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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Improve for a week or what? In the last years it was bad for months! Better get an air purifier now if you don't have one already.
  2. There are lots of shops in Bangkok. If you want quality then the little transport cost shouldn't be an issue.
  3. Probably a month after your burial someone will say: That old fool was ringing the bell even after he died as if he didn't do enough of that when he was alive. He did it for a week of two but finally it is quiet again. ????
  4. In my experience it is often difficult to get answer to unusual questions anywhere in this world. In other countries we might get the honest answer: I don't know, let me find out. But in Thailand it seems most people would never admit that they don't know everything. Instead of saying they don't know they give an answer, any answer, to avoid saying: I don't know. I am sure it won't happen often that foreigners ask those questions about retirement in Thailand very often. So it's unlikely that the officials know all the answers on the spot. I guess if I would wanted to know I would ask a Thai person who is used to talking with officials to ask those questions. And maybe it's best to ask in writing so that the receivers have time to look up an answer before they actually answer. Good luck!
  5. Next question: Why are people religious. It doesn't make sense but there are many many of them...
  6. This "answer" brings up the right questions. I.e. I use a VPN to connect my my office. I only download a few files and I don't care if it would take a minute or two longer. Maybe you want to use a VPN to download huge amounts of data and/or streaming video or gaming. That is also VPN but a completely different scenario and requirement from the first example.
  7. I really mean that the workers like to get paid. And they only get paid if they "finish" the work. From the point of the workers that makes sense. From the point of anybody else it does not make sense.
  8. Why do you pretend you know what I really mean to say? I wrote what I wrote because I mean it. And I wrote I understand why the did it. I didn't write that it is the way it should be done because it isn't.
  9. Sounds like the beginning of Private Dancer, this time in Phuket. Someone should find Joy and asked her what happened next.
  10. That reminds me of this wonderful insight: A woman marries a guy and hopes she will change him. But he won't change. A guy marries a girls and hopes she won't change. But she does. Sorry, I don't know who said that first.
  11. I understand that. But I am not one of those workers who needs their job and payment everyday. Imagine you would be a worker and you would want to take your salary home. And imagine there is something that prevents you from doing your job properly. You could wait maybe two months and don't work in that time and don't get paid in that time. Or you use your imagination and "finish" the job and work and get paid. What would you do? Obviously what they did is not the way it should be. And I am pretty sure they thought about not continuing with their work. And then they probably thought about not getting paid. And they they had this idea how they could continue and get paid. I understand why they did what they did.
  12. Did you read the article? It's a temporary solution before those lines are redirected.
  13. I think they did a great job and congratulations for thinking outside of the box. And I mean it. Because think about what would have happened if they would not have finished the job. I guess then the contractor would not get paid for building that stairway and the workers would probably be out of work and also not get paid. And if the cable guys had to wait for next years budget then what should have happened? What they did is win/win. Not perfect and obviously it has to be improved. But I wish more people would think out of the box like these guys.
  14. Looks like Cape Canaveral. No wonder you can't see it clearly. ????
  15. I only trust experts who are known to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
  16. It seems by now facebook is main stream media - at least for a lot of people. I agree that they seldom provide objective facts.
  17. If you are really interested to communicate with those guys, why don't you join some forums (or whatever they have over there) from those Ivy League places? You are in a Thai forum, or more precise the Farang Pub, which is supposed to be for: fun, entertainment and Expat life. If you would share picture of hot Thai university girls from the Ivy League then maybe it would fit here. But otherwise...
  18. In another thread: Why does it seem that so many people here are working class? - Farang Pub - fun, entertainment and Expat life - ASEAN NOW - News, Travel & Forum
  19. Maybe because Hillary is not one bar. There are many Hillary 1 2 3 4 11 (sorry I am not up to date with them).
  20. I asked Lisa if she would like to join me in my apartment. Then she had to cancel the NY party. Sorry guys, maybe next time. ???? P.S.: Andrea will maybe sing a couple of songs for us.
  21. Imagine she would have left you to be together with a poor guy. ????
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