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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. If that was the case, then he obviously should be punished. But then there are all those Thai teenagers who work in bars because their families want money. And the families seem to be comfortable when their daughters have everyday sex with different guys - as long as the money flows. But then, maybe the daughter decides she wants to stay only with one guy and have only sex with one guy. And maybe that one guy does not want to give lots of money to the family. And then that is obviously suddenly a big problem. Give us money or we go to the police because you have sex with our innocent daughter... Unfortunately, that seems to happen often in Thailand. But back to the case: If the guy is guilty, then punish him.
  2. No, Maldives. But I think there are also lots of nice beaches in the Seychelles. From the Maldives I visited them myself, now 30 years ago. The beaches are just perfect.
  3. Ok, you fitted 96 more ACs then I did - or maybe more. Before I did that, I looked at many articles about that issue on the internet. And above is what I found. I remember there was also some explanation why it shouldn't be done with an AC on each side of the room facing each other. I have too little experience to know. I just share what I read many times.
  4. Where is that famous beach? I know Jomtien beach. It's ok, but famous? Sure not. The picture is from a great beach - obviously not in Thailand.
  5. Obviously most of us wouldn't want to see naked pictures of us on the internet. But fake naked pictures where it is known that they are fake? What's the point. I didn't see any of those controversial Taylor Swift nudes. But I read at least 10 headlines about those pictures. So if I would even see a naked picture of "her", I would know instantly that that is not her. It's a fake. And then? Maybe I would think that the unknown body looks good or bad or whatever. But I wouldn't think that about Taylor Swift, because I know it's not her. As far as I am concerned it doesn't make any sense. Taylor Swift would want to see the real person. And guys who are horny and want to see a sexy body don't really care if the head is from person A or B.
  6. With some ACs, i.e. from Daikin, they have a sensor build in. The user can select if the AC should spread the cold air to everywhere, or only concentrated on one human (sensor) or away from that one human.
  7. According to many "experts" that is bad advice. https://gharpedia.com/blog/best-location-wall-mounted-air-conditioning-unit/
  8. My real-world experience suggest 24k BTU. About the windows: I have a south facing wall which is 90% window. This in in my case no problem, the sun is not shining directly into those windows. It seems in Thailand the west facing windows (and maybe east) are the problem. There the sun shines right into the window in the (late) afternoon.
  9. Yes, you are right. My comment was about the usage of the term high speed. Personally, I wouldn't use that for maybe anything under 130km/h or something like that. But yes, it's possible to get killed with 30km/h - even if that is not high speed.
  10. Correct. But even if you hire expensive professionals don't expect that all of them or even the majority of them do great jobs. And sometimes it seems to be impossible to find any competent and reliable professionals in Thailand, even when people are willing to pay a lot of money. Recently I saw this video, not from Thailand. I found it interesting.
  11. It was on the outskirts of a big city in Europe in a country where people obey most traffic rules and other drivers and riders can mostly rely on the fact that the others follow the rules. Obviously very different from Thailand.
  12. Most of the time I ride a bike for convenience. Excitement not so much anymore. But when I was young 90% was for the excitement and only a little was necessary riding.
  13. When I came to Bangkok I also thought I will never drive or ride a bike here. Then I used motorcycle taxis for about 3 years and got used to how things work, all the shortcuts, all the unexpected things which are after a while expected, etc. And then I started with my first bike in Bangkok. Now, more than 20 years later, I am still riding. And yes, I understand your concerns.
  14. That is obviously very sad for you. I will make sure to each a couple of more pralines there next time I visit thinking about all the people who live up country. 😉
  15. I don't know anybody who thought of possible consequences from an accident. Obviously we all knew it was possible. And many of us had friends who died on bikes. But that was part of life - it only happened to few people. I think life should be exiting. Otherwise, what's the point?
  16. There is a Belgian chocolate place near Sukhumvit Soi 31. Wonderful!
  17. Wherever it comes from. I like these things and I saw them only very few times in Bangkok. I think there is a lot of food which we consider to be "home food", but in reality, it originates in other countries.
  18. The politically correct answer is Dickmann's. But they used to have another name...
  19. In case you have no or little experience with riding bikes: Most accidents can be avoided. Many accidents happen when riders overestimate their abilities or the abilities of the bike they ride. When people learn to ride and learn to race then they learn the limitations of the bikes and their own limitations. Having learned those (at least a little) will help tremendously not to make stupid beginner mistakes like: sure, I can do that. I made some of those mistakes when I was young. Luckily the worst I had was a couple of abrasions and a little blood, nothing serious. And I learned from my mistakes. I would have loved to go to a (racing) riding school and learn how to ride properly. I am sure I wouldn't have tried some stunts if I would have learned what to do and not do in such a school. And about riding yourself and riding on the back of a bike: Basically every rider hates to ride on the back with anybody else. It feels much more dangerous and obviously there is nothing you can do when you are on the back of a bike. And the rider possibly wants to show off - with you on the back. So all in all I stay with my argument of having my own bike and learned how to ride. But obviously that is only my personal opinion.
  20. Sure. And what will you do if he is 5min away from your home and then he uses a bike in any way? When I was young, I didn't do too many crazy things. But if my father told me I can't do that, that was definitely no reason not to do it. I have no kids. And if I would have kids, I obviously wouldn't want that they have any motorcycle or any other accidents. I would send them to motorcycle schools. And then to racing schools - if they want that. Then they learn how to ride and if they want to race, they can do that on a closed circuit which is built with security in mind.
  21. Yes. But to be fair, some Japanese and even American companies have also some good battery powered tools. Almost as good as Bosch. 😉
  22. "high-speed motorcycle crash" Did someone push the Wave or how did it reach high speed?
  23. Who started this one depend on which date you set? I don't know the details about Jordan. But look at Gaza. Some people look at the 7th of October and say: Look at those Hamas terrorists, now Israel has to defend themselves and retaliate. Other people look at the years since Israel occupied the land where the Palestinians used to live more and more. Palestinians are thrown out of their homes in Jerusalem so that Israelis can more in. And all those settlers. All that happens since many many years. So, did Hamas start that attack out of the blue? Or did they fight back against what Israel did to them since decades. I don't want to pretend one side is all good and the other all bad. Many on both sides don't want to compromise. And many on both sides can point at the others and say: They killed my family. Getting back to above: If there would be no US soldiers in that area, then nobody could kill them. I understand when people fight intruders in their country.
  24. Sure, the USA only has their soldiers all over the world to protect piece and all those peaceful people. They do it because they have such a great heart and want to bring democracy to the rest of the world - American style. Winning hearts and minds and all that. Correct?
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