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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And if you have a license then you can download it again from MS for free.
  2. Sorry, no. Lots of original Windows installations don't have a hidden partition and installation files. A connection to the internet is all you need to get the newest version, officially.
  3. It's built in Windows: Reset this PC Another option is that you download original Windows from Microsoft. If your PC was licensed before, then it will automatically be licensed after your new installation.
  4. Thanks, ordered. Lazada tells me I will receive it on the 20th July. Let's see. Thanks for everybody's help. I appreciate it.
  5. Thanks! Now if I would be able to but something similar locally that would be even better.
  6. There will always be a risk - like maybe Putin invades the country. But there is nothing without risk. If the climate would be soooooo important then lots of relative clean nuclear power plants would help a lot. And the funny thing in Germany is: They have the nuclear power plants already. They work. But politicians decided they want clean energy with no risk, and they switched them off, at high cost. And now they use (in part) coal power plants. What a bad joke!
  7. What would such a plan B be? Some of us get a monthly pension until we die. Ok, that will last until we die. And some of us don't have that. So they take whatever money they have and think about how long it will last. And that depends of course on how much we spend. I could try to live from 10 THB a month. I know it's possible, lots of Thais do it. I have to calculate it but I guess then I should be able to finance my life until I a over 100 years old. Or I sped 100k per month, enjoy life, and it won't last that long. Or something in between. I guess we all have to make an estimate how long we possible will live or want to live. I guess worst case I could go back to my home country when I run out of money. I guess they will still feed me. But that is not exactly what I want.
  8. Yesterday I saw this thing in a short video. I never saw something like this before. With some google image search I found the name Cable Dispenser. But when I search for that i.e. on Lazada I don't find anything. Does anyone know if devices like that are sold in Thailand? How do they call them in Thai or English? It seems they make it easy to roll cable from a roll.
  9. You can't or you don't want to? Noodle soup? BBQ meat? There is lots of delicious food out there.
  10. From my current point of view I don't think I want to be older than max 80. It seems for most guys (in Thailand?) they lose their brain capacity with 70 or maybe 75. I don't really see the point of getting old only to get older. Will I enjoy anything with 80 which I didn't enjoy more at earlier age? I don't think so.
  11. That is a good question. I have some money for the time when I won't be able to work anymore. But for how long? Good question. I like my work with computers, so I don't really care about retirement. And then there is the question if I want to survive until I am 90 or have a good life until I am 70 or 75. I don't really have an answer.
  12. I have difficulties finding the fun part in such activity. If I want cheap then I wouldn't go in a bar.
  13. If I have more then I spend more. If I don't have much money to spend then I don't spend it. I think there are lots of opportunities to spend money. The 50B street food or the 1500B buffet? Maybe add a bottle of wine? I can live cheap if I want to. Mostly I don't want to do that.
  14. Isn't TikTok also hosting videos about lots of stupid challenges? It seems lots of people want a Darwin Award.
  15. Why would you argue about such things with a mama-san? Tell her what kind of girl you want. That's the only thing she needs to know.
  16. Two possible reasons come to my mind: If the shop has to pay for the devices which they have in stock, then they have some risk and that risk costs money. I guess that some people, maybe many, want to pay monthly rates. Maybe the advertised prices are based on that. And maybe if you tell them you pay cash you will get a good discount - maybe.
  17. I agree that we all pick who we believe. I saw interviews with Bjørn Lomborg and many other people. He is no climate specialist, and he doesn't claim to be one. He analyses data and he analyses how much money is spent for what with which results. I think a lot of what he talks about makes a lot of sense. Just one example of those climate radicals: Germany shut down all their nuclear power plants and now they use also coal power plants. Does that make any sense when protecting the climate is the big goal? No! And Germany is obviously not alone with such stupid decisions.
  18. I remember one interview with Bjørn Lomborg when he tells a story about horse carriages in NYC about hundred years ago. It seems at that time they had so many horse carriages and so much manure on the streets that they thought about the problems for the future. How will this be with double the amount of horse carriages and double the amount of manure? And then more. The "answer" was of course the development of technology. Now they don't have a manure problem anymore. They have other problems. Personally, I am sure the world will change - with or without climate change. And many changes will be so big changes that nobody foresees them. Who saw "the internet" coming and the way it developed? Who expected smart phones with cameras and GPS and free video calls all over the world in everybody's pocket? There will be many changes with many consequences. Climate change might be part of that. But I would be surprised if it would be the biggest part.
  19. Do you think more people will migrate because it is one degree warmer? Or because of wars, better opportunities in other countries, etc. I am sure I won't move out of Thailand back to Europe because it is warmer here.
  20. I guess one needs to see a few of his videos before we get the taste. I saw by now maybe 20 or more of his 2-to-4-hour videos. Mostly I watched them up to the last minute and I liked them. He has a talent to talk to all kinds of people. I.e. I think Kanye West is crazy (best case), but I still watched Lex Friedman interviewing him.
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