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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. There are at least two solutions: a) The police could enforce the laws and arrest the bad guys - instead of working with them together. b) People should think very hard before asking loan sharks for money. It is well known that those loan sharks have horrendous interest rates and cheat. And it is well known that they use violence. Avoid!
  2. Do a "small crime", go to jail and stay in jail. Do crimes on national level and make billions: Never go to jail. What do we learn from that? It's no surprise that lots of influential people continue with their crimes. Because most of them never go to jail. That reminds me: What happened to the people who got jailed for picking mushrooms in the wrong forest? Are they still in jail?
  3. I found an easy trick to find out their real age. If you ask them: Are you 18 already? Then they will answer yes, or I am already 19 or whatever. But if you tell them: You look like 15. Then the immediately protest: I am already 17! It really works.
  4. I don't know exactly what makes a scooter a scooter. As far as I know standing up is not necessary. The point is to have your weight on your footpegs/feet (not the seat or the handlebars) and that somewhere in the center of the bike. With that position the bike can kind of swivel around the center of gravity. And that makes us feels the potholes or bumps in the road not so much.
  5. I think nobody mentioned it until now. The tire pressure is also important. It seems many Thais put a lot of pressure in those tires. I guess they do that to make them faster - 1km/h or whatever. If you lower the pressure, then you will feel the bumps not so much. Obviously don't have the pressure too low. Just try. That's an easy "fix" for free.
  6. Option 1: tip Option 2: I put it in my pocket. And when I come home I empty that pocket. My gf collects all those coins and bring them from time to time up country for the kids.
  7. I think people should do what they want in the legal framework. If you like old women, then go ahead and do what you like. But lot of men want girls who are young and legal.
  8. Next thing you will tell us that we all make logical decisions based on facts. Yeah, sure, in your fantasy.
  9. If you would really want to know then you could read and learn. It's nature that guys of any age prefer young and beautiful (= healthy, good genes) girls to have sex and children. Don't ask me how many thousands of years that was the case already, but a long time. IMHO the only reason why guys have sex with older women is that they don't get a pretty young one or they are too much under pressure from feminists who hate the fact that guys like young and beautiful. And when I write "young" that I write about post puberty girls. Because only they can have children. Anybody who desires pre-puberty children is sick. Totally different from above.
  10. I am surprised that it took so long before anybody brought that up again. My girlfriend was above age of consent, and her parents didn't complain. Legal. No problem.
  11. And then there are guys who call anybody who goes with a 17 year old girl a pedo. It would be so easy to look up the definition of that word. Not knowing the meaning and making accusations is pathetic. All bs.
  12. As far as I know the USA has no ID cards. I wonder what the people over there do if they never had a driver's license or the police confiscated it. Do they show their library pass to open a bank account?
  13. Why do bars allow young girls (>=16) to work in the bars? It's simple, because many (most?) guys who visit bars want young and innocent girls. That's why the owners employ them. It's not really that difficult to understand. I know this because I know a couple of bar owners. That is reality in Thailand. And obviously the police also know what's on.
  14. Next thing, every American who is somehow involved in an abortion anywhere in this world, including if he is the father, will be punished. Yes, I made that up. But I wouldn't be surprised if it will happen. Every country has their laws, which are for that country. Why don't Americans accept that?
  15. Girls 16 and older were not unusual in farang tourist areas like Pattaya and in Bangkok. I.e. in Long Gun the 16-year-old naked girls were the first girls anybody saw who entered the place. Nobody even tried to hide it. The situation only became stricter in the last couple of years. A friend recently met a girl in Nana. She told him she is 18. A few weeks later he didn't see her in the bar anymore but one day he saw her on the street. She explained to him that now Nana is stricter, and she can't work there anymore. Now she works in Soi Cowboy. Often the parents know what is going on. The girls send money to the parents. And they parents know how the girls make that money. Obviously in a perfect world this shouldn't happen. Parents should take care of their children. But in reality many Thai people want money and if they see an opportunity to make a lot of money then they use that opportunity. The parents know, the neighbors know, and nobody cares. Many young girls use fake ID cards or ID cards from their elder sisters. Everybody knows, nobody cares. TiT.
  16. Why did nobody mention if the children were 17 years old or 10 or whatever? Many (most?) 17 year old Thai girls have sex. And it is not obvious to see their age. And sometimes they use the ID card from the big sister (at least that was the case some time ago). While this is illegal it is still something completely different then pimping pre puberty children. So what happened?
  17. The same event from another perspective: Iraq says 16 people, including civilians, killed in ‘new US aggression’ | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera Iraq says 16 people, including civilians, killed in ‘new US aggression’ In response, Iran-aligned groups say they have attacked US bases in Syria as well as western and northern Iraq. Civilians were among the fatalities, and 25 people were wounded in the bombings that targeted both civilian and security areas, a government spokesperson said on Saturday. ...
  18. Which part of "many Thai workers" don't you understand? I didn't write "Thai workers" or "all Thai workers". If you know many Thai workers who do precision work, then it seems we live in very different parts of the country.
  19. X could be killing you. or X might be good for your health. It seems X can be replaced with almost anything. Summary: if you eat something it might be bad for you. But it might be good for you. But it is sure that if you don't eat at all you will die.
  20. I ordered many times from JIB and I never had any problems. Today I received an email from them with this warning. เตือนภัย อย่าหลงเชื่อบุคคลแอบอ้าง (jib.co.th) I publish this here, so people are aware of this problem. I would buy from them again.
  21. Maybe this one is according to your taste. I visited them a couple of times over the years and the food was always good and the prices acceptable. ..... Cabbages & Condoms Resort and Restaurant ..... (cabbagesandcondoms.net)
  22. If you have pictures and the situation looks really bad, then maybe tell your guest that you think about publishing those pictures. Like: Lawyer X visited me and that is how he left the place. Maybe he is afraid of that. This is just my opinion, I have no legal knowledge about the situation.
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