    I think destroyed might be a better term

    I wonder if any company would insure an elephant

    I am sure that the automobile owners will be fully compensated by the elephant camp, as the auto owner's insurance companies will go after it.

    And, if the camp needs to pay for the cars, then the same should apply for the medical needs of the injured party

    ..or, the Swede may get a letter in the mail asking for him to pay for the vehicles.

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