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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I never used a hedge trimmer. But over the last years I bought many battery powered Bosch power tools including a big Bosch Hammer (the kind which allows to drill big holes in concrete), angle grinder, circular saw. They are all very powerful and the battery lasts long enough that it is not annoying that I have to charge it all the time. I can't imagine I would still buy any tools without battery. Only good experience.
  2. Really? How many of them? I think being young is a time to have fun, get experience, make mistake, and learn. Having sense is a possibility, but it sounds very boring.
  3. And, will that convince any young person not to ride a bike? No. Riding a bike is fun. Especially together with friends. And we all die. Some of us sooner, others later. That's life.
  4. Because I use my printer only seldom, I bought a laser printer for that reason. There is no problem if you don't use a laser printer for a few months or even longer. But be aware that toner doesn't last forever. I once worked in an office where they had a big central later printer and everybody had a personal laser printer on their desk. One woman basically never used her personal laser printer. After years, the toner just faded away. When she printed it was never black because the toner was not black anymore. As far as I know that takes years. But it happens. For all printers are the consumable materials the expensive part - not the initial cost.
  5. What is a 17 year old teenager doing at 3.15am on the streets? In general, I think motorcycle accidents, especially with teenagers and young adults happen all over the world all the time. I was also young some time ago and I rode a bike and obviously I thought I am invincible. I am pretty sure that is what most young riders think. And they see friends die. It happens. And maybe for one day they ride a little slower, and then it's back to normal. That's life. And I am sure there is not much anybody can do about it.
  6. And it seems you think that he has an agenda. Does this make you right? I read many articles from him since he worked for Salon. I don't like everything he says or writes. But I know he is at least 100 times better informed than I am. Whatever he talks about, it includes lots of facts and sources and he explains why he thinks what he thinks. All in all, I don't know any other journalist who I trust like him. That doesn't mean he is always right. But I am pretty sure he does his best to tell the truth. And as far as I am concerned, we can't expect more than that. Edward Snowden trusted Glenn Greenwald. And Glenn Greenwald exposed the US surveillance and protected Snowden. Not many journalists are courageous like that.
  7. I hope there will some follow up news on this. It seems lots of Thai females grab knifes to win arguments. I always wondered how that will play out when someone gets hurt, and the police arrives. Will the husband be prosecuted for injuring her with the knife? Will she be prosecuted for taking a knife and threatening him with that? Possibly he would never have injured her if she wouldn't have grabbed that knife. (yes, I know that is just a speculation) I think from a "western" perspective only few people would grab a knife in an argument if they don't try to defend their life. In Thailand there seems to be almost no barrier from a few words to grabbing the next available knife.
  8. I think that is the correct question. It's not: What is he? or Who is he? It's about perception. What does one person, and that person alone, see in that other person? And I think sometimes that is difficult to understand, also for ourselves. I.e. we have two female security guards in our building. Both petite, about the same age. Both not really beautiful or ugly. I very much like one of them. I would try to chat her up right away if I wouldn't be in a happy long term relationship. The other one leaves me cold. I wouldn't be interested even if she would be really interested in me. Why? I don't really know. Sure, I could list a couple of differences, but it would be like: She has such a winning smile. Or she is just cute. But if I would tell that to someone else, he would possibly ask: Which one? So, it's back to smell or that special feeling or whatever. Sometimes it just is, and it is difficult to describe. And, IMHO, we should listen to that special feeling and we shouldn't try to find reason in what we like.
  9. And if you are so sure nothing can happen, what's your point of this post? If it is a work laptop from your ex-employer, then you should give it back to them.
  10. And they have to ask the daughter of the criminal about that. Amazing Thailand.
  11. Option 1: Wood street, google it. Option 2: Look for a local wood supplier on Lazada and send them a message asking for custom size. I did this before with aluminium sheets and I got what I wanted.
  12. Personally I think the world would be a better place if the USA wouldn't mingle everywhere in the rest of the world. They have enough problems at home. Maybe they should solve those problems first. But obviously many politicians work for the military industrial complex and not so much for the ordinary people.
  13. My gf also comes from a poor family. She lives with me in Bangkok. When she visits the family maybe once a month for a few days she buys some food for them and a couple of beers, and that's it. Maybe a new rice cooker for her father if necessary. But she doesn't see the need to spend a lot of money in the village. Because she knows it won't change anything. So, what's the point of spending the money? It's like poor people winning the lottery. Many waste the money and then they are poor again.
  14. She is probably one of those people who have a screen in front of their face and who don't look at reality anymore. Darwin will sooner or later take care of them.
  15. I used to go a lot to Major Ekamai to the cinema, eating Suki, etc. Now I go mostly to Terminal 21. Yesterday I was the first time since Covid in Major Ekamai. I was surprised that at least half the restaurants and shops are gone. Even the usual chains like Swenson's don't have a restaurant there anymore. The cinema counter was also maybe 1/3 size of what it used to be. What's going on? Was there any special incident at that place so that people don't go there anymore? Or is there finally a saturation of shopping malls in Bangkok that if there is a new shopping mall that people don't visit the existing mall(s) anymore?
  16. What are US soldiers doing in Jordan? There is an easy way to avoid that US soldiers get killed in Jordan. Make sure there are no US soldier in that country - or any other country accept the US.
  17. In case that is not a rhetoric question: It seems many Thai workers don't even understand the concept of precision like straight walls or anything like that. And even if they understand it, many don't really care. Like a few mm left or right, does it matter? Yes, sometimes it does matter!
  18. Next time rent something in a high floor. No mosquitos, ever. Problem solved.
  19. You are in the wrong country for that. Good luck! If nobody has any better idea I suggest visit "wood street" in Bangkok, you can google it. They have obviously a lot of wood related shops. They also have lots of shops with steel of any kind. I am pretty sure you should be able to find someone there. This is not a tourist place and many Thais over there don't speak any English.
  20. You are the one who wants to show your wealth, not your wife. So maybe you should talk to a psychologist about your reason who YOU want to do that. Talking to a good psychologist will help you to understand yourself better. That never hurts. And maybe it also helps you to avoid and unnecessary construction and all the related problems. I think it's similar to buying a fast supercar in Bangkok. It's only good for showing off. At the next pothole the pickup truck next to you has the advantage.
  21. What's better, living a life the way you want it and possibly dying in a motorcycle accident or living a boring live and being killed walking over a zebra crossing. Your choice! We all die, don't worry too much about it.
  22. My friend Peter and I have a similar taste for girls. Our only main difference is that he likes big boobs, and I don't care. Often we agree about which girl on stage looks best. But sometimes he tells me something like: Look at that beauty at the end of the stage. I look, and don't see any beauty over there. But then I have another look and there is one girl with big boobs and not much else. He saw her, and when he saw the boobs, he somehow forgot about all the rest.
  23. Who cares about the squid? We want to know if you married her. And/or at least made love with her in the jungle after that date.
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