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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. IMHO it would be stupid not to pay them. And if you own the bar, you should be able to pay them. Happy girls make you happy. It's simple.
  2. I real life you are probably right. But did it never happen to you that you sit in a bar, and you like it, but you think: If I would be the boss, then I would change this and that to make it even better?
  3. What a stupid comment! Do you support Stalin because you don't like Hitler? They can be both bad at the same time. Trump is obviously a serial liar. Biden is clearly not mentally fit, at least sometimes. I, as an outsider, would love to see two or more competent people presenting their different political views. And I would love to see informed voters thinking about what is better for them and their country. But no, the two American parties have, IMHO, both bad candidates. Only one of them is even worse than the other one. Why does not at least one party present a smart not too old candidate with good ideas? There must be one or two of them in that big country.
  4. Even if I have the competence to do that, who would understand it? The want to be expert will likely find a reason why he disagrees. And others, who are no experts, won't be able to judge who is right and who is wrong. And obviously I don't blame the normal people that they are no computer experts, people can't be experts in everything.
  5. Correct And people who buy vinyl could do the same - if they wanted to do that. There is no need to buy any physical medium anymore.
  6. It depends. Let's say I am in a computer forum. And one of those half informed want to be specialist "explains" something completely wrong. I don't want to spend any time to explain it to the idiot. But I can still leave an emoticon which tells other readers that that comment is bad and should be ignored. That's just one example. I am also a little confused that some people seem to have some negative feelings when others add sad or confused icons to their posts. Just accept it. What's the problem? Is your self-confidence really so low that a couple of negative icons in an anonymous forum hurt you? Really? If anybody wants to add 10 or 20 negative icons on my posts, please feel free to do it. I couldn't care less.
  7. I see something similar riding motorcycle. Let's say I am behind a car and there is just no way to overtake it. So maybe I have 2m distance to the car. Then some idiot comes with his bike from the back and squeezes into that 2m "gap" in front of me. Obviously he also can't pass the car. If I see that happening, then I make sure there is no gap. Go to the back again!
  8. It seems some Thais do multitasking like that. And other Thais are used to it. Sometime when I go to my regular coffee shop and in front of me is someone who can't make up his mind which sandwich he should order, I use the same method. I tell them from the second row "a double espresso and a chocolate croissant". Then the people next to the cashier can prepare that already, and it's ready for me when I actually pay, after the person in front of me finally made up his mind. Obviously some farang who needs 5 min to select a sandwich doesn't like that, but that is his problem, not my problem. ;)
  9. Really? When I got a tourist visa at the Thai embassy in Phnom Penh I had to show a flight out of Thailand. Otherwise I wouldn't have gotten that tourist visa. For a Non-B visa that was not necessary. That happened in middle of 2023.
  10. I leave it empty. Nobody ever complained. That also reminds me of your earlier question, I think it was about a permanent address in that country. Maybe you can just write: non. Years ago we had here thread about covid certificates. It seems one of those certificates required some kind of number from the doctor who provided that certificate. One member here searched long and hard to find a doctor with such a number. Later when he was in the embassy and told them about his problem they just replied that the number was not necessary. He could have left that field blank. So whatever they ask, maybe you don't need to provide that information.
  11. I have the right setup. All digital until the speaker chassis. Perfect sound - at least as perfect as I am willing to invest.
  12. That's the theory. I.e. did you ever try to argue with a MAGA fan about the orange one? That's just one example of mission impossible.
  13. Why? Does it never happen to you that you listen to someone or read something and you disagree completely? And you know that it would be useless to say or write to that person to change their mind. Then it's easy to just click on sad or maybe confused to show to others that what was written is incorrect. I.e. with some people and some politicians. People just don't want to listen to facts. There is no point in even trying to explain things to them.
  14. So what should I click if the message has 3 sentences and I understand one of them and the other two are confusing? ;)
  15. I use the confuse icon when mentally challenged members ask confusing questions or make confusing remarks. And then there of course all the people who just repeat what they saw somewhere but they didn't understand it. Last but not least, if I want to communicate with intellectuals, then I wouldn't post in this forum. So, if you think that you are so much smarter than all the others, then maybe ask yourself why you post in a forum with all those people who are not as smart as you. Maybe you should try a Mensa member forum or something like that. But maybe they won't let you in.
  16. The obvious part for our politicians is obviously that it is a multi-billion-dollar project. Any such project will find lots of politicians who want it, all those hundreds of millions on "commissions". It seems 30% "commission" is usual in Thailand. Which politicians doesn't want to be rich. And obviously there are always some reasons why something is a good idea. I didn't follow this project, but I wonder if there are any people or companies who support this idea who will not financially profit from it? I.e. are there international shipping companies lobbying for this? Or are there lots of people who don't want it because they don't see that it makes sense, and they won't profit from it?
  17. In accidents or while being charged? I see all the time reports from burning EVs all over the world. Obviously seeing a couple of videos is not a statistic. But it seems in many cases those fires are a huge headache for everybody involved. If a car burns somewhere "unimportant", then that is no big deal. But let this happen in the parking area of a steel structure building, and that is a huge problem.
  18. Ok, the value of "old" vinyl records is a fact. But it seems now more new vinyl records are sold compared to CDs. Maybe those new records will have vintage value in 50 years, but definitely not now. It seems just one of those fads.
  19. Alleged? How many other prisoners get the same treatment? How many other prisoners ever had a similar treatment? I only remember one mafia boss in Chonburi who got special treatment when he was very sick.
  20. I wonder how long it will take before there are enough EV fires in inconvenient locations to makes this trend stop. Like some burning EVs in difficult accessible parking areas deep in the ground or on a high floor or something like that. How many do we need before EVs will be banned from some parking spaces? I guess this trend will stop. The questions is how long it will take.
  21. Sorry, no, it's not the same. When you listen to music you normally don't look at the source of that music. Now I don't look at my computer to look where the music comes from. And when I was young and had a record player (and a tape deck) I didn't watch the record rotate to somehow make the experience of listening better. How many people would in a blind test think the vinyl sounds better? I don't ask how many will hear a difference because I remember hearing all the impurities of slightly damaged or dirty records. So, what's left is the experience to take the record out, look at it, put it on the record player and watch it rotate. Yeah, what an experience...
  22. One of those statistics. Personally I don't see the point. I know that some audiophiles are sure the sound of those things is different than digital music. But who has the equipment to be able to hear the difference? A couple of speakers for a few hundred USD won't be good enough to hear any difference. So if people want to collect them and never listen to them, ok, do that, if it makes you happy. But to play those records, what kind of stereo do you have?
  23. Some steps are obvious. But are our politicians willing to do something which will upset their voters and supporters?
  24. That is an interesting question and maybe it will be possible soon - kind of. I saw and interview about AI, I think it was with Sam Altman. He predicted for the near future (I guess worst case a few years) that there will be AI trained on specific people or even books. So you could chat with Albert Einstein or Newton, and I guess possibly also talk with them - AI generated. Another development will be to basically talk with a book. Instead of reading a book you could talk to AI which knows one or many books in details and the AI can use the knowledge and produce a conversation out of that. Personally, I don't have a historic favorite to talk to. I.e. if I would be able to talk with Albert Einstein, what would be talk about? I don't have even 1% of his knowledge and I don't want that he would think: How can I explain that to this uneducated guy...
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