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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I know you are not completely serious. But I wonder how successful the average GoFundMe for such cases is. Do many of them get all the money they need, and maybe more? Or are many or most of those give me money requests ignored? I remember a relative famous farang musician in Thailand, he made big money and spend a lot. Later he was sick and (I think his brother) set up a GoFundMe page. I thought that was strange, making good money and spending it all, and then asking for donations.
  2. Yes, I agree. Not sure, but maybe one reason is that some (many?) farangs don't want to learn Thai, not even a little. That leaves them only the tourist places where a higher part of Thais speak (some) English.
  3. I think I remember Thailand wanted to make sure every tourist has a health insurance. What happened to that project? I think everybody who thinks for a minute should make sure they have a valid health insurance before they travel. And if for whatever reason they don't have an insurance then maybe it's a good idea to be careful. "catastrophic collision with a concrete barrier" sounds to me like nobody else was involved. Sad
  4. It would take a hell of a lot to convince me to visit Chiang Rai, even for a day. πŸ˜‰
  5. I am amazed how many people still go to Phuket, for holiday or to live there. I was there the first time 30 years ago and at that time it was an obvious rip-off. Did it improve over the years? Obviously not. I wonder if anybody who decided to live there do any research?
  6. There is an easy solution. They should just publish all the details. Who will get "money"? How will this distributed? Who and how will be checked that the money is received by the nominated receiver? What will the administrative cost be? Who will control this? What will happen with money in those accounts which was never used? Will it expire? Where will it go? I am sure there are at least 100 more questions. Did the politicians think about all this? If yes, then it should be easy to publish the answers. And if they didn't think about it, or didn't write it down, or somehow they think they will make it up while they are doing it, then stop it right away!
  7. Let's say fit enough for what I do. A few stairs and 500m walking are ok. And I can't remember the last time I wanted to walk more than 500m. What I discovered recently is that my balance needed improvement. I renovate my condominium, and I have to step up a ladder all the time, The first time when I did this, even the first step felt a little shaky. And now, after months of 2 or 3 steps up and down I feel confident on that ladder. I never noticed that problem previously. And I will make sure that also in the future I will use a ladder or something similar to keep my sense of balance.
  8. I predict he will be free. And he will be told to be quiet. And obviously he will agree to anything as long as that brings him freedom. And then, after days or weeks or worst-case months, he will open his mouth again, and again, and more of the same. And then let's look what happens then. I don't imagine that he will get away with a big mouth like in the past. We will see.
  9. I eat mostly quality food. And as much as I want. No gym. I'm happy without all the tiring exercise.
  10. I was in Bangkok, in the same condominium, with the same girlfriend, doing similar work to what I do now. At that time, I had my coffee at the different place, and I spent more time in the bars, and I had a few kg less than now. Not much changed for me, I liked it 20 years ago, I like it now, and I don't plan to change much.
  11. I pay for Premium 159B per month. Now I have no ads and, as far as I know, I can download everything. My coffee per day cost more than that for a month. I think it's fair to call it cheap.
  12. 720,000 down payment. I like to see a couple of pictures of that villa.
  13. Is there something like quality control for Thai tour guides? Because if they would all work just fine then nobody would have a motivation to hire a foreigner.
  14. See rest of the story in the link. I hope they arrest him, jail him, and then deport him. And make it all public.
  15. Probably that suspect didn't read the memo that he has to pretend that women can do it all.
  16. Yeah, sure. Or maybe they drag me out of my Ferrari or something like that. I am sure it will happen latest tomorrow. πŸ˜‰
  17. Yes, that sounds about right. But will it make people happy? I am sure they like 3 weeks of fun. But how many can afford 3 weeks of fun?
  18. How often are you drunk like that or sleeping together with anybody who might do that to you? My worst case of drunk was one bottle of whisky, and I still remember it and I know I wouldn't have allowed anybody to use my phone or finger. But if you prefer passwords, that's fine.
  19. I agree. Honest communication is a good idea. Most of us are human and understand that sometimes things don't go according to plan. Just tell us.
  20. I wonder how such decisions are made. Like: someone high up in the party has this idea. And then? Let's do it. Are there any discussions or even an impact study what consequences there might be. Or just: Ok, let's do it. We will see later what happened. And later: Nobody could have foreseen that one...
  21. There is an easy solution: Buy a motorcycle. Or option 2: Get the phone numbers from the motorcycle guys at the next corner. They can pick you up and then it's up to you if you need them just to get to the main street to get a taxi or public transport or let them ride you to your destination.
  22. Thanks for your replies. I am familiar with Arduino, ESP32, etc. programming. I am confident I can do that part (and exactly the way I want it). If I find the correct size motors with gearbox that would be great. But then I still need the mounting brackets on each side, a roll, etc. I guess for the shades there are possibly some special motors involved which should have a small diameter and can be long (to fit into the roll). And all those ready for sale packages include those motors and basic mechanics. But they also include more parts which I don't want/need. So, it would be best to find a supplier for just the special roller motors. I guess AliExpress is the best option. But sometimes it is difficult to come up with the "correct" search terms to find what we need.
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