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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Yes, I understand what the trial is about. But I still think it is crazy that a in a case like that, without any evidence that he even met that woman in that store, he has to pay when he basically tells everybody he didn't do it. As far as I know even convicted murderer in jail are allowed to say they are innocent, they didn't do it. But it seems if Trump tells people he didn't do it (ok, he does it the Trump way), then he has to pay. I think that is strange. And this is why I asked if, according the members' knowledge, this is only something which can happen like that in the USA or also in other countries.
  2. Electrolux replied that they don't have a 3m hose and they can't recommend anybody. I want a quality hose, but I have no idea about brand names for these kinds of products. This is the hose on the machine: I found something on Lazada which doesn't look too bad, but it's only 1.5m and I need 3m. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/2-15m-i4175056729.html I didn't find anything on the HomePro site. Does anybody here know a brand name product available online or offline in Bangkok?
  3. Really? I don't like the typical comments like Trump all bad, or Trump all good. I think he acted often like someone who is mentally ill, but he concentrated on the USA, and he didn't start a war. And it seems he is not interested in starting another war, and possibly he will stop support for Ukraine if he will be elected. I think we should be fair and acknowledge this. I wonder how many Americans know how much money their nation spends for war and military all over the word. Is that the best way to use the not existing money? Or would it be better to use that money for the benefits of Americans in the USA?
  4. I hope he goes to jail. And I hope that happens for a valid reason like insurgency, corruption, or something like that. And not because a woman claims, without any evidence, that he raped her almost 30 years ago.
  5. I am definitely no fan of Trump, but sometimes the American justice system seems to be just crazy. As far as I know there is no proof that he even met her in that department store. And certainly no proof that he touched her. Let's assume for a moment he met her in that department store about 30 years ago. And according to her she agreed to go with him into a cubicle where she would wear some sexy clothes so that he can join her in that cubicle and look at her. Which woman, who is not interested in sex with a guy, would do that? So, if she did it, what did she expect? As far as you know could this trial and the huge payment happen anywhere else except in the USA? I think it's just crazy.
  6. In the hindsight that is where I should have installed that valve. But somehow, I thought it's best to have it right behind the washing machine. I will remember that for my next renovation - which will hopefully never happen.
  7. Interesting. I didn't know something like that exists. Here is the direct URL from your post. Does anybody know if and where something like that is available in Thailand (in good quality)? Reliance Floodguard Hose Burst Shut Off Valve 20mm (3/4") Chrome - FG501 (plumbingplustrade.co.nz)
  8. Thanks for all additional replies. I decided I will replace the existing hose with a 3m hose, and I will connect that under my sink where I have a spare valve. Then I can shut that after each washing or whenever I feel like it. I looked at the hose which came with my Electrolux washing machine. It is rated 15 bar and seems to be sturdy. I just contacted Electrolux if they have a replacement hose same quality with 3m length. Let's see.
  9. Thanks for all your comments. I will have a second look how easy it is for me to use a valve which is maybe 2m away. And I am pretty sure I will buy a water leakage sensor or two. I have home automation and I will buy water leakage sensors which I can integrate. Then I can configure this so it will send an alarm to me if there is any leakage. If there is a leakage and I am at home, then I know where the water valves are. And worst case, if nobody is at home, then I can call the building management and they can close the main valve to my unit. Obviously, it's better to prevent any possible leak but such sensors might be a good idea and they are cheap compared to possible damage.
  10. I think it is obvious what I am worrying about: A flooded kitchen/condominium. That is obviously something that I don't want. I am pretty sure any water pipes in the walls will not suddenly burst, worst case they will start to leak one day. If washing machine hoses never burst, then fine, then I don't have to worry. But I am sure some people will close the valve to the machine after every use. And maybe some people do that because they had a bad experience. This is why I ask. And I think worrying a little about a problem which could possibly happen is not really a problem. But maybe I don't have to worry because that just never happens...
  11. In my newly renovated condominium, I have a water outlet behind the washing machine. This is in the kitchen between cabinets. I put it there because I thought that would be the logical position. Connect the machine and fine. But now I have second thoughts, because if I do that then I will have to have the water valve (behind the washing machine) open all the time. I wonder how high the risk is, that one day, maybe long time in the future, the water hose might burst and then there will be flooding - without a drain anywhere nearby. Did anybody of you have a big water leak with such a hose? If there is only a small leak, then I guess I will notice it, maybe the floor is a little wet, and then I can fix it. My concern is the probability of suddenly a major leak. I can't move the washing machine in and out after each use to close the valve. What I could possibly do, is to extend the water inlet hose by a meter or so and connect that to a water outlet under the kitchen sink. That is a valve which I can easily access, and I could close it after using the washing machine and/or if I am away for some time. How about you? Is your washing machine water hose always under pressure? Did you ever have any problems with that?
  12. Do you want a reliable computer? Then I would only use brand name parts. If you use a PC for facebook, or watching videos, or anything else where you don't care if the computer crashes or malfunctions, then you can use anything. But what would be the point? Saving 50B or what?
  13. It is easy that you can use LAN and WLAN at the same time. It is not a good idea to have a computer with LAN and WLAN connected at the same time. That only confuses the apps (and the user). As mentioned above you should use i.e. a router from an internet provider which has LAN and WLAN. They are normally all on the same network. Any device on the LAN can see any device on the WLAN and the other way around. If you don't want to use an existing router, then buy an Wireless Access Point (WLAN AP). That has a LAN port and provides wireless. Repeat: Using multiple LAN and or WLAN ports on one PC is technically possible. But is has to be configured correctly and that is something most people won't know.
  14. I don't have a clear answer but a recommendation. When I bought tiles for my condominium renovation I wanted anti slip tiles everywhere, to be sure if I have wet feet or spill anything that there is never the risk of slipping. I visited Boonthavorn and looked around what I like. And then I bought one box of a tile which I liked, put it in my bathroom, let water flow over it, and then I looked how slippery it is. And then I tried the same with soap water. For me my first choice was just fine. If not, I would have tried another one until I find what I want. That's how I made sure I don't slip and the tiles, with structure, feel comfortable under my feet. The tiles which I bought have officially no R rating. I have no idea what R category they would be. Cleaning is for sure more difficult than slippery tiles, but for me personally anti-slip was more important than cleaning.
  15. I am sure there are companies which own those tuk tuks and allow those campains. I saw many times 3 or 5 tuk tuks (or similar 3 wheel vehicles) with big signs driving along the road. Only signs, no passengers, just for the ads. As far as I am concerned that should be illegal.
  16. It seems many Thais don't even understand the concept of data privacy. I remember a marketing manager who put all emails she knew on a invitation list in facebook for a new club she was (marketing) in charge off. When I received the facebook mail I told her I don't want to have anything to do with facebook and she shouldn't do that. She just didn't understand why I complained.
  17. If I had the money, I would build the best Gogo bar in town and hire the best girls. Nobody mentioned if that business should be successful. ;) I am sure I will love it.
  18. Recently I needed a few pages translated from English to Thai. I used Google Lens, it took a few seconds. A Thai person proof read it and she was amazed how good it was. Later I used the same to translate Thai to English with a similar result. For ordinary translations, which don't have to be certified, computers do already a very good job. And I am sure professional translation services can use the same programs and then maybe just edit a few parts. With that technology they should be able to do at least 5 times as much as previously without hiring anybody else. So maybe your translation service is not the future.
  19. Next time you will probably write: That steak was horrible. I will never eat steak again. Yeah, sure. There are huge quality differences in food. That shouldn't really be a surprise to anyone.
  20. The Thai police ill inform your embassy. And they will inform your relatives. Nobody will even ask for a last will and testament.
  21. Just buy from a reputable computer shop offline or online. Problem solved.
  22. Imagine you have to go "home" and you know already you will be cannon fodder on the frontline.
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